DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for erns:NewReleaseMessage.
A Composite containing details of the terms of a Deal.
Component Structure
Components Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type
  XmlSequence 1
    CommercialModelType A Composite containing details of the fundamental business model which applies to the Deal (e.g. SubscriptionModel and PayAsYouGoModel). The CommercialModelType indicates how the Consumer pays for the Service or Release. 0-n ddexC:CommercialModelType
    XmlChoice 1
      Usage A Composite containing the Types and number of Usages applicable to a Release to which the Deal applies. 1-n ddexC:Usage
      AllDealsCancelled The Flag indicating whether all Deals are cancelled for the given Territories (=True) or not (=False). This Flag can be used in conjunction with a StartDate of a ValidityPeriod to indicate the point in time from which all Deals are cancelled. 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
      TakeDown The Flag indicating whether all Releases referred to are to be taken down by the MessageRecipient. This includes that all Deals referred to in a specific Composite are cancelled and no information about the Releases should be displayed to the end user on the DSP's website (=True) or not (=False). This Flag can be used in conjunction with a StartDate of a ValidityPeriod to indicate the point in time from which all Deals are cancelled. 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    XmlChoice 1
      TerritoryCode A Territory in which the Deal applies (represented by an ISO 3166-1 iso3166a2:TerritoryCode). Either this Element or ExcludedTerritory must be present, but not both. 1-n ddexC:TerritoryCode
      ExcludedTerritoryCode A Territory in which the Deal does not apply (represented by an ISO 3166-1 iso3166a2:TerritoryCode). Either this Element or Territory must be present, but not both. 1-n ddexC:TerritoryCode
    PriceInformation A Composite containing details of a Price. Note that this Price applies to all UseTypes referenced in this Composite. 0-1 ddexC:PriceInformation
    XmlChoice 0-1
      IsPromotional The Flag indicating whether a special Deal is made between the Licensor and the Licensee (=True) or not (=False) regarding the royalties or payments due to be paid for Releases distributed under this Deal. 1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
      PromotionalCode A Composite containing details of a PromotionalCode. 1 ddexC:PromotionalCode
    ValidityPeriod A Composite containing details about a Period of Time during which the Deal is valid. No StartDate in this Composite means that the Deal is valid as per contractual relationship between MessageSender and MessageRecipient. No EndDate in this Composite means that the Deal is valid until further notice. 1-n ddexC:Period
    PreOrderReleaseDate A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of the Event in which the related Release is made available for pre-ordering. 0-1 ddexC:EventDate
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality  
  erns:Deal A Composite containing details of the terms of the erns:Deal. 0-1  
Belongs to Class ContextComposite
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