DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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Game A Software for the interactive recreational activity involving one or more players.
GameConsole     MT     An interactive entertainment Computer or electronic device with the primary function to manipulate the video display signal of a display device (a television, monitor, etc.) to display a game.
Gbps     MT     GBit per second.
ddexC:Genre     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre.
Genre A genre or style (such as Musical, literary or audio-visual) with which a Creation is associated.
GenreText The textual portion of a Genre.
GHz     MT     GHertz.
GIF     MT     Grafics Interchange Format as specified by W3C.
GraphicArtist     MT     A Creator of a drawing.
GraphicDesigner     MT     A Designer of graphical elements.
GraphicImage A graphic (non-photographic) Image.
GraphicsProduct     MT     A Product that is predominantly comprised of Images.
GRid     MT     Global Release Identifier: An Identifier allocated to a Release.
Group A Set of two or more Persons.
GroupingTitle     MT     A Title given to a grouping of Creations. Example: "Stadium Arcadium" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers is a GroupingTitle for their Product because it contains two Products which are each separately named "Saturn" and "Mars".
ddexC:GuaranteedAmount     MT     A Composite containing details of a GuaranteedAmount.
GuaranteedAmount An Amount which is guaranteed,
GuaranteedUnitsReference An Identifier of a GuaranteedUnits Composite which is specific to a DdexMessage.
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