DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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Wallpaper     MT     An Image intended as background on a portable device such as a mobile phone or computer.
WallpaperRelease     MT     A Release containing a Resource for use as a Wallpaper.
Webcast     MT     To Deliver a Resource over the Internet using streaming technology.
ddexC:WebPage     MT     A Composite containing details of a WebPage.
WebPage A File that contains a page accessible in the WWW.
Whole A Resource of which another Resource is a part.
WholesaleAmountTotal     MT     An Amount representing the total wholesale revenue.
WholesaleAmountTotalInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     An Amount representing the total wholesale revenue reported in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
WholesalePricePerUnit A wholesale Price for a single unit.
WindowsMediaDRM     MT     A DRM system developed by Microsoft Corp.
WMA     MT     Windows Media Audio as developed by Microsoft Corp.
WMV     MT     Windows Media Video as developed by Microsoft Corp.
Work A distinct, abstract Creation of the mind whose existence is revealed through one or more expressions (e.g., a Performance) or Fixations (e.g., a physical object or a digital File).
WorkDeletedFromRelease     MT     The Work was deleted from the Release.
WorkId An Identifier of a Work.
WorkInPublicDomain     MT     A Work is in the public domain in a requested Territory.
WorkLicensor A Licensor of a Work.
ddexC:WorkList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Works.
dsrs:WorkList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Works.
mwlm:WorkList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Works.
WorkNotUsed     MT     The Licensee indicates that the Work has not been used.
Worldwide A Place including all Territories on Earth.
echo:WsAcknowledgement     MT     A Composite used in various WsMessages. This XML composite has no independent meaning within the context of any DdexMessageSuite standard.
amep:WsAcknowledgementMessage     MT     A default response Message in the Automated Message Exchange Protocol Standard that is sent to acknowledge the receipt of a Web Service call. Note: the default message may be replaced by choreograpgy-specific acknowledgement Messages as defined in, for instance, the DDEX ERN Choreography Standard.
WsMessage A web service Message.
amep:WsMessageHeader     MT     A Composite placed at the beginning of each WsMessage providing information about the WsMessage such as MessageSender, MessageRecipient and a WsMessage creation time stamp.
WsMessageId     MT     "An &%ddex_Identifier of a &%ddex_WsMessage"
ddexC:WsMessageStatus     MT     A Composite containing details of a WsMessageStatus.
WsMessageStatus     MT     A status of a WsMessage.
echo:WsRequest     MT     A Composite used in various request WsMessages. This XML composite has no independent meaning within the context of any DdexMessageSuite standard.
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