DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A supporting term for echo:ExtensionsMessage, ernm:NewReleaseMessage, echo:ReleaseAvailabilityMessage, echo:ReleaseStatusInformationMessage, dcho:SalesReportDeliveryMessage, and dsrm:SalesReportToSocietyMessage.
A Set of Cues regarding one Resource.
Parents CreationSet A Set of Creations.
Children AverageCueSheetA CueSheet that proportionally represents the music used within a given Series, Season or Episode.
 CompositeCueSheetA CueSheet that records all music used in a complete Series or within a selected number of sequential Episodes from a given Series.
 StandardCueSheetA CueSheet in which all MusicalWorks or other Creation, with common interested parties, RightShares and UseTypes are provided separately.
 SummarisedCueSheetA CueSheet in which all MusicalWorks or other Creation, with common interested parties, RightShares and UseTypes have been combined.
 SurrogateCueSheetA CueSheet that is authorized to be used in place of the actual CueSheet.
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