DDEX Data Dictionary, 18-04-26
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All Intro
wa     MT     A label for the term WA_Language
WagnerTuba     MT     The Wind-Brass Instrument Wagner Tuba.
wak     MT     A label for the term WAK_Language
avs:WAK_Language     MT     Wakashan languages
wal     MT     A label for the term WAL_Language
Wallpaper     MT     An Image intended as background on a portable device such as a mobile phone or computer.
WallpaperRelease     MT     A Release containing a Resource for use as a Wallpaper.
avs:WAL_Language     MT     Wolaitta; Wolaytta
war     MT     A label for the term WAR_Language
Wardrobe     MT     A Party responsible for managing clothes and/or costumes.
Warning     MT     An Error which generates a warning message.
avs:WAR_Language     MT     Waray
was     MT     A label for the term WAS_Language
Washboard     MT     The Percussion-Unpitched Instrument Washboard.
WashtubBass     MT     The String Instrument Washtub Bass.
avs:WAS_Language     MT     Washo
Waterphone     MT     The Percussion-Pitched Instrument Waterphone.
WAV     MT     Waveform Audio File Format
WavFile     MT     A WAVE Audio File (WAV).
WaxCylinderPhonogramAnalogAudioDisk     MT     Wax cylinder phonogram analog audio disk
avs:WA_Language     MT     Walloon.
Webcast     MT     To Deliver a Resource over the Internet using streaming technology. This is deprecated as an allowed value for UseType. DDEX advises that this value will be removed at a future date and therefore recommends against using it.
WebPage          A File that contains a page accessible in the WWW.
WelshTripleHarp     MT     The String Instrument Welsh Triple Harp.
wen     MT     A label for the term WEN_Language
avs:WEN_Language     MT     Sorbian languages
avs:WesternSahara_TisTerritory     MT     Western Sahara (Source: TIS Standard).
avs:WestIndies_TisTerritory     MT     West Indies (Source: TIS Standard).
WF     MT     A label for the term WF_Territory
avs:WF_Territory     MT     Wallis and Futuna (Source:ISO 3166-1).
Whole          A Resource of which another Resource is a part.
WholesalePricePerUnit     MT     A wholesale Price for a single unit.
WillowFlute     MT     The Wind Instrument Willow Flute.
WindChimes     MT     The Percussion-Unpitched Instrument Wind Chimes.
WindInstrument     MT     A wind Instrument.
WindMachine     MT     The Percussion-Unpitched Instrument Wind Machine.
WindSection     MT     An OrchestraSection consisting of Musicians with WindInstruments.
WineGlasses     MT     The Percussion-Pitched Instrument Wine Glasses.
WireStrungHarp     MT     The String Instrument Wire Strung Harp.
WithholdingTax     MT     [missing definition]
WksFile     MT     A Works Spreadsheet (WKS).
WKUM     MT     A label for the term WKUM_Territory
avs:WKUM_Territory     MT     Wake Island, Merged into United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM), (Source ISO 3166-3).
wln     MT     A label for the term WA_Language
WMA     MT     Windows Media Audio as developed by Microsoft Corp.
WmaFile     MT     A Windows Media Audio File (WMA).
WMV     MT     Windows Media Video as developed by Microsoft Corp.
WmvFile     MT     A Windows Media Video File (WMV).
wo     MT     A label for the term WO_Language
WobbleBoard     MT     The Percussion-Unpitched Instrument Wobble Board.
wol     MT     A label for the term WO_Language
WoodBlock     MT     The Percussion-Unpitched Instrument Wood Block.
Woodcutter     MT     A Creator of a print using woodcuts.
WoodEngraver     MT     A Creator of a print using wood engravings.
WoodFlute     MT     The Wind Instrument Wood Flute.
WoodTrumpet     MT     The Wind-Brass Instrument Wood Trumpet.
WoodwindInstrument          A woodwind Instrument.
WoodwindSection     MT     The Wind Instrument Woodwind Section.
Work          A distinct, abstract Creation of the mind whose existence is revealed through one or more expressions (e.g. a Performance) or Manifestations (e.g. an object)
WorkContributor     MT     A Contributor playing a role in the making of a Work.
WorkContributorPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a WorkContributor.
WorkContributorRole     MT     A Role played by a Contributor to a Work
WorkDeletedFromRelease     MT     The Work was deleted from the Release.
WorkElement     MT     A RecordingComponent that is intended for use only during the creation of the final SoundRecording.
WorkId     MT     An Identifier of a Work.
WorkIncorrectlyIdentified     MT     One or more of the Works named in the LicenseRequest is thought to have been wrongly identified.
WorkInPublicDomain     MT     A Work is in the public domain in a requested Territory.
mc-notif:WorkList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Works.
WorkList     MT     A List of Works.
mwnl:WorkListForWorksNotificationLicensingWithDeletion     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Works.
WorkMinimumRate     MT     The lowest PennyRate which can be paid for any Work.
WorkNotUsed     MT     The Licensee indicates that the Work has not been used.
WorkReference          A Reference to a Work.
ern:WorkRightsController     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightsController for a Work. RightsControllers are typically described by Name, Identifier and Role(s).
WorkRightShareReference     MT     A Reference to a RightShare which is contained within a specific Work.
ddexC:WorkRightShareReferenceList     MT     A Composite containing a list of WorkRightShareReferences.
WorkUnknown     MT     The Licensee indicates that the Work is not known.
WorkUsedMultipleTimes     MT     The MusicalWork is used multiple times in a single LicenseRequest.
Worldwide          A Place including all Territories on Earth.
Worldwide     MT     A label for the term DdexTerritoryCode_Worldwide
WorldwideMember     MT     A Party which has assigned relevant rights to a claiming society for the world.
avs:World_TisTerritory     MT     World (Source: TIS Standard).
Wot     MT     The Wind Instrument Wot.
avs:WO_Language     MT     Wolof.
WpdFile     MT     A WordPerfect Document (WPD).
WpsFile     MT     A Microsoft Works Word Processor Document (WPS).
mc-notif:Writer     MT     A Composite containing details a MusicalWorkContributor.
WriterOfAccompanyingMaterial     MT     A Creator of textual material that accompanies audio or audiovisual material.
WriterPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Lyricist which is related to a specific MusicalWorkContributor.
WrongAddressee     MT     The MessageSender is not the right Party to send the License to.
WS     MT     A label for the term WS_Territory
WsfFile     MT     A Windows Script File (WSF).
WST     MT     A label for the term WST_Currency
avs:WST_Currency     MT     Tala.
avs:WS_Territory     MT     Samoa (Source:ISO 3166-1).
Wurlitzer200A     MT     The Keyboard-Electric Piano Instrument Wurlitzer 200A.
WurlitzerElectricPiano     MT     The Keyboard-Electric Piano Instrument Wurlitzer Electric Piano.
WurlitzerOrgan     MT     The Keyboard-Electric Organ Instrument Wurlitzer Organ.
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