DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A Type of Composite containing details of one or more Resources.
Parents Composite A group of two or more Elements combined for any purpose.
Children PartyCompositeA Type of Composite containing details of one or more Parties.
Instancesecho:AllOrderedReleasesInQueueRequestMessageA request Message in a AllOrderedReleasesInQueueRequestCall.
 echo:AllOrderedReleasesInQueueResponseMessageA response Message in a AllOrderedReleasesInQueueRequestCall.
 ddexC:CollectionA Composite containing details of a Collection.
 ernm:CollectionA Composite containing details of a Collection. Collections referenced from Video Resources are of CollectionType VideoChapter . Collections referenced from a Release composite are of CollectionType Series, Season or Episode.
 ddexC:CollectionCollectionReferenceA Composite containing a CollectionCollectionReference.
 ddexC:CollectionCollectionReferenceListA Composite containing a list of CollectionCollectionReferences.
 ernm:CollectionDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Collection which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:CollectionDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Collection which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:CollectionListA Composite containing details of one or more Collections.
 dsrm:CollectionListToRecordCompanyA Composite containing details of one or more Collections.
 dsrm:CollectionListToSocietyA Composite containing details of one or more Collections.
 ernm:CollectionResourceReferenceA Composite containing a CollectionResourceReference.
 ernm:CollectionResourceReferenceListA Composite containing a list of CollectionResourceReferences.
 ddexC:CollectionResourceReferenceListA Composite containing a list of CollectionResourceReferences.
 dsrm:CollectionToSocietyA Composite containing details of a Collection.
 ernm:CollectionWorkReferenceA Composite containing a CollectionWorkReference.
 ernm:CollectionWorkReferenceListA Composite containing a list of CollectionWorkReferences.
 ddexC:ContainedReleaseSummaryA Composite containing summary details of a Release for which data is provided in a Message.
 dsrm:CueA Composite containing details of a Cue.
 ernm:CueA Composite containing details of a Cue.
 ddexC:CueCreationReferenceA Composite containing a CueCreationReference.
 dsrm:CueSheetA Composite containing details of a CueSheet.
 ernm:CueSheetA Composite containing details of a CueSheet.
 ernm:CueSheetListA Composite containing details of one or more CueSheets.
 dsrm:CueSheetListA Composite containing details of one or more CueSheets.
 dmm:DataMismatchMessageA Message in the DMM DdexMessageSuite which reports on Error.
 dmm:DataMismatchResponseMessageA Message in the DMM DdexMessageSuite which is a response to a dmm:DataMismatchMessage.
 ernm:DealListA Composite containing details of one or more Deals.
 erns:DealListA Composite containing details of one or more Deals.
 ernm:DealTechnicalResourceDetailsReferenceListA Composite containing a list of DealTechnicalResourceDetailsReferences.
 echo:DeliveryFrequencyChangeResponseMessageA response Message in a DeliveryFrequencyRequestCall.
 dsrs:DetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Resource which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:ExternalResourceLinkA Composite containing details of promotional or other material in digital form related to a Release.
 erns:ExternalResourceLinkA Composite containing details of promotional or other material in digital form related to a Release.
 ddexC:FileA Composite containing details of a File.
 ftpx:FtpAcknowledgementMessageA Message that is sent to acknowledge the receipt of Message Files transferred by FTP.
 ftpx:FtpManifestMessageA Message that is sent to document the transfer of Message Files by FTP.
 ddexC:HostSoundCarrierA Composite containing details of a HostSoundCarrier of a SoundRecording. This Composite exists in the ERN MessageSuite to support the identification and matching of SoundRecording information.
 erns:ImageA Composite containing details of an Image.
 ernm:ImageA Composite containing details of an Image.
 dsrm:ImageA Composite containing details of an Image.
 dsrs:ImageA Composite containing details of an Image.
 mwlm:ImageA Composite containing details of an Image.
 ddexC:ImageA Composite containing details of an Image.
 erns:ImageDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of an Image which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:ImageDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of an Image which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:ImageDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of an Image which may vary according to Territory of release.
 echo:InformationAboutAvailableReleaseResponseMessageA response Message in a InformationAboutAvailableReleaseCall.
