DDEX Data Dictionary, 19-03-22
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All Intro
VA     MT     A label for the term VA_Territory
vai     MT     A label for the term VAI_Language
avs:VAI_Language     MT     Vai
VakoOrchestron     MT     The Keyboard-Sampled Instrument Vako Orchestron.
ddexC:ValidityPeriod     MT     A Composite containing details about a ValidityPeriod of Time. Periods are typically describedby at least a StartDate or EndDate where the StartDate and EndDate are included in the Period. Thus a one-day period can be described by using the same date in the StartDate and EndDate.
ValidityPeriod     MT     A Period for which a validity State applies.
ValidityPeriodEnd     MT     A StartDate of a ValidityPeriod.
ValidityPeriodStart     MT     A StartDate of a ValidityPeriod.
Valiha     MT     The String Instrument Valiha.
Value     MT     A value of an Element.
avs:ValueType     MT     A Type of RoyaltyRate.
ValveTrombone     MT     The Wind-Brass Instrument Valve Trombone.
avs:Vanuatu_TisTerritory     MT     Vanuatu (Source: TIS Standard).
avs:VA_Territory     MT     The Holy See (Source:ISO 3166-1).
VbFile     MT     A VBScript File (VB).
VC     MT     A label for the term VC_Territory
VcdFile     MT     A Virtual CD (VCD).
VcfFile     MT     A vCard File (VCF).
avs:VC_Territory     MT     Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (Source:ISO 3166-1).
VDVN     MT     A label for the term VDVN_Territory
avs:VDVN_Territory     MT     Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of, Merged into Viet Nam (VN), (Source ISO 3166-3).
ve     MT     A label for the term VE_Language
VE     MT     A label for the term VE_Territory
Veena     MT     The String Instrument Veena.
VEF     MT     A label for the term VEF_DeprecatedCurrency
avs:VEF_DeprecatedCurrency     MT     Bolívar (deprecated).
ven     MT     A label for the term VE_Language
VenezualanHarp     MT     The String Instrument Venezualan Harp.
avs:Venezuela_TisTerritory     MT     Venezuela (Source: TIS Standard).
ddexC:Venue     MT     A Composite containing details of a venue.
VenueAddress     MT     An Address of a venue.
VenueName     MT     A Name of a venue.
VenueRoom     MT     A Descriptor of a room at a venue.
VeracruzHarp     MT     The String Instrument Veracruz Harp.
Verified     MT     An Entity which has been verified.
Version     MT     An Adaptation which is an update to a previous version of a Creation. Example: a new version of software.
VersionId     MT     An Identifier of a Version.
ddexC:VersionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:VersionType.
avs:VersionType     MT     A Type of Version.
VES     MT     A label for the term VES_Currency
avs:VES_Currency     MT     Bolívar Soberano.
VET     MT     The Valtion elokuvatarkastamo of Finnland.
avs:VE_Language     MT     Venda.
avs:VE_Territory     MT     Venezuela (Source:ISO 3166-1).
VG     MT     A label for the term VG_Territory
avs:VG_Territory     MT     British Virgin Islands (Source:ISO 3166-1).
VhsAnalogVideoTape_CompactCassette     MT     VHS analog video tape, compact cassette
VhsAnalogVideoTape_StandardCassette     MT     VHS analog video tape, standard cassette
VhsCassette          A VHS VideoCassette.
VhsNTSC     MT     A VideoCassette VHS NTSC.
VhsPAL     MT     A VideoCassette VHS PAL.
VhsPlusCdLp     MT     A VideoCassette VHS plus CD Album.
VhsSECAM     MT     A VideoCassette VHS SECAM.
vi     MT     A label for the term VI_Language
VI     MT     A label for the term VI_Territory
Vibraphone     MT     The Percussion-Pitched Instrument Vibraphone.
Vibraslap     MT     The Percussion-Unpitched Instrument Vibraslap.
VichitraVeena     MT     The String Instrument Vichitra Veena.
Video     MT     An audio-visual Recording.
ern:Video     MT     A Composite containing details of a Video.
Video     MT     A label for the term VideoReleaseProfile
VideoAlbum     MT     A Release typically containing multiple Video Tracks. It may also contain bonus Resources.
VideoBitRate     MT     A BitRate for video data.
VideoCategory     MT     A Description of the content of a Video.
VideoChapter     MT     A section of a Video defined by a start and end point. Typical VideoChapters are MusicalWorkVideoChapter or NonMusicalWorkVideoChapter.
VideoChapterReference     MT     A Reference to a Chapter which is contained within a specific Video.
VideoClip     MT     A shortened Video.
VideoClipRelease          A Release predominantly containing excerpts from Videos.
VideoCodec          An algorithm to compress and uncompress a Video Resource for storage and/or transmission.
ddexC:VideoCodecType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:VideoCodecType.
avs:VideoCodecType     MT     A Type of VideoCodec.
VideoCollectionReferenceList     MT     A List of CollectionReference for a Video.
VideoCueSheetReference     MT     A Reference to a CueSheet which is contained within a specific Video.
avs:VideoDefinitionType     MT     A Type of resolution (or definition) in which a Video is provided.
VideoDirector     MT     A Director of a Video.
Videographer     MT     A Party in charge of a video production.
ddexC:VideoId     MT     A Composite containing details of Identifiers of a Video.
VideoId          An Identifier of a Video.
VideoMastertoneRelease     MT     A Release containing a Video for use as a Ringtone primarily on MobileTelephones.
VideoMusicalDirector     MT     A Party responsible for a music video production. The VideoMusicalDirector conceives artistic and dramatic aspects while instructing the musical act, technical crew, actors, models, and dancers.
VideoProducer     MT     A Party (individual or company) that is responsible for the financing of a