DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for dcho:InvoiceDeliveryMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimConfirmationMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimMessage, and mwlm:LicenseOrClaimRequestMessage.
A Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
Component Structure
Has Same Components As ddexC:SoundRecording
Components Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type
  LanguageAndScriptCode The Language and script for the Elements of the ddexC:SoundRecording as defined in IETF RfC 4646. The default is the same as indicated for the containing composite. Language and Script are provided as lang[-scipt][-region][-variant]. This is represented in an XML schema as an XML Attribute. 0-1 String (xs:string)
  IsUpdated The Flag indicating whether the mwlm:SoundRecording Element was updated (=True) or not (=False). The Flag may only be used when the UpdateIndicator is set to UpdateMessage. When this Boolean Flag is set to true, the MessageRecipient is expected to replace any previously provided mwlm:SoundRecording data with the now provided data. 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
  XmlSequence 1
    SoundRecordingType A Composite containing details of the Type of the ddexC:SoundRecording. 0-1 ddexC:SoundRecordingType
    IsArtistRelated The Flag indicating whether the ddexC:SoundRecording is related to an Artist (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    SoundRecordingId A Composite containing details of SoundRecordingIds. 1-n ddexC:SoundRecordingId
    IndirectSoundRecordingId A Composite containing details of a MusicalWorkId of a MusicalWork used in the ddexC:SoundRecording. 0-n ddexC:MusicalWorkId
    ResourceReference The Identifier (specific to the Message) of the ddexC:SoundRecording within the Release which contains it. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter A. 1 LocalResourceAnchor (xs:ID)
    ReferenceTitle A Composite containing details of the ReferenceTitle of the ddexC:SoundRecording. 1 ddexC:ReferenceTitle
    InstrumentationDescription A Composite containing a Description of the Type of instrumentation of the MusicalWork(s) in the ddexC:SoundRecording. 0-1 ddexC:Description
    IsMedley The Flag indicating whether the ddexC:SoundRecording is a Medley (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsPotpourri The Flag indicating whether the ddexC:SoundRecording is a Potpourri (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsInstrumental The Flag indicating whether the ddexC:SoundRecording is instrumental (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsBackground The Flag indicating whether the ddexC:SoundRecording is used as background to other audio or audiovisual material (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsHiddenResource The Flag indicating whether the ddexC:SoundRecording is hidden in some way from the Consumer (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsBonusResource The Flag indicating whether the ddexC:SoundRecording is additional to those on the original Release of which this is a Version (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsComputerGenerated The Flag indicating whether the ddexC:SoundRecording is generated by a computer (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    LanguageOfPerformance The Language of the Performance recorded in the ddexC:SoundRecording (represented by an ISO 639-2 iso639a2:LanguageCode). 0-1 iso639a2:LanguageCode
    Duration The Duration of the ddexC:SoundRecording (using the ISO 8601:2004 PT[[hhH]mmM]ssS format, where lower case characters indicate variables, upper case characters are part of the xs:string, e.g. one hour, two minutes and three seconds would be PT1H2M3S). 1 Duration (xs:duration)
    RightsAgreementId A Composite containing details of Identifiers of a License, Claim, RightShare or contract for the MusicalWork(s) used in the ddexC:SoundRecording. 0-1 ddexC:RightsAgreementId
    ResourceMusicalWorkReferenceList A Composite containing details of one or more MusicalWorks contained in the ddexC:SoundRecording. 0-1 ddexC:ResourceMusicalWorkReferenceList
    ResourceContainedResourceReferenceList A Composite containing details of ResourceContainedResourceReferences referring to a Resource that is contained in the current ddexC:SoundRecording. 0-1 ddexC:ResourceContainedResourceReferenceList
    CreationDate A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of the Event in which the ddexC:SoundRecording was created. 0-1 ddexC:EventDate
    MasteredDate A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of the Event in which the ddexC:SoundRecording was originally mastered (either in analogue or digital form). 0-1 ddexC:EventDate
    SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory A Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of the ddexC:SoundRecording which may vary according to Territory of release. 1-n ddexC:SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory
  XmlSequence 1
    MusicalWorkRightsClaimType A Type of the RightsClaim related to a MusicalWork. 0-n MusicalWorkRightsClaimType
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality  
  mwlm:ResourceList A Composite containing details of a SoundRecording. 0-n  
Belongs to Class ResourceComposite
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