DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-07-30
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y All Intro
FaxNumber     MT     An Identifier of a fax machine.
FeaturedLineUpComplete     MT     A Flag indicating whether a featured line up is complete (=true) or not (=false).
Fee          An Amount to be paid for a Service.
atom:Feed     AV     A Message in the ERN Choreography Standard for an atom feed defined by W3C/IETF. The Atom feed construct is defined in section 4.1.1 of the format spec.
mc-us-lod:Feed     AV     A Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard for an atom feed defined by W3C/IETF. The Atom feed construct is defined in section 4.1.1 of the format spec.
ddexC:File     MT     A Composite containing details of a File.
File          A Resource stored as a single unit, normally in a file system on disk or magnetic tape.
FileControlType     MT     A Type of File according to its operational status.
FileCreatedDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which a File was created.
FileCreator     MT     A Creator of a File.
FileFormat          A File with specific formal characteristics.
FileFormatName     MT     A Name of a FileFormat.
FileId     MT     An Identifier of a File.
FileName     MT     A Name of a File.
FileNumber     MT     A SequenceNumber of a File within a Set.
FilePath          An Identifier of the location of a File.
FileReference     MT     A Reference to a File.
FileSize     MT     A size of a File in bytes.
mwnl:FileStatus     MT     A Composite containing details of a File Status.
FileType     MT     A Type of File.
FinalTotalAmount          A final total Amount.
FinalTotalAmountInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A FinalTotalAmount given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
FinalTotalAmountInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A FinalTotalAmount given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
ern:Fingerprint     MT     A Composite containing details of a Fingerprint and its governing algorithm.
FingerprintAlgorithm          An Algorithm used to calculate a Fingerprint.
ddexC:FingerprintAlgorithmType     MT     A Composite containing details of a FingerprintAlgorithmType.
FingerprintAlgorithmType          A Type of FingerprintAlgorithm.
avs:FingerprintAlgorithmType     AVS     A Type of Fingerprint algorithm. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
FingerprintValue     MT     A value calculated from digital data that serves as an identifier for the data.
ddexC:FirstPublicationDate     MT     A Composite containing details of a FirstPublicationDate.
FirstPublicationDate     MT     A Date on which a Creation is first published.
FirstVoDBroadcastDate     MT     A Date of a first VoD broadcast.
FirstVoDBroadcastDateTime     MT     A DateTime of a first VoD broadcast.
Fixation          A PersistentManifestation that is a derivation.
FixedTool          A Tool which is a Fixation.
Flag          An Aspect whose instances are limited to the Boolean values (True/False).
Format     MT     A Creation according to its formal or representational attributes.
Fragment          A Creation which is a Part of another Creation.
FrameRate     MT     A Rate for a number of frames shown in a Video in a specific Period of Time.
ddexC:FrameRate     MT     A Composite containing a FrameRate and a UnitOfMeasure.
mc-us-lod:FtpAcknowledgementMessage     AV     A response Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard that is sent to acknowledge the receipt of a manifest File via FTP.
mwnl:FtpAcknowledgementMessage     AV     A response Message in the Musical Works Notification and Licensing Message Suite Standard that is sent to acknowledge the receipt of a manifest File via FTP.
ddexC:FtpMessageHeader     MT     A Composite placed at the beginning of each Message providing information about the Message such as MessageSender, MessageRecipient and a Message creation time stamp.
FulfillmentDate     MT     A Date after which an end user can receive a Resource.
ddexC:FulfillmentDate     MT     A Composite containing details of a FulfillmentDate.
ddexC:FulfillmentDateWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a FulfillmentDate.
FullName     MT     A complete Name in its normal form of presentation (eg John H. Smith, Acme Music Inc, The Beatles).
FullNameAsciiTranscribed     MT     A FullName transcribed using 7-bit ASCII code.
FullNameIndexed     MT     A FullName in the form in which it normally appears in an alphabetic index (eg Smith, John H.; Beatles).
FullTrackListingPreviewStartDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which a full Track list is made first available for preview.
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