DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for dcho:SalesReportDeliveryMessage and dsrm:SalesReportToRecordCompanyMessage.
A Composite containing details of SalesTransactions reported by a DSP to a record company for a specific CommercialModelType.
Component Structure
Components Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type
  LanguageAndScriptCode The Language and script for the Elements of the SalesByCommercialModel as defined in IETF RfC 4646. The default is the same as indicated for the containing composite. Language and Script are provided as lang[-scipt][-region][-variant]. This is represented in an XML schema as an XML Attribute. 0-1 String (xs:string)
  XmlSequence 1
    CommercialModelType A Composite containing details of the fundamental business model of the commercial offering made to the Consumer for which SalesTransactions are reported (e.g. SubscriptionModel or PayAsYouGoModel). The CommercialModelType indicates how the Consumer pays for the service or Release. 0-n ddexC:CommercialModelType
    CurrencyOfAccounting The Currency in which the SalesTransactions are accounted (represented by an ISO 4217 iso4217a:CurrencyCode). 1 iso4217a:CurrencyCode
    SalesByTerritory A Composite containing details of SalesTransactions reported by the DSP to the record company for a specific Territory. 1-n dsrm:SalesToRecordCompanyByTerritory
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality  
  dsrm:SalesReportToRecordCompany A Composite containing details of SalesTransactions reported by the DSP to the record company for a specific CommercialModelType. 1-n  
Belongs to Class ContextComposite
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