DDEX Data Dictionary, 2019-12-03
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y All Intro
Base64Binary          A base64Binary String as used in XML.
BaseRightShare          A RightShare which has a follower in title.
ddexC:BasicFtpMessageHeader     MT     A Composite placed at the beginning of each FtpAcknowledgementMessage providing information about the FtpAcknowledgementMessage such as MessageSender, MessageRecipient and a FtpAcknowledgementMessage creation time stamp.
BasisForRevenueAllocation     MT     A Source used for calculating a Revenue Allocation.
Batch          A Set of Files.
BatchId     MT     An Identifier of a Batch.
avs:BinaryDataType     AVS     A format of a Fingerprint. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
BitDepth     MT     [missing definition]
BitRate     MT     A Rate for an amount of data transferred in a specific Period of Time.
ddexC:BitRate     MT     A Composite containing a BitRate and a UnitOfMeasure.
BitsPerSample     MT     A number of bits that are available for the quantization of a sample.
BlockId     MT     An Identifier of a block in a Message.
Boolean     MT     A Boolean truth value. Allowed values: 'True' or 'False' (sometimes represented as 'Yes' or 'No' or '1' or '0').
BottomRightCorner     MT     The position of the bottom right corner of an object measured from top left corner of a reference object.
Brand          A conceptual Creation under whose name(s) and image(s) goods and Services are provided.
Broadcast          To Deliver a Resource using radio waves on the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
BroadcastChannel          A channel for Broadcast distribution.
BroadcastStationOrChannel          A Medium that is a Broadcast station or BroadcastChannel.
BroadcastStationOrChannelName     MT     A Name of a BroadcastStationOrChannel.
BulkOrderWholesalePricePerUnit     MT     A WholesalePricePerUnit for a bulk order.
BusinessModel          A plan or system for a business activity.
avs:BusinessMusicalWorkContributorRole     AVS     A business-related Role played by a Contributor in relation to a MusicalWork. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
BusinessProfile          A MessageProfile for a DdexMessage that defines which XmlElements and/or XmlAttributes may (not) be used to communicate a specific type of Use of a Release or set of Releases. BusinessProfiles may also limit the allowed values within an AllowedValueSet.
BusinessProfileVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a Version of a BusinessProfile.
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