DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for dcho:SalesReportDeliveryMessage, dsrm:SalesReportToRecordCompanyMessage, and dsrm:SalesReportToSocietyMessage.
A Composite containing details of the terms and conditions of a Deal made between a DSP (as Licensee) and a Licensor of Works or Releases.
Component Structure
Components Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type
  XmlSequence 1
    CurrencyCode The Currency in which the SalesTransactions are made (represented by an ISO 4217 iso4217a:CurrencyCode) if different from the CurrencyOfAccounting. 0-1 iso4217a:CurrencyCode
    PriceInformation A Composite containing details of the Price applicable to the SalesTransaction. 0-1 ddexC:PriceInformation
    XmlChoice 0-1
      IsPromotional The Flag indicating whether a special Deal is made between the Licensor and the Licensee (=True) or not (=False)regarding the royalties or payments due to be paid for Releases distributed under this Deal. 1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
      PromotionalCode A Composite containing details of a PromotionalCode. 1 ddexC:PromotionalCode
    DealReference A Composite containing the Reference (in the form of an Identifier, Name or Description) to a TextDocument containing details of the Deal governing the SalesTransaction. 0-1 ddexC:DealReference
    TaxRate A Composite containing details of a TaxRate applicable to the total Amount to be paid. Within the DSR Message, only one of the two TaxRate Elements (here and in the SalesByTerritory or in the SalesByTerritory Composite) may be filled. 0-n ddexC:TaxRate
    PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax The RetailPrice excluding value-added tax. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    CalculationType A Composite containing details of a Type of Calculation method used by which the royalties are to be determined. This is a text xs:string with no prescribed allowed values. 0-n ddexC:CalculationType
    RoyaltyRateType A Type of RoyaltyRate upon which the per unit royalty is calculated. 0-1 RoyaltyRateType
    RoyaltyRate The Rate of royalty to be used when calculating the royalty payment. Note that when this Composite is used in a sales reporting Message for a record company, the RoyaltyRate refers to the rate due to the record company, not the royalties due to individual Artists. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    AgreedUnitPriceExcSalesTax The Price per unit (excluding value-added tax) agreed between DSP and the record company as representing the notional unit price for Subscription sales, as a basis for royalty and other calculations. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    DeductionRate A Composite containing details of an applicable DeductionRate (if any). 0-n ddexC:DeductionRate
    EffectiveUnitRoyaltyRateNet The RoyaltyRate which applies after all calculations and deductions have been applied. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    ProprietaryFinancialData A Composite containing proprietary financial Elements. 0-n dsrm:ProprietaryFinancialData
    AmountPayable The extended Amount due to the Licensor of Works or Releases for the sales (The Amount reported in this Element is an estimate based on best knowledge on the side of the MessageSender with respect to the intellectual property rights controlled by the MessageRecipient. The default is that 100% ownership is assumed). 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    AmountPayableInCurrencyOfAccounting The AmountPayable, measured in the Currency in which it has been accounted. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    CurrencyExchangeRate The conversion Rate applicable to the AmountPayableInCurrencyOfAccounting. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    TechnicalInstantiation A Composite containing technical details of the Release. 0-1 ddexC:TechnicalInstantiation
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality  
  dsrm:DealForRecordCompanies A Composite containing details of the terms and conditions of the Deal. 1  
  dsrm:DealForSocieties A Composite containing details of the terms and conditions of the dsrm_Deal. Either this Element or the SummaryDeal are required, but not both. 0-1  
  dsrm:ReleaseTransactionsToSociety A Composite containing details of the terms and conditions of the Deal under which sales were transacted. (Note: The Amount reported in this Composite is an estimate based on best knowledge on the side of the MessageSender with respect to the intellectual property rights controlled by the MessageRecipient. The default is that 100% ownership is assumed). 0-1  
Belongs to Class ContextComposite
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