 dsrm:InvoiceItemA Composite containing details of an InvoiceItem.
 mwlm:InvoiceSupportInformationListA Composite containing a list of details to support invoicing.
 ernm:LicensedReleaseA Composite containing details of a licensed Release.
 ernm:LicensedSoundRecordingA Composite containing details of a licensed SoundRecording or MusicalWorkVideo.
 mwlm:LicenseOrClaimConditionListA Composite containing details of a list of conditions and/or limitations for Usages.
 mwlm:LicenseOrClaimConfirmationMessageA Message in the MWL MessageSuite, Main Profile, which conveys that a Licensee confirms or rejects a License or Claim received from a Licensor.
 mwlm:LicenseOrClaimMessageA Message in the MWL MessageSuite, Main Profile, which includes a License or Claim or a refusal thereof.
 mwlm:LicenseOrClaimRequestCancellationMessageA Message in the MWL MessageSuite, Main Profile, which cancels a request for a License or Claim.
 mwlm:LicenseOrClaimRequestListA Composite containing details of one or more requests for a License or Claim.
 mwlm:LicenseOrClaimRequestMessageA Message in the MWL MessageSuite, Main Profile, which conveys information about a request for a License or Claim.
 mwlm:LicenseOrClaimRevocationMessageA Message in the MWL MessageSuite, Main Profile, which conveys information about a License or Claim being invalidated.
 mwlm:LicensingInformationRequestMessageA Message in the MWL MessageSuite, Main Profile, in which a (prospective) Licensee asks a (prospective) Licensor to provide additional information in order to enable the (prospective) Licensee to grant a License or make a Claim.
 mwlm:LicensingProcessStatusMessageA Message in the MWL MessageSuite, Main Profile, which conveys information about the status within the licensing process that a License or Claim request has reached.
 mwlm:LicensingProcessStatusRequestMessageA Message in the MWL MessageSuite, Main Profile, which conveys a request for information about the status within the licensing process that a License or Claim request has reached.
 echo:MessageInBatchA Composite containing details of an ERN Message in a batch.
 dcho:MessageInBatchA Composite containing details of an DSR Message in a batch.
 ddexC:MIDIA Composite containing details of a MIDI.
 dsrs:MIDIA Composite containing details of a MIDI.
 mwlm:MIDIA Composite containing details of a Set of computer instructions which enables a sound processor to generate generate sound (using the Musical Instrument Digital Interface as defined by the MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA)).
 ernm:MIDIA Composite containing details of a MIDI.
 erns:MIDIA Composite containing details of a MIDI.
 dsrm:MIDIA Composite containing details of a MIDI.
 erns:MidiDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a MIDI which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:MidiDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a MIDI which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:MidiDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a MIDI which may vary according to Territory of release.
 mwlm:MusicalWorkA Composite containing details of a MusicalWork.
 ddexC:MusicalWorkA Composite containing details of a MusicalWork.
 dsrs:MusicalWorkA Composite containing details of a MusicalWork.
 ddexC:MusicalWorkDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a MusicalWork which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:MusicalWorkLicenseInformationMessageA Message in the ERN MessageSuite, Main Profile, containing details of a MusicalWork utilised in a Release to aid licensing of such MusicalWorks.
 ernm:NewDealMessageA Message in the ERN MessageSuite, Main Profile, containing details of one or more new Deals applicable to one or more Releases.
 ernm:NewReleaseMessageA Message in the ERN MessageSuite, Main Profile, containing details of a new Release.
 echo:OrderedReleaseInQueueRequestMessageA request Message in a OrderedReleasesInQueueRequestCall.
 echo:OrderedReleaseInQueueResponseMessageA response Message in a OrderedReleasesInQueueRequestCall.
 amep:ReceivedFileA Composite containing details of a File received by FTP.
 ftpx:ReceivedFileA Composite containing details of a File received by FTP.
 echo:RedeliveryRequestMessageA request Message in a RedeliveryRequestCall.
 echo:RedeliveryResponseMessageA response Message in a RedeliveryRequestCall.
 erns:RelatedReleaseA Composite containing details of a Release (or a PhysicalProduct or a DigitalProduct derived from such a Release) which is related to a Resource, Release or Product.
