DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for echo:ExtensionsMessage, dcho:InvoiceDeliveryMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimConfirmationMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimRequestMessage, ernm:MusicalWorkLicenseInformationMessage, erns:NewReleaseMessage, ernm:NewReleaseMessage, echo:ReleaseAvailabilityMessage, echo:ReleaseStatusInformationMessage, dcho:SalesReportDeliveryMessage, dsrs:SalesReportMessage, and dsrm:SalesReportToSocietyMessage.
A Party which has acquired Rights in one or more MusicalWorks for a specified Territory and Period. Note: A MusicPublisher typically administers and promotes the exploitation of the acquired Works. This term includes OriginalPublisher and SubPublisher.
Parents RightsController A Party who owns and/or controls Rights in a MusicalWork and/or a Resource.
Children OriginalPublisherA Party which has acquired, from a Creator, Rights in a Creation for a specified Territory and Period.
 SubPublisherA Party which has acquired, by Agreement with a MusicPublisher, Rights in one or more MusicalWorks for a specified Territory and Period. Note: This includes Rights which are passed to subsidiaries or affiliates of a larger Organization.
 SubstitutedPublisherA Party acting on behalf of a MusicPublisher or other controller of Rights in a MusicalWork.
Belongs to Class ArtistRole
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