DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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OffCycleRushOrder     MT     An OrderType in which the referenced Releases are new Releases. Their schedule is delayed, which makes it mandatory they have a higher priority than NewReleaseOrders.
OFLC     MT     The Office of Film and Literature Classification of Australia. The Office of Film and Literature Classification of New Zealand.
OFRB     MT     The Ontario Film Review Board of Canada.
OMA     MT     A DRM system standardized by the Open Mobile Alliance.
OnDemandStream     MT     To Stream a Release with full interactivity.
OnScreenMusic     MT     Music which is used in an on-screen Performance.
OpeningTheme     MT     A Theme used in the introduction of the containing Resource, Collection or Release.
OperatingSystem A Software application which is a Computer OperatingSystem.
ddexC:OperatingSystemType     MT     A Composite containing details of an OperatingSystemType.
OperatingSystemType     MT     A Type of OperatingSystem.
OpusNumber     MT     A ComposerCatalogNumber in the generic form of an opus number assigned to a MusicalWork, typically by the Composer.
Orchestra     MT     A large group of Parties performing a MusicalWork together, predominantly using musical instruments rather than voice. An Orchestra is typically led by a Conductor.
echo:OrderedReleaseInQueueRequestMessage     MT     A request Message in a OrderedReleasesInQueueRequestCall.
echo:OrderedReleaseInQueueResponseMessage     MT     A response Message in a OrderedReleasesInQueueRequestCall.
OrderedReleasesInQueueRequestCall     MT     A Communication in the ERN Choreography (ECHO) regarding information about selected Releases ordered for delivery.
OrderPlacedForReleaseDistributor     MT     A SupplyChainStatus indicating that an order for delivery has beeen placed with the ReleaseCreator.
ddexC:OrderType     MT     A Composite containing details of a OrderType.
OrderType     MT     A Type of order.
Organization A Party which is either a legal Person (but not a natural Person) and/or a Group and/or an Organization Set.
OriginalDigitalReleaseDate A Date on which a Resource was made first available for Usage in digital form.
OriginalLanguage A Language used in the original version of a Creation.
OriginalLyricsArrangement     MT     A MusicalWork based on another MusicalWork, in which the Lyrics are in their original form.
OriginalMessage     MT     A Message which contains data that has not previously been communicated to the MessageRecipient.
OriginalMusicAdaptation     MT     A MusicalWork based on another MusicalWork, in which the musical elements are in their original form.
OriginalMusicalWork     MT     A first, independently created MusicalWork.
OriginalPublisher     MT     A Party which has acquired, from a Creator, Rights in a Creation for a specified Territory and Period.
OriginalReleaseDate A Date on which a Resource was made first available for Usage.
OriginalResourceReleaseDate A Date on which a Resource was published/made available to the public for the first time in any form (either in analogue or digital form).
OriginalTitle     MT     A Title given to a Creation by its Creator(s), in its original Language. Note: A Creation may be given more than one OriginalTitle. Note: The OriginalTitle of a Creation X may be the ReferenceTitle of a Creation that X is based on. Example: the OriginalTitle of the MusicalWork "My Way" (written by Paul Anka) is "Comme d'habitude" (written by Claude François).
Other A Type of an Entity used when a sender of a DdexMessage wishes to indicate that the value is not one of the values within the allowed value set.
Output A Thing that is brought into existence by an Agent.
OutputType A Type of Output.
OverallBitRate A BitRate for audio and video data.
Owner A Thing that possesses another Thing (an Attribute).
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