DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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TakeDown     MT     A MessageActionType that contains a delivery of a take-down notice for a Release. This Message should be processed with high priority. A Flag indicating whether all Releases referred to are to be taken down. This includes that all Deals for these Releases are cancelled and that no information about the Releases should be displayed to the public any more (=True) or not (=False).
TakeDownOrder     MT     An OrderType for a take-down of a specific Release that should be processed expeditioulsy.
Tariff An agreed set of charges. Note, Tariffs are often published.
ddexC:TariffReference     MT     A Composite containing details of a Reference to a TextDocument containing details of a Tariff.
TariffReference A Reference to a TextDocument containing details of a Tariff (in the form of an Identifier, Name or Description).
TariffSubReference     MT     A Reference (subsidiary to a TariffReference) to a TextDocument containing more specific details of a Tariff (in the form of an Identifier, Name or Description).
ddexC:Tax     MT     A Composite containing details of a Tax.
Tax An Amount of tax.
ddexC:TaxRate     MT     A Composite containing details of a TaxRate.
TaxRate     MT     A percentage of an Amount deducted for tax.
ddexC:TaxScope     MT     A Composite containing details of a TaxScope.
TaxScope     MT     A Type of Tax according to its scope.
ddexC:TaxType     MT     A Composite containing details of a TaxType.
TaxType     MT     A Type of Tax.
ernm:TechnicalImageDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Image.
erns:TechnicalImageDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Image.
ddexC:TechnicalInstantiation     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Release.
ernm:TechnicalMidiDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a MIDI.
erns:TechnicalMidiDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a MIDI.
TechnicalResourceDetailsReference     MT     An Identifier of a Composite specifying technical details of a Resource which is specific to a DdexMessage.
ernm:TechnicalSheetMusicDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a SheetMusic.
erns:TechnicalSheetMusicDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a SheetMusic.
ernm:TechnicalSoftwareDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Software.
erns:TechnicalSoftwareDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Software.
ernm:TechnicalSoundRecordingDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a SoundRecording.
erns:TechnicalSoundRecordingDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a SoundRecording.
ernm:TechnicalTextDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Text.
erns:TechnicalTextDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Text.
ernm:TechnicalUserDefinedResourceDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a UserDefinedResource.
ernm:TechnicalVideoDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Video.
erns:TechnicalVideoDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Video.
TELA     MT     The Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority of Hong-Kong.
Telecom A Medium for telecommunication.
TermSet A Set of terms.
Territory A large PoliticalPlace.
ddexC:TerritoryCode     MT     A code representing a Territory. This includes ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes plus a code for Worldwide.
TerritoryCode An Identifier of a Territory.
iso3166a2:TerritoryCode     MT     An ISO 3166-1 two-letter code representing a Territory.
TestMessage     MT     A Message containing data which is expected to be used for testing purposes.
ddexC:Text     MT     A Composite containing details of a Text.
Text     MT     A written Manifestation. Examples: the Lyrics of a MusicalWork or the Text of an interview.
dsrm:Text     MT     A Composite containing details of a Text.
dsrs:Text     MT     A Composite containing details of a Text.
ernm:Text     MT     A Composite containing details of a Text.
erns:Text     MT     A Composite containing details of a Text.
mwlm:Text     MT     A Composite containing details of a Text.
TextCodec An algorithm to compress and uncompress a textual Resource for storage and/or transmission.
ddexC:TextCodecType     MT     A Composite containing details of a TextCodecType.
TextCodecType     MT     A Type of TextCodec.
ddexC:TextDetailsByTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Text which may vary according to Territory of release.
ernm:TextDetailsByTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Text which may vary according to Territory of release.
erns:TextDetailsByTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Text which may vary according to Territory of release.
TextDocument     MT     A written Text intended to communicate or store collections of data.
ddexC:TextId     MT     A Composite containing details of Identifiers of a Text.
ddexC:TextType     MT     A Composite containing details of a TextType.
TextType     MT     A Type of Text.
TheaterProductionWork     MT     A ddexC_Work specifically created for use in a theatrical production.
Theme     MT     A piece of music associated by design and often by the public, to a containing Resource, Collection or Release, often written specifically for that Resource, Collection or Release.
