DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A supporting term for echo:ExtensionsMessage, dcho:InvoiceDeliveryMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimConfirmationMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimRequestMessage, erns:NewReleaseMessage, ernm:NewReleaseMessage, echo:ReleaseAvailabilityMessage, echo:ReleaseStatusInformationMessage, dcho:SalesReportDeliveryMessage, dsrs:SalesReportMessage, and dsrm:SalesReportToSocietyMessage.
A Class whose members are themselves Classes.
Synonyms(s) ClassType
Comments Type: Example
ImageType is a Type whose members include the Classes "Photograph" and "Logo".
  Type: Scope
A Type is a Class of Classes: that is, the instances of Types are themselves Classes. Types include all "allowed value" lists: for example, TitleType, ResourceType, amep:MessageType. Types are often formed from the children of a Term (for example, all the SubClasses of Title may form the instances of TitleType), but the grouping of Types may be based on any common attributes, or may be entirely arbitrary.
Parents Class A group of Entities sharing one or more common attributes.
Children amep:MessageTypeA Type of ddex_MEP Message.
 dcho:MessageTypeA Type of ddex_DCHO Message.
 AdministratingRecordCompanyRoleA role played by a Party responsible for administering Rights in a Resource or a Release.
 ArtistRoleA role of a principal Contributor in relation to a Performance or a Fixation.
 AudioCodecTypeA Type of AudioCodec.
 CarrierTypeA Type of Carrier used for a Fixation.
 CategoryTypeA Type of Category.
 CodingTypeA Type of coding used to encode a Resource.
 CollectionTypeA Type of Collection.
 CommercialModelTypeA Type of CommercialModel (e.g. SubscriptionModel and PayAsYouGoModel). The CommercialModelType indicates how a Consumer pays for a Service or Release.
 ContactPersonRoleA role played by a ContactPerson.
 ContextTypeA Type of Context.
 CreationTypeA Type of Creation.
 CueOriginA Type of Cue according to its origin.
 CueSheetTypeA Type of CueSheet.
 CueUseTypeA Type of use of a Cue.
 DataMismatchResponseTypeA Type of action that is a response to a Error.
 DataMismatchStatusA status of a Error.
 DataMismatchTypeA Type of Error.
 DealRelationshipTypeA Type of relationship between two Deals.
 DeductionRateTypeA Type of DeductionRate.
 DeliveryActionTypeA Type of action requested for deliveries.
 DescriptorSyntaxA Type of a Descriptor according to how it is defined syntactically.
 DescriptorTypeA Type of Descriptor.
 DistributionChannelTypeA Type of DistributionChannel used to disseminate a Service or Release to a Consumer.
 DrmEnforcementTypeA Type of DRM enforcement.
 DrmPlatformTypeA Type of DrmPlatform.
 DsrMessageTypeA Type of Message in the DSR DdexMessageSuite.
 ErnMessageTypeA Type of Message in the ERN DdexMessageSuite.
 ExpressionTypeA Type of expression indicating how it should be perceived.
 ExternallyLinkedResourceTypeA Type of Resource pointed to by an ExternalLink.
 FileStatusA status of a File in terms of its validity.
 HashSumAlgorithmTypeA Type of HashSumAlgorithm.
 ImageCodecTypeA Type of ImageCodec.
 ImageTypeA Type of Image.
 IndirectResourceContributorRoleA role of a Contributor in relation to a Resource in whose creation the Contributor is not directly involved.
 InvoiceAvailabilityStatusA status of the availability of a ddex_Invoice.
 LicenseContractPartyRoleA role played by a LicenseParty.
 LicenseLevelA Type of Resource or Place to which a License applies.
 LicenseOrClaimRefusalReasonA Type of reason for a refusing a License or Claim.
 LicenseStatusA legal status of a License for a Claim.
 LicensingProcessStatusAn operational status of a licensing process.
 MessageActionTypeA Type of action requested in a Message.
 MessageContentRevenueTypeA Type of revenue to which the content of the Message relates.
 MessageControlTypeA Type of Message according to its operational status.
 MessageTypeA Type of Message in a DDEX namespace.
 MidiTypeA Type of MIDI.
 MusicalWorkContributorRoleA role played by a Contributor in relation to a MusicalWork.
 MusicalWorkRightsClaimTypeA Type of RightsClaim related to a MusicalWork.
 MusicalWorkTypeA Type of MusicalWork.
