DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-07-30
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The position of the top left corner of an object measured from the top left corner of a reference object.
Component Structure
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type Further Reading
  ern:CoreArea The position of the top left corner of the core area measured in Pixels. The position is given as two coordinate values separated by a comma, the top left pixel being 0,0. 1 xs:string  
  ern:PreviewDetails The position of the top left corner of the preview measured in Pixels from the top left corner of the Resource. The position is given as two coordinate values separated by a comma, the top left pixel being 0,0. 0-1 xs:string  
  ern:SoundRecordingPreviewDetails The position of the top left corner of the preview measured in Pixels from the top left corner of the Resource. The position is given as two coordinate values separated by a comma, the top left pixel being 0,0. 0-1 xs:string  
Parents Extent A Quantity of one-dimensional space.
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