ThemeType     MT     A Type of Theme.
Thing An Entity in a Context playing a role other than that of Time or Place.
ThingDescriptor A Descriptor of a Thing.
ThingSet A Set of Things.
ThirdPartyInformationRequested     MT     A LicensingProcessStatus in which information has been requested from a third Party.
ThresholdPeriod A Period which acts a threshold.
TicketId     MT     An Identifier of a ticket.
TIFF     MT     Tagged Image File Format as specified by Adobe.
Time A point or portion of linear time.
TimeComposite A Type of Composite containing details of one or more Times.
TimeFrame     MT     A Date by which the an action should have taken place.
TimeId An Identifier of a Time.
TimeInfluencedStream     MT     To Stream where the only interactivity provided allows the Consumer to start, stop, pause, fast forward and rewind the Stream.
TimePointId An Identifier of a point in Time.
ddexC:Title     MT     A Composite containing details of a Title.
Title     MT     A Name of a Creation.
TitleAsPart     MT     A Title of a Creation as Part of another Creation.
ddexC:TitleText     MT     A Composite containing details of a TitleText.
TitleText The textual portion of a Title.
TitleTheme     MT     A Theme used during the display of title of the containing Resource, Collection or Release.
TitleType     MT     A Type of Title which defines its origin, form or the function it fulfils in relation to a Creation. Note: A Title may fulfil more than one role. Example: "Help" may be both the OriginalTitle and the DisplayTitle for the well-known Beatles song.
TitleWithoutPunctuation     MT     A Title from which all initial articles and punctuation have been removed.
Tool A Thing that is used in doing something to an Entity without becoming a part of it.
TopLeftCorner     MT     The position of an object measured from the top left corner of a reference object.
Total A calculated Quantity.
TotalAmountPayableInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A calculated Total of AmountPayables, measured in the Currency in which they have been accounted.
ddexC:TotalRoyaltyAmount     MT     A Composite containing details of a total RoyaltyAmount.
dsrm:TotalRoyaltyAmount     MT     A Composite containing details of a total RoyaltyAmount.
dsrm:TotalSalesByReleaseType     MT     A Composite containing details of total sales of Releases of a specific Type.
TotalWholesalePricePerUnit     MT     A calculated Total of WholesalePricePerUnits.
TotalWholesalePricePerUnitInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A TotalWholesalePricePerUnit measured in the Currency in which they have been accounted.
TouchableCreation A touchable Creation.
TouchableManifestation A touchable Manifestation.
TouchableThing A touchable Thing.
Track A distinct component of SoundCarrier or AudioVisualCarrier containing a Recording.
TrackId An Identifier of a Track.
TrackNumber     MT     A numeric TrackId.
TrackRelease     MT     A Release containing normally one SoundRecording.
TradingName A Name of a Party which is used in business activities.
Trailer An Advertisement for a Creation that is intended to become available in the future. A Trailer typically is a clip comprising individial scenes of the advertised Creation.
TrailerMusic     MT     A MusicalWorkSoundRecording used as a trailer.
TrailerVideo     MT     A Video created for specifically to promote another Video, embodying a MusicalWork.
TransactionalRevenue     MT     Revenue accruing directly from ReleaseTransactions.
TransactionId     MT     An Identifier of a SalesTransaction.
TranslatedTitle     MT     A translation into a different Language of the value contained in an OriginalTitle Element. Note: this is not the same as the OriginalTitle of a translation of a Creation, though the two will often be represented by the same text xs:string. Example: the TranslatedTitle of "Le Nozze di Figaro" is "The Marriage Of Figaro".
Translator     MT     A Party that translates Lyrics and/or Text from one Language into another. This is also known as sub-Lyricist.
TrayImage     MT     An Image located behind the CD when packaged in a jewel case.
TrayImageRelease     MT     A Release containing an Image Resource that, in the physical equivalent Product, is a TrayImage.
TvProductionWork     MT     A ddexC_Work specifically created for use in a traditional television production.
Type A Class whose members are themselves Classes.
TypographicMismatch     MT     A Error that occurs when information received differs typographically from data locally held or previously communicated.
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