 ddexC:RelatedReleaseA Composite containing details of a Release (or a PhysicalProduct or a DigitalProduct derived from such a Release) which is related to a Resource, Release or Product.
 ernm:RelatedReleaseOfferSetA Composite containing details of one or more offers related to one or more Releases.
 dsrm:ReleaseA Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
 ernm:ReleaseA Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
 dsrs:ReleaseA Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
 erns:ReleaseA Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
 ddexC:ReleaseA Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
 mwlm:ReleaseA Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
 echo:ReleaseAvailabilityRequestMessageA request Message in a ReleaseAvailabilityRequestCall.
 echo:ReleaseAvailabilityResponseMessageA response Message in a ReleaseAvailabilityRequestCall.
 ddexC:ReleaseCollectionReferenceListA Composite containing a list of ReleaseCollectionReferences.
 ddexC:ReleaseDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Release which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:ReleaseDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Release which may vary according to Territory of release.
 erns:ReleaseDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Release which may vary according to Territory of release.
 dsrm:ReleaseDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Release which may vary according to Territory of release.
 dsrs:ReleaseDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Release which may vary according to Territory of release.
 dsrs:ReleaseListA Composite containing details of one or more Releases.
 erns:ReleaseListA Composite containing details of one or more Releases.
 ernm:ReleaseListA Composite containing details of one or more Releases.
 dsrm:ReleaseListA Composite containing details of one or more Releases.
 mwlm:ReleaseListA Composite containing details of one or more Releases.
 ddexC:ReleaseResourceReferenceListA Composite containing a list of ReleaseResourceReferences.
 echo:ReleaseStatusRequestMessageA request Message in a ReleaseStatusRequestCall.
 ddexC:ReleaseSummaryA Composite containing summary details of a Release.
 echo:ReleaseSummaryA Composite containing summary details of a Release.
 ddexC:ReleaseSummaryDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing summary details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Release which may vary according to Territory of Release.
 echo:ReleaseSupplyChainStatusRequestMessageA request Message in a ReleaseSupplyChainRequestCall.
 echo:ReleaseSupplyChainStatusResponseMessageA response Message in a ReleaseSupplyChainStatusCall.
 echo:ReportResponseMessageA response Message in a ReportRequestCall. This report has to be formatted in a form usable by the MessageRecipient of the WsMessage.
 ddexC:ResourceContainedResourceReferenceListA Composite containing details of one or more ResourceContainedResourceReferences.
 erns:ResourceGroupA Composite containing details of a ResourceGroup.
 ernm:ResourceGroupA Composite containing details of a ResourceGroup.
 erns:ResourceGroupContentItemA Composite containing details of a Resource which is a ContentItem of a ResourceGroup.
 ernm:ResourceGroupContentItemA Composite containing details of a Resource which is a ContentItem of a ResourceGroup.
 ddexC:ResourceGroupResourceReferenceListA Composite containing a list of ResourceGroupResourceReferences.
 mwlm:ResourceListA Composite containing details of one or more Resources. ResourceList provides a simple means of aggregating Resources without any explicit sequencing or grouping: if it is needed, that is provided by the ResourceGroup Composite.
 ernm:ResourceListA Composite containing details of one or more Resources. ResourceList provides a simple means of aggregating Resources without any explicit sequencing or grouping: if that is needed it is provided by the ResourceGroup Composite.
 dsrs:ResourceListA Composite containing details of one or more Resources. ResourceList provides a simple means of aggregating Resources without any explicit sequencing or grouping: if it is needed, that is provided by the ResourceGroup Composite.
 dsrm:ResourceListA Composite containing details of one or more Resources. ResourceList provides a simple means of aggregating Resources without any explicit sequencing or grouping: if it is needed, that is provided by the ResourceGroup Composite.
 erns:ResourceListA Composite containing details of one or more Resources. ResourceList provides a simple means of aggregating Resources without any explicit sequencing or grouping: if that is needed it is provided by the ResourceGroup Composite.
 ddexC:ResourceMusicalWorkReferenceA Composite containing a ResourceMusicalWorkReference.
 ddexC:ResourceMusicalWorkReferenceListA Composite containing a list of ResourceMusicalWorkReferences.