 NewReleaseMessageStatusA status of a ernm:NewReleaseMessage.
 NonAvailabilityReasonA reason for something not being available.
 OperatingSystemTypeA Type of OperatingSystem.
 OrderTypeA Type of order.
 OutputTypeA Type of Output.
 ParentalWarningTypeA Type of Creation according to advice which it carries about the level of explicitness or offensiveness of its content.
 PartTypeA Type of a Part of a Resource.
 PercentageTypeA Type of PercentageRate.
 PriorityA Type of priority.
 ProductTypeA Type of Product.
 PurposeA Type of use that is the purpose of an action.
 ReasonTypeA Type of reason.
 RedeliveryReasonTypeA reason for a redelivery.
 ReferenceUnitA unit to which a Quantity refers.
 ReleaseAvailabilityStatusA status of the availability of a Release.
 ReleaseRelationshipTypeA Type of relationship between two Releases.
 ReleaseResourceTypeA Type of Resource in the context of a Release.
 ReleaseTypeA Type of Release according to its content, Duration and/or number of components. Note: a ReleaseType is the form in which a ReleaseCreator anticipates offering a Release to Consumers.
 ReportFormatA Type of ddex_Report according to its FileFormat.
 ReportTypeA Type of ddex_Report.
 RequestedActionTypeA Type of action requested.
 ResourceContributorRoleA role played by a Contributor in relation to a Fixation of an abstract Creation.
 ResourceTypeA Type of Resource.
 RightsControllerRoleA role of a RightsController.
 RightsCoverageA Type of Right which is covered.
 RoyaltyRateCalculationTypeA Type of RoyaltyRate according to the calculation method.
 RoyaltyRateTypeA Type of RoyaltyRate.
 SalesReportAvailabilityStatusA status of the availability of a ddex_SalesReport.
 SheetMusicCodecTypeA Type of SheetMusicCodec.
 SheetMusicTypeA Type of SheetMusic.
 SoftwareTypeA Type of Software.
 SoundProcessorTypeA Type of sound processor.
 SoundRecordingTypeA Type of SoundRecording.
 SupplyChainStatusA status of a Release in a supply chain.
 TaxScopeA Type of Tax according to its scope.
 TaxTypeA Type of Tax.
 TextCodecTypeA Type of TextCodec.
 TextTypeA Type of Text.
 ThemeTypeA Type of Theme.
 TitleTypeA Type of Title which defines its origin, form or the function it fulfils in relation to a Creation. Note: A Title may fulfil more than one role. Example: "Help" may be both the OriginalTitle and the DisplayTitle for the well-known Beatles song.
 UnitOfBitRateA UnitOfMeasure for a BitRate.
 UnitOfExtentA UnitOfMeasure for an Extent.
 UnitOfFrameRateA UnitOfMeasure for a FrameRate.
 UnitOfFrequencyA UnitOfMeasure for a frequency.
 UpdateIndicatorA Type of Message according to whether the Message contains original data or updates to previously sent data.
 UserDefinedResourceTypeA Type of Resource defined in a way which is UserDefined.
 UserInterfaceTypeA Type of physical interface by which a Consumer uses a Service or Release.
 UseTypeA Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer.
 ValueTypeA Type of RoyaltyRate.
 VideoCodecTypeA Type of VideoCodec.
 VideoDefinitionTypeA Type of resolution (or definition) in which a Video is provided.
 VideoTypeA Type of Video.
 VisualPerceptionTypeA Type of MusicalCreation according to how it is experienced in an ddex_AudioVisual Creation.
 VocalTypeA Type of a MusicalCreation according to the occurrence of vocals.
 WsMessageStatusA status of a WsMessage.
 dmm:MessageTypeA Type of Message in the DMM DdexMessageSuite.
 dsrf:MessageTypeA Type of Message in the DSR DdexMessageSuite, Simple Profile.
 dsrm:MessageTypeA Type of Message in the DSR DdexMessageSuite, Main Profile.
 dsrs:MessageTypeA Type of Message in the DSR DdexMessageSuite, Simple Profile.
 echo:MessageTypeA Type of ddex_ECHO Message.
 ernm:MessageTypeA Type of Message in the ERN DdexMessageSuite, Main Profile.
 erns:MessageTypeA Type of Message in the ERN DdexMessageSuite, Simple Profile.
 ftpx:MessageTypeA Type of FTPX Message.
 mwlm:MessageTypeA Type of Message in the MWL DdexMessageSuite, Main Profile.
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