DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-07-30
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y All Intro
UnclaimedPercentage     MT     A Percentage that is not claimed.
UnicodeString          A Unicode-compliant String.
UniformResourceLocator     MT     A synonym of the term URL.
UniformResourceLocator     MT     A synonym of the term VenueAddress.
Unit     MT     A synonym of the term UnitOfMeasure.
avs:UnitOfConditionValue     AVS     A UnitOfMeasure for a condition value. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
UnitOfDuration     MT     A UnitOfMeasure of a Duration.
UnitOfExtent          A UnitOfMeasure of an Extent.
UnitOfMeasure     MT     A standardized Quantity used for measuring by comparison.
UnitOfRate          A UnitOfMeasure of a Rate.
UnitRate     MT     A Rate applied to each unit, e.g. a usage.
UnitTypeForRevenueAllocation     MT     A UnitOfMeasure used as a basis for calculating a Revenue Allocation.
Unknown          A Type of an Entity used when a sender of a DdexMessage wishes to indicate that the value within the allowed value set is unknown.
UPC          A Universal Product Code as defined and maintained by GS1.
atom:URI     MT     A Composite containing details of a URI.
URI     MT     A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) identifying a resource on the Internet.
URL     MT     A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) identifying a Place on the Internet.
ddexC:Usage     MT     A Composite containing Types and number of Usages of a Release.
UsageEndDate     MT     An EndDate of a usage.
UsageForPrioritisation     MT     An Attribute of Usages that are prioritised.
UsageIndependentFee          A Fee that is independent from any usage.
UsageIndependentFeeInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A UsageIndependentFee given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
UsageIndependentFeeInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A UsageIndependentFee given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
UsageIndependentFeeType     MT     A Type of UsageIndependentFee.
UsageInformation     MT     An Annotation providing information on the usage of something.
UsageRight          The Right to use a Work.
Usages          An Attribute of a usage.
UsagesInReportingPeriod     MT     An Attribute of Usages made in a reporting Period.
UsagesInSubPeriod     MT     An Attribute of Usages made in a sub Period.
UsageSource          A Source of a usage.
UsageSourceId     MT     An Identifier of a UsageSource.
UsageSourceName     MT     A Name of a UsageSource.
UsageStartDate     MT     A StartDate of a usage.
Use          To interact with a MusicalWork or Resource.
UsedResources     MT     A Descriptor of used Resources.
User          An Agent, that may be a human being or other legal person or corporate entity, that interacts with a Creation or provides access to a Creation to Consumers.
UserChannelName     MT     A Name of a user channel.
UserDefined          A Type of an Entity which is defined by a sender of a DdexMessage in a manner acceptable to its recipient.
UserDefinedValue     MT     A Value which is UserDefined.
UserGeneratedContent          A Resource whose content is created outside of professional routines and practices with significant creative input.
ddexC:UserInterfaceType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UserInterfaceType.
ern:UserInterfaceType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UserInterfaceType.
UserInterfaceType          A Type of user interface.
avs:UserInterfaceType     AVS     A Type of physical interface by which a Consumer uses a Service or Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:UserInterfaceType_ERN     AVS     A Type of physical interface by which a Consumer uses a Service or Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
UserName     MT     An Identifier of a computer user.
Users     MT     An Attribute of a User.
UseType     MT     A Type of a usage.
ddexC:UseType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UseType.
ern:UseType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UseType.
avs:UseType     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
mwnl:UseTypeForWorksNotificationLicensing     MT     A Composite containing details of a UseType.
avs:UseType_ERN     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:UseType_MWNL     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer, as used in the MWNL messages. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:UseType_RDR     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
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