DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for dcho:InvoiceDeliveryMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimConfirmationMessage, mwlm:LicenseOrClaimMessage, and mwlm:LicenseOrClaimRequestMessage.
A Composite containing details of conditions and/or limitations for Usages.
Component Structure
Components Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type
  IsUpdated The Flag indicating whether the LicenseOrClaimCondition Element was updated (=True) or not (=False). The Flag may only be used when the UpdateIndicator is set to UpdateMessage. When this Boolean Flag is set to true, the MessageRecipient is expected to replace any previously provided LicenseOrClaimCondition data with the now provided data. 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
  LanguageAndScriptCode The Language and script for the Elements of the LicenseOrClaimCondition as defined in IETF RfC 4646. The default is the same as indicated for the containing composite. Language and Script are provided as lang[-scipt][-region][-variant]. This is represented in an XML schema as an XML Attribute. 0-1 String (xs:string)
  XmlSequence 1
    LicenseOrClaimConditionReference The Identifier (specific to the Message) of the LicenseOrClaimCondition within the Release or Creation which contains it. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter E. 1 LocalLicenseOrClaimConditionAnchor (xs:ID)
    UseType A Composite containing details of a UseType. 0-n ddexC:UseType
    RoyaltyRate A Composite containing details of a RoyaltyRate. 0-n mwlm:RoyaltyRate
    PercentageRate A Composite containing details of a PercentageRate. 0-n mwlm:PercentageRate
    AdvanceAmount An Amount which is paid in advance. 0-1 ddexC:RoyaltyAmount
    GuaranteedAmount An Amount which is guaranteed, 0-1 ddexC:GuaranteedAmount
    MinimumFeePerUse A minimum fee to be paid per use. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    IsPdArrangement A Flag indicating whether the MusicalWork is an Arrangement of a Work in the PublicDomain (=Yes) or not (=No). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsControlledCompositionClause A Flag indicating whether a clause is a controlled composition clause (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsPerUseRoyaltyPayment A Flag indicating whether all the rate fields are to be paid per use (=True) or as a one-off payment (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsFavouredNationClause A Flag indicating whether everything is overridden if someone else pays less (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    IsApplicableToPredominantlyMusicReleasesOnly A Flag indicating whether conditions are applicable to predominantly musical Releases only (=True) or not (=False). 0-1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
    TaxRate A Composite containing details of a TaxRate applicable to the total Amount to be paid. 0-1 ddexC:TaxRate
    CalculationType A Composite containing details of a Type of Calculation method used by which the royalties are to be determined. This is a text xs:string with no prescribed allowed values. 0-n ddexC:CalculationType
    DocumentationReference A Composite containing an Annotation referring to documentation. 0-n ddexC:AdditionalInformation
    RateValidity A Composite containing details of the context (such as Dates, number of uses) in which the Rate is valid. The default is that the Rate applies indefinitely from the xs:date of issue of the Licence. 0-1 mwlm:RateValidity
    TariffReference A Composite containing details of a Reference to a TextDocument containing details of a Tariff (in the form of an Identifier, Name or Description) regarding the Usage, 0-1 ddexC:TariffReference
    PriceInformation A Composite containing details of a Price at which the Release is to be offered. 0-1 ddexC:PriceInformation
    XmlChoice 0-1
      IsPromotional The Flag indicating whether a special Deal is made between the Licensor and the Licensee (=True) or not (=False) regarding the royalties or payments due to be paid for Releases distributed under this Deal. 1 Boolean (xs:boolean)
      PromotionalCode A Composite containing details of a PromotionalCode. 1 ddexC:PromotionalCode
    AdditionalInformation A Composite containing supporting information on the Usage. 0-1 ddexC:AdditionalInformation
    TechnicalInstantiation A Composite containing technical details of the Release. 0-1 ddexC:TechnicalInstantiation
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality  
  mwlm:LicenseOrClaimConditionList A Composite containing details of conditions and/or limitations for Usages. 1-n  
Belongs to Class ContextComposite
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