DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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Karaoke     MT     A Video for Karaoke applications, typically for singing along to.
KaraokeMachine     MT     A device for Karaoke applications.
KaraokeRelease     MT     A Release typically for use in Karaoke applications.
kbps     MT     kBit per second.
KeyName A NamePart of a PartyName normally used for indexing in an alphabetical list.
ddexC:Keywords     MT     A Composite containing details of a Description containing Keywords.
Keywords A Description consisting of a list of characteristic words.
kHz     MT     kHertz.
Kiosk     MT     A device in a fixed physical location for vending Resources chosen by an individual Consumer usually upon payment onto a physical Carrier.
KMRB     MT     The Korea Media Rating Board of the Republic of Korea.
KR     MT     The Kvikmyndaeftirlit Ríkisins of Iceland.
KRRIT     MT     The Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizj of Poland.
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