DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-07-30
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y All Intro
Gender     MT     The gender of a Person.
GeneratedRevenueExcSalesTaxInCurrencyOfInvoicing     MT     A Revenue generated by the use of all Resources/Releases, excluding sales tax, given in the CurrencyOfInvoicing.
GeneratedRevenueExcSalesTaxInCurrencyOfReporting     MT     A Revenue generated by the use of all Resources/Releases, excluding sales tax, given in the CurrencyOfReporting.
atom:Generator     MT     A Composite containing details of a generator. The Atom generator element is defined in section 4.2.4 of the format spec.
Genre     MT     A genre or style (such as Musical, literary or audio-visual) with which a Creation is associated.
ddexC:Genre     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre.
ddexC:GenreCategory     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre Category.
ddexC:GenreCategoryValue     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre Category value.
GenreText     MT     The textual portion of a Genre.
ddexC:GenreWithClassical     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre.
ddexC:GenreWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre.
GlobalReleaseIdentifier     MT     A synonym of the term GRid.
ddexC:GoverningAgreementType     MT     A Composite containing details of a GoverningAgreementType.
GoverningAgreementType          A Type of governing Agreement.
avs:GoverningAgreementType     AVS     A Type of governing agreement. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
GraphicImage          A graphic (non-photographic) Image.
GRid     MT     Global Release Identifier: An Identifier allocated to a Release.
GrossAmount          A gross Amount.
GrossRevenue          A Revenue without or before Deductions.
GrossRevenueInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A GrossRevenue specified in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
GrossRevenueInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A GrossRevenue specified in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
Group          A Set of two or more Persons.
ddexC:GuaranteedAmount     MT     A Composite containing details of a GuaranteedAmount.
GuaranteedAmount          An Amount which is guaranteed.
GYear          A gYear datatype as used in XML.
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