Digital Sales Report Message Suite and Claim Detail Message Suite standard implementation seminar

21st April 2023: 09:00—16:00 BST

Offices of Meta Platforms Inc. at 10 Brock Street, London, NW1 3FG, UK


1  Welcome & Logistics09:00 – 09:15

Welcome, introductions and roll call.

2  Introduction to DDEX 09:15 – 10:15

DDEX standards have been designed to be used to communicate data in the context of a wide range of business transactions right across the digital music value chain.
This session will introduce attendees to how DDEX is set up and managed and how it creates its standards. There will also be an explanation of the various standards DDEX has published, what types of companies would normally exchange messages using these standards, and the nature of the data communicated by each standard.
Speaker: Mark Isherwood (DDEX Secretariat)

3 Introduction to Claim Detail Message Suite (CDM)10:15 – 11:15

For many years, musical work licensors were using a common format call Claim Confirmation & Invoice Details (CCID) or proprietary formats to make claims for their works.
Although CCID was widely used, it was felt within the industry that there would be benefits in DDEX developing a claim message suite, particularly as, through DDEX, its development would have more digital service provider input. CDM was first published in 2020.
This session will introduce the concepts that underpin the structure and functionality of the CDM standard, and showcase some of its specific benefits.
Speaker: Niels Rump (DDEX Secretariat)

   Break  11:15 – 11:45

4  CDM implementation experiences11:45 – 12:15

The CDM standard was published in 2020. Over the last year or so a number of companies have started the process of implementing CDM or at least parts of it, into their systems. Although these efforts are yet to go live, lessons have already been learnt about the benefits of implementing CDM as well as some potential pitfalls that implementers need to be aware of.
During this session, members companies of DDEX will provide explanations of why migration to CDM is important to them and provide early indications of any implementation challenges and how these were resolved.
DDEX member speakers from Apple Inc. and ICE Services

5  Implementation Q&A12:15 – 12:45

This session will provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions of the speakers from session 4.

   Lunch  12:45 – 13:30

6  Introduction to Digital Sales Report Message Suite (DSR)13:30 – 14:30

A DDEX DSR standard has been available since the late 2000s. In those days it was specified essentially for a download only market and was formatted in XML. Once streaming and other business models started to emerge, it became clear that the hierarchical structure implicit in the XML format involved significant data repetition and resulted in bloated messages.
As a result DDEX specified the first structured flat file version of the DSR standard in 2011. This has developed over the years with the introduction of more profiles designed for specific business requirements. The standard has also developed to meet the ever developing requirements of the music market. Also, to meet the requirements of organisations who do not have extensive IT expertise, simpler profile versions of some of the profiles have been created.
This session will introduce the concepts that underpin the structure and functionality of the DSR standard, and showcase some of its specific benefits.
Speaker: Niels Rump

7  DSR implementation experiences14:30 – 15:15

The DSR standard has been widely implemented across the world, although it is fair to say the main concentration of implementations is in Europe. However, there is now a wealth of experience around the implementation of the DSR standard.
During this session, members companies of DDEX will provide explanations of why migration to DSR is important to them and provide early indications of any implementation challenges and how these were resolved.
DDEX member speakers from ICE Services, BMAT, Spotify and SACEM

8  Implementation Q & A and general discussion15:15 – 16:00

This is an opportunity for attendees to discuss the white paper and other issues raised during the rest of the seminar.

   End of Seminar

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