DDEX Data Dictionary, 2019-12-03
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y All Intro
Name     MT     A Thing which denotes an Entity and which is capable of being written.
ddexC:Name     MT     A Composite containing details of a Name.
NameDesignation          A designation of a Name.
NameExtension          A Descriptor (such as a SubTitle) which is supplementary to, but not contained within, a Name.
NameIndexed          A Name in a form used to index it in an alphabetical list.
NamePart          A Part of a Name.
NamesAfterKeyName     MT     A NamePart that follows a KeyName in normal designation.
NamesBeforeKeyName     MT     A NamePart that precedes a KeyName in a normal designation of a PartyName.
Namespace     MT     An IdentifierType for a set of Element values.
NameType          A Type of Name.
NameUsedInDisplayCredit     MT     A PartyName that is displayed in credits.
ern:NameWithPronunciation     MT     A Composite containing details of a Name and its pronunciation.
ern:NameWithPronunciationAndScriptCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a Name and its pronunciation.
Nationality     MT     A nationality or citizenship of a Person.
NetAmount     MT     A net Amount.
NetPrice          A Price after the Deduction of Tax and/or other charges.
NetRevenue     MT     A Revenue after Deductions.
NetRevenueBeforeWithholdingTax     MT     A NetRevenue without or before taking the WithholdingTax into account.
NetRevenueInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A NetRevenue given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
NetRevenueInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A NetRevenue given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
NetUsage     MT     An Attribute of a usage with a net value.
NMTOKEN          An unspecific DataType. It is represented in XML as an xs:anyType Element.
NoDisplaySequence     MT     A Flag indicating whether a display sequence exists (=false) or not (=true).
NoMeterAvailable     MT     A Flag indicating whether a meter was not available (=true) or whether it was (=false).A Flag indicating whether a meter was not available (=true) or whether it was (=false).
NonFeaturedLineUpComplete     MT     A Flag indicating whether a non-featured line up is complete (=true) or not (=false).
NonLocalizablePlace          A Place which cannot be localized by reference to spatial co-ordinates.
NonLocalizablePlaceId          An Identifier of a NonLocalizablePlace.
NonMusicalWork          A Work other than a MusicalWork.
NonMusicalWorkVideo          A Video of a non-musical Performance.
NonMusicalWorkVideoChapter          A VideoChapter not embodying a MusicalWork.
NormalizedString          A normalized String as used in an XML schema.
NoSilenceAfter     MT     A Flag indicating whether a SoundRecording is followed by a period of silence (=false) or not (=true).
NoSilenceBefore     MT     A Flag indicating whether a SoundRecording is preceded by a period of silence (=false) or not (=true).
NoteEquivalentToBeat     MT     The note that is equivalent to one beat.
Notification          An Event in which a Party is informed about an Event.
NotificationId     MT     An Identifier of a Notification.
NumberOfAllocatedPartySummaryRecords     MT     A number of allocated party summary records.
NumberOfAudioChannels     MT     A number of audio channels.
NumberOfBeatsInBar     MT     The number of beats in a bar.
NumberOfBlocks          A number of blocks.
NumberOfBlocksInFile     MT     A number of blocks in a File.
NumberOfBlocksInReport     MT     A number of blocks in a report.
NumberOfBroadcastListeners     MT     A number of Users of a Broadcast.
NumberOfBroadcasts     MT     A number of Broadcasts made of a Resource.
NumberOfBytes          A number of bytes.
NumberOfChannels     MT     A number of channels.
NumberOfCharacters          A number of Characters.
NumberOfCollections     MT     A number of Collections.
NumberOfContributors          A number of Contributors associated with a Resource.
NumberOfDataCarriers          A number of DataCarriers.
NumberOfDataCarriersInSet     MT     A number of DataCarriers in a Set.
NumberOfDisks     MT     A number of disks.
NumberOfDownloads     MT     A number of downloads.
NumberOfFeaturedPerformingContributors     MT     A number of featured performing Contributors associated with a Resource.
NumberOfFiles     MT     A number of Files.
NumberOfLines     MT     A number of lines.
NumberOfLinesInFile     MT     A number of lines in a File.
NumberOfLinesInReport     MT     A number of lines in a Report.
NumberOfMainCharacters     MT     A number of MainCharacters.
NumberOfMessages     MT     A number of Messages.
NumberOfNonFeaturedPerformingContributors     MT     A number of non-featured performing Contributors associated with a Resource.
NumberOfOtherCharacters     MT     A number of OtherCharacters.
NumberOfParties          A number of Parties.
NumberOfProductsPerCarton     MT     A number of Products per carton.
NumberOfProductUnits          A number of Product units.
NumberOfRecords          A number of records.
NumberOfReleases     MT     A number of Releases.
NumberOfResources          A number of Resources.
NumberOfRevenueByUsageRecords     MT     The number of records reporting a mlc:RevenueByUsage which are contained in a Message.
NumberOfRevenueDetailsRecords     MT     A number of revenue details records.
NumberOfSalesTransactionRecords     MT     The number of records reporting SalesTransactions which are contained in a Message (transaction records are SalesToRecordCompanyByTerritory and SalesToSocietyByTerritory Composites, depending on the Message sent).
NumberOfSoundRecordingsClaimedInCarrier     MT     A number of SoundRecordings that are claimed.
NumberOfStreams     MT     A number of streams made of a Resource.
NumberOfSummaryRecords     MT     A number of summary records.
NumberOfSupportingCharacters     MT     A number of SupportingCharacters.
NumberOfTransactedResources     MT     A number of Resources included in a transaction.
NumberOfUnitsSold     MT     A number of unit sales of a Product.
NumberOfUsages     MT     A number of Usages made of a Resource.
NumberOfUsers          A number of Users of a Service or Resource.
NumericString          A String consisting of Arabic numerals (which may include mathematical symbols).
NumericString4          A NumericString consisting of exactly 4 numerals.
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