DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-07-30
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y All Intro
EAN          A European Article Number as defined and maintained by GS1.
EffectiveTransferDate     MT     A Date on which something is effectively transferred.
EIDR     MT     An Identifier for movies and television assets assigned by the Entertainment Identifier Registry Association (EIDR).
Element          A Part of a Composite.
ElementDataCarrierReference     MT     A Reference to a DataCarrier which is involved in a specific Element.
ElementReference     MT     An Identifier of an Element which is specific to a DdexMessage.
ElementSessionReference     MT     A Reference to a Session which is involved in a specific Element.
ElementSoundRecordingReference     MT     A Reference to a SoundRecording which is involved in a specific Element.
Email     MT     A Medium for mail communication using the Internet.
EmailAddress     MT     An Address of an Email account.
ddexC:EmailAddress     MT     A Composite containing details of an EmailAddress.
EncodingDescription     MT     A Description of an encoding.
EncodingType     MT     A Type of encoding.
EndBar     MT     The end point given in bars from the start of the referenced Work.The end point given in bars from the start of the referenced Work.
EndDate     MT     A Date identifying an end Time.
EndDateOfCurrencyExchange     MT     An EndDate of the Period over which an exchange rate was averaged.
EndDateTime     MT     A DateTime identifying an end Time.
EndOfClaimPeriod     MT     An EndDate of a claim period.
EndPoint     MT     A Time point which marks the end of a Period.
EndTime     MT     A Time which marks the end of a Period.
Engineer          A Party that is responsible for technical aspects. This includes RecordingEngineer, but may also cover roles in other content production processes.
Entity          Something that may be represented by a Name.
atom:Entry     AV     A Message in the ERN Choreography Standard for an atom entry defined by W3C/IETF. The Atom entry construct is defined in section 4.1.2 of the format spec.
mc-notif:Entry     AV     A Message in the Musical Work and Right Share Notification Choreography Standard for atom feeds defined by W3C/IETF.
mc-us-lod:Entry     AV     A Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard for atom feeds defined by W3C/IETF.
Episode          A Part of a Series made available at a specific point in time. It may be that a Season or Series is not yet complete when an Episode is made available. Episodes include 'pilots'.
EpisodeNumber     MT     A number of an Episode.
EquipmentName     MT     A Name of a piece of equipment.
EquipmentReference     MT     An Identifier of Equipment which is specific to a DdexMessage.
EquipmentType     MT     A Type of equipment.
ern-c-ws:ErnAcknowledgementStatusMessage     AV     A Message in the ERN Choreography Standard (Part 2: Web Services Exchange).
avs:ErncFileStatus     AVS     A Status of a File in terms of its validity in the Release Delivery Choreography Standard. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:ErncProposedActionType     AVS     A Type of action that is proposed. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:ErnMessageInBatch     MT     A Composite containing details of a Release Notification Message in a Batch.
Error          A State in which there is an error.
ErrorDescription     MT     A Description of an Error.
ErrorSeverity     MT     A severity of an Error.
ErrorText     MT     A textual commentary about errors.
ddexC:ErrorType     MT     A Composite containing details of an ErrorType.
ErrorType          A Type of Error.
avs:ErrorType     AVS     A Type of Error. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
EstimatedRoyaltyImpact     MT     A Quantity that is an estimate of the impact to the royalties that are affected.
Event     MT     A Context in which there is some acknowledged change in the attributes of any Entity.
ddexC:EventDate     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
EventDate          A Date of an Event.
ddexC:EventDateTime     MT     A Composite containing details of the DateTime and Place of an Event.
ern:EventDateTimeWithoutFlags     MT     A Composite containing details of the DateTime and Place of an Event.
ern:EventDateWithCurrentTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
ern:EventDateWithDefault     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
ern:EventDateWithoutFlags     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
EventDescription     MT     A Description of an Event.
EventId          An Identifier of an Event.
EventName          A Name of an Event.
mc-us-lod:ExceptionFromConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more RightShares that are an exception from a confirmation.
mc-us-lod:ExceptionFromDispute     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more RightShares that are an exception from a dispute.
ddexC:ExceptionReason     MT     A Composite containing details of an ExceptionReason.
ExceptionReason          A Reason for an exception.
avs:ExceptionReason     AVS     A Type of Reason for an exception. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ExchangeRate     MT     A conversion Rate between two Currencies.
ExchangeRateBaseCurrency     MT     A base Currency for which an exchange rate is given.
ExchangeRateSource     MT     A Source of an ExchangeRate.
ExcludedDistributionChannel     MT     A DistributionChannel that is excluded.
ExcludedTerritory          A Territory that is excluded from a list or set of Territories.
ExcludedTerritoryCode     MT     An Identifier identifying a Territory which is excluded from a Set of Territories.
Explanation          A Description explaining the context of an action, e.g. the reason for it, its details or the effect it will have.
ExpressionType     MT     A Type of expression.
ddexC:Extent     MT     A Composite containing an Extent and a UnitOfMeasure.
Extent          A Quantity of one-dimensional space.
ExternalLink     MT     An Identifier which provides a communication link to a Creation.
ddexC:ExternallyLinkedResourceType     MT     A Composite containing details of an ExternallyLinkedResourceType.
ExternallyLinkedResourceType          A Type of a Resource that is externally linked.
avs:ExternallyLinkedResourceType     AVS     A Type of Resource pointed to by an ExternalLink. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:ExternalResourceLink     MT     A Composite containing details of promotional or other material in digital form related to a Release.
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