DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for dcho:SalesReportDeliveryMessage and dsrm:SalesReportToRecordCompanyMessage.
A Composite containing details of SalesTransactions reported by a DSP to a record company for a specific Territory.
Component Structure
Components Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type
  LanguageAndScriptCode The Language and script for the Elements of the SalesByTerritory as defined in IETF RfC 4646. The default is the same as indicated for the containing composite. Language and Script are provided as lang[-scipt][-region][-variant]. This is represented in an XML schema as an XML Attribute. 0-1 String (xs:string)
  XmlSequence 1
    TerritoryCode A Territory for which SalesTransactions are reported (represented by an ISO 3166-1 iso3166a2:TerritoryCode). 1-n ddexC:TerritoryCode
    TaxRate A Composite containing details of a TaxRate applicable to the total Amount to be paid. Within the DSR Message, only one of the two TaxRate Elements (here and in dsr:DetailedDeal) may be filled. 0-n ddexC:TaxRate
    Deal A Composite containing details of the terms and conditions of the Deal under which sales were transacted. (Note: The Amount reported in this Composite is an estimate based on best knowledge on the side of the MessageSender with respect to the intellectual property rights controlled by the MessageRecipient. The default is that 100% ownership is assumed). 0-1 dsrm:DealForRecordCompanies
    ReleaseTransactions A Composite containing details of the SalesTransactions for a Release, reported by the DSP to the record company. 1-n dsrm:ReleaseTransactionsToRecordCompany
    RecordCompanyMarketShareData A Composite containing information to support the calculation of the record company's market share of all Releases provided by a DSP to Consumers for a specified UseType. 0-n ddexC:RecordCompanyMarketShareData
    NumberOfSubscribers A Composite containing a NumberOfSubscribers for the UseType for the DSP (applicable only where a Subscription Service is employed). 0-n ddexC:NumberOfSubscribers
    DspGrossRevenue A Composite containing details of the gross Revenue of the DSP for the Territory, specified for a UseType and a DistributionChannelType. 0-n ddexC:AmountByUseAndDistributionChannelType
    DspNetRevenue A Composite containing details of the net Revenue of the DSP for the Territory, specified for a UseType and a DistributionChannelType. 0-n ddexC:AmountByUseAndDistributionChannelType
    DspDeductionsAmount A Composite containing details of the Amount deducted by the DSP from gross Revenue, specified for a UseType and a DistributionChannelType. 0-n ddexC:AmountByUseAndDistributionChannelType
    PercentageNetRevenueShare A Composite containing details of the percentage which represents a share of a net Revenue generated by the DSP which is due to the record company, specified for a UseType and a DistributionChannelType. 0-n ddexC:AmountByUseAndDistributionChannelType
    MinimumAmountPerCustomer The minimum Amount that has to be paid by each Customer to the DSP for a Subscription for the UseType. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    WholesaleAmountTotal The Amount representing the total wholesale revenue. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    WholesaleAmountTotalInCurrencyOfAccounting The Amount representing the total wholesale revenue reported in the CurrencyOfAccounting. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    TotalAmountPayableInCurrencyOfAccounting The calculated Total of AmountPayables in the CurrencyOfAccounting. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
    CurrencyExchangeRate The conversion Rate applicable to the TotalAmountPayableInCurrencyOfAccounting. 0-1 Decimal (xs:decimal)
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality  
  dsrm:SalesToRecordCompanyByCommercialModel A Composite containing details of SalesTransactions reported by the DSP to the record company for a specific Territory. 1-n  
Belongs to Class QuantityComposite
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