DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for dsrs:SalesReportMessage.
A Composite containing details of SalesTransactions reported by a DSP to a MusicalWork Licensor for a specific Territory.
Component Structure
Components Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type
  LanguageAndScriptCode The Language and script for the Elements of the dsrs:SalesByTerritory as defined in IETF RfC 4646. The default is the same as indicated for the containing composite. Language and Script are provided as lang[-scipt][-region][-variant]. This is represented in an XML schema as an XML Attribute. 0-1 String (xs:string)
  XmlSequence 1
    TerritoryCode A Territory for which SalesTransactions are reported (represented by an ISO 3166-1 iso3166a2:TerritoryCode). 1-n ddexC:TerritoryCode
    ReleaseTransactions A Composite containing details of the SalesTransactions for a Release, reported by the DSP to the society. 1-n dsrs:ReleaseTransactions
    RecordCompanyMarketShareData A Composite containing information to support the calculation of the record company's market share of all Releases provided by a DSP to Consumers for a specified UseType. 0-n ddexC:RecordCompanyMarketShareData
    NumberOfSubscribers A Composite containing a NumberOfSubscribers for the UseType for the DSP (applicable only where a Subscription Service is employed). 0-1 ddexC:NumberOfSubscribers
    DspGrossRevenue A Composite containing details of the gross Revenue of the DSP for the Territory, specified for a UseType and a DistributionChannelType. 0-1 ddexC:AmountByUseAndDistributionChannelType
    DspDeductionsAmount A Composite containing details of the Amount deducted by the DSP from net Revenue, specified for a UseType and a DistributionChannelType. 0-1 ddexC:AmountByUseAndDistributionChannelType
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality  
  dsrs:SalesByCommercialModel A Composite containing details of SalesTransactions reported by the DSP to the MusicalWork Licensor for a specific Territory. 1-n  
Belongs to Class QuantityComposite
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