DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A Type of Composite containing details of one or more Descriptors.
Parents Composite A group of two or more Elements combined for any purpose.
Children AnnotationCompositeA Type of Composite containing details of one or more Annotations.
 ContainedCollectionListA Composite containing Descriptors of Collections contained in a Creation.
 ContainedCueSheetListA Composite containing Descriptors of CueSheets contained in a Creation.
 ContainedMusicalWorkListA Composite containing Descriptors of MusicalWorks contained in a Creation.
 ContainedReleaseListA Composite containing Descriptors of Releases contained in a Creation.
 ContainedResourceListA Composite containing Descriptors of Resources contained in a Creation.
 NameCompositeA Type of Composite containing details of one or more Names.
InstancesddexC:DealReferenceA Composite containing details of a DealReference.
 ddexC:DistributionChannelDescriptorA Composite containing details of a DistributionChannelDescriptor.
 ddexC:ExternalLocationDescriptorA Composite containing details of an ExternalLocationDescriptor.
 ddexC:PartyDescriptorA Composite containing details of a Party. Parties are typically described through Names and/or Identifiers.
 erns:PreviewDetailsA Composite containing details of a preview.
 ernm:PreviewDetailsA Composite containing details of a preview.
 dsrm:ProprietaryFinancialDataA Composite containing an element of proprietary financial data.
 ddexC:SimpleProfilePartyDescriptorA Composite containing details of a Party. Parties are typically described through Names and/or Identifiers.
 ernm:SoundRecordingPreviewDetailsA Composite containing details of a preview.
 erns:SoundRecordingPreviewDetailsA Composite containing details of a preview.
 ddexC:StoreLocationDescriptorA Composite containing details of a StoreLocationDescriptor.
 ddexC:SubTitleA Composite containing details of a SubTitle, including Titles of Versions used to differentiate different versions of the same Title, as required by the ddex_GRId and ISRC ReferenceDescriptiveMetadataSets.
 erns:TechnicalImageDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a Image.
 ernm:TechnicalImageDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a Image.
 erns:TechnicalMidiDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a MIDI.
 ernm:TechnicalMidiDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a MIDI.
 erns:TechnicalSheetMusicDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a SheetMusic.
 ernm:TechnicalSheetMusicDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a SheetMusic.
 erns:TechnicalSoftwareDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a Software.
 ernm:TechnicalSoftwareDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a Software.
 ernm:TechnicalSoundRecordingDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a SoundRecording.
 erns:TechnicalSoundRecordingDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a SoundRecording.
 erns:TechnicalTextDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a Text.
 ernm:TechnicalTextDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a Text.
 ernm:TechnicalUserDefinedResourceDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a UserDefinedResource.
 erns:TechnicalVideoDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a Video.
 ernm:TechnicalVideoDetailsA Composite containing technical details of a Video.
 ddexC:UserDefinedValueA Composite containing details of a UserDefinedValue.
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