 ddexC:RightShareCreationReferenceListA Composite containing a list of RightShareCreationReferences.
 mwlm:RightShareListA Composite containing details of one or more RightShares.
 dsrf:SalesRecordA Line providing data about a SalesTransaction.
 dsrm:SalesReportToRecordCompanyMessageA sales reporting Message in the DSR DdexMessageSuite, Main Profile, sent to a record company.
 dsrm:SalesReportToSocietyMessageA sales reporting Message in the DSR DdexMessageSuite, Main Profile, sent to a MusicalWork Licensor.
 ftpx:SentFileA Composite containing details of a File sent by FTP.
 ddexC:SheetMusicA Composite containing details of a SheetMusic.
 dsrm:SheetMusicA Composite containing details of a SheetMusic.
 ernm:SheetMusicA Composite containing details of a SheetMusic.
 dsrs:SheetMusicA Composite containing details of a SheetMusic.
 mwlm:SheetMusicA Composite containing details of a SheetMusic.
 erns:SheetMusicA Composite containing details of a SheetMusic.
 ernm:SheetMusicDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a SheetMusic which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:SheetMusicDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a SheetMusic which may vary according to Territory of release.
 erns:SheetMusicDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a SheetMusic which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:SoftwareA Composite containing details of an item of Software.
 dsrm:SoftwareA Composite containing details of a Software.
 erns:SoftwareA Composite containing details of an item of Software.
 ernm:SoftwareA Composite containing details of an item of Software.
 mwlm:SoftwareA Composite containing details of an item of Software.
 dsrs:SoftwareA Composite containing details of an item of Software.
 ernm:SoftwareDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Software application which may vary according to Territory of release.
 erns:SoftwareDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Software application which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:SoftwareDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Software application which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:SoundRecordingA Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
 dsrm:SoundRecordingA Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
 ddexC:SoundRecordingA Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
 dsrs:SoundRecordingA Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
 mwlm:SoundRecordingA Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
 erns:SoundRecordingA Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
 ddexC:SoundRecordingCollectionReferenceListA Composite containing a list of SoundRecordingCollectionReferences.
 ddexC:SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a SoundRecording which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a SoundRecording which may vary according to Territory of release.
 erns:SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a SoundRecording which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:TechnicalInstantiationA Composite containing technical details of a Release.
 erns:TextA Composite containing details of a Text.
 mwlm:TextA Composite containing details of a Text.
 ddexC:TextA Composite containing details of a Text.
 ernm:TextA Composite containing details of a Text.
 dsrs:TextA Composite containing details of a Text.
 dsrm:TextA Composite containing details of a Text.
 erns:TextDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Text which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:TextDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Text which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:TextDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a Text which may vary according to Territory of release.
 dsrm:UserDefinedResourceA Composite containing details of a UserDefinedResource.
 ernm:UserDefinedResourceA Composite containing details of a UserDefinedResource.
 ddexC:UserDefinedResourceA Composite containing details of a UserDefinedResource.
 mwlm:UserDefinedResourceA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Resource whose Type is UserDefined.
 ernm:UserDefinedResourceDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a UserDefinedResource application which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:UserDefinedResourceDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors, Dates and other attributes of a UserDefinedResource application which may vary according to Territory of release.
 dsrm:VideoA Composite containing details of a Video.
 mwlm:VideoA Composite containing details of a Video.
 erns:VideoA Composite containing details of a Video.
 ddexC:VideoA Composite containing details of a Video.
 ernm:VideoA Composite containing details of a Video.
 dsrs:VideoA Composite containing details of a Video.
 ddexC:VideoCueSheetReferenceA Composite containing a VideoCueSheetReference.
 ddexC:VideoDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Video which may vary according to Territory of release.
 erns:VideoDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Video which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ernm:VideoDetailsByTerritoryA Composite containing details of Descriptors and other attributes of a Video which may vary according to Territory of release.
 ddexC:WebPageA Composite containing details of a WebPage.
 dsrs:WorkListA Composite containing details of one or more Works.
 mwlm:WorkListA Composite containing details of one or more Works.
 ddexC:WorkListA Composite containing details of one or more Works.
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