DDEX Data Dictionary, 2019-12-03
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A supporting term for the messages.
A Party (that is usually owned or controlled by its members and/or organised on a not-for-profit basis) that, as its sole or main purpose, administers copyright or related rights on behalf of at least two RightsControllers, for the collective benefit of those RightsControllers where it is authorised by law or by way of assignment or License. A CollectiveManagementOrganization may also be a Licensor, a RightsAdministrator, a LicensingAgent or a RightsHolder. The CollectiveManagementOrganization may or may not be the MessageSender or MessageRecipient of a message in a specific information exchange defined by a DDEX Standard.
Parents Organization A Party which is either a legal Person (but not a natural Person) and/or a Group and/or an Organization Set.
Children MusicLicensingCompany An Organization that is duly authorised to issue Licenses and collect and distribute royalties for the use of SoundRecordings and music Videos on behalf of the owners of the SoundRecordings and music Videos (usually a RecordCompany) and/or Performers. MusicLicensingCompanies may issue Licenses on behalf of phonogram producers, Performers or both. Note: MusicLicensingCompanies were previously referred to as Producers (and/or Performers) Collection Societies (PCSs).
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