DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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EAN A European Article Number as defined and maintained by GS1.
EBook     MT     A digital equivalent of a conventionally printed book.
EBookRelease     MT     A Release typically for use as an EBook.
EffectiveDate     MT     A Date on which a Deal becomes effective.
EffectiveUnitRoyaltyRateNet     MT     A RoyaltyRate which applies after all calculations and deductions have been applied.
Eirin     MT     Eirin of Japan.
Element A Part of a Composite.
EmailAddress An Address of an email account.
EndDate     MT     A Date identifying an end Time.
Ensemble     MT     A group of two or more Parties performing a MusicalWork together. Note: An Ensemble may be of any size or any grouping of Performers from a vocal duo to a full orchestra.
Entity Something that may be represented by a Name.
Episode     MT     A Part of a Series made available at a specific point in time. It may be that a Season or Series is not yet complete when an Episode is made available. Episodes include "pilots".
ERNM The Electronic Release Notification Message Suite, Main Profile, a DdexMessageSuite.
ErnMessageType     MT     A Type of Message in the ERN DdexMessageSuite.
ERNS The Electronic Release Notification Message Suite, Simple Profile, a DdexMessageSuite.
Error An Event in which something goes wrong in processing due to data problems.
EssentialPart     MT     An essential Part of a Resource, e.g. a Creation that is an essential part of a scene in the containing Resource, Collection or Release.
Event A Context in which there is some acknowledged change in the attributes of any Entity.
ddexC:EventDate     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
EventDate A Date of an Event.
EventDescription A Description of an Event.
EventId An Identifier of an Event.
EventName A Name of an Event.
EventType A Type of Event.
Excel2000     MT     Excel 2000 as defined by Microsoft.
Excel2007     MT     Excel 2007 as defined by Microsoft.
Excel2010     MT     Excel 2010 as defined by Microsoft.
ExcludedTerritory A Territory that is excluded from a list or set of Territories.
ExcludedTerritoryCode An Identifier identifying a Territory which is excluded from a Set of Territories.
Explicit     MT     A ParentalWarningType of a Creation which contains sexual, violent or other explicit material.
ExplicitContentEdited     MT     A ParentalWarningType of a Creation in which sexual or other explicit material has been edited.
ExporterName A Name of a Party that exports a Resource.
ExportManufacturerName A Name of a Party that is a manufacturer of an exported Resource.
ExportTerritory A Territory from which a Resource is exported.
ExpressionType     MT     A Type of expression indicating how it should be perceived.
ExpressOrder     MT     An OrderType in which the referenced Releases should be procesed expeditioulsy.
echo:ExtensionsMessage     MT     This message contains all Composites that are Messages that are extensions of other Messages.Note: This XML composite was created solely for internal processing and has no independent meaning within the context of any DDEX Message Suite Standard.
ddexC:Extent     MT     A Composite containing an Extent and a UnitOfMeasure.
Extent A Quantity of one-dimensional space.
ExternalLink     MT     An Identifier which provides a communication link to a Creation.
dmm:ExternalLocation     MT     A Composite containing details of a location of a data element outside of a DdexMessage.
ddexC:ExternalLocationDescriptor     MT     A Composite containing details of an ExternalLocationDescriptor.
ExternalLocationDescriptor A Descriptor of a location of a data element that is external to a DdexMessage.
ddexC:ExternallyLinkedResourceType     MT     A Composite containing details of an ExternallyLinkedResourceType.
ExternallyLinkedResourceType     MT     A Type of Resource pointed to by an ExternalLink.
ddexC:ExternalResourceLink     MT     A Composite containing details of promotional or other material in digital form related to a Release.
erns:ExternalResourceLink     MT     A Composite containing details of promotional or other material in digital form related to a Release.
Extract     MT     A Fragment of a Resource.
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