DDEX Data Dictionary, 18-11-19
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A supporting term for the messages.
To make a copy of a Creation (that is, a Creation whose specified intrinsic attributes are identical to those of its original).
Parents Create To make a Creation.
  Use To interact with a MusicalWork or Resource.
Children Download To transfer a Release from a Service's Computer to a Consumer's Computer for later consumption. This allowed value is deprecated. DDEX advises that this value will be removed at a future date and therefore recommends against using it.
  Dub To Copy an AudioResource onto a film.
  ExtractForInternet To reproduce and perform an excerpt from a Resource in an on demand internet streaming Service.
  Print To Copy a Resource on paper or an another permanent Medium where it can be seen. This allowed value is deprecated. DDEX advises that this value will be removed at a future date and therefore recommends against using it.
  PrivateCopy To Copy a Resource for private use. This avs:UseType is typically used when reporting revenues related to private copying levies.
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