DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-07-30
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The maximum number of Usages made of a Resource.
Component Structure
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type Further Reading
  mwnl:RateValidity The maximum number of Uses of a Resource for which this RoyaltyRate applies. Typically this refers to number of units sold, but the UseType is established by the UseType in the UseComposite. This element is used when there is a 'trigger' for a change in RoyaltyRate as a result of quantity of Use: for example, if a ReducedRate applies after sales of 100,000 units, then the old RoyaltyRate Composite will include a MaxNumberOfUses of 99,999, and the new RoyaltyRate Composite a MinNumberOfUses of 100,000. 0-1 xs:integer  
Parents NumberOfUsages A number of Usages made of a Resource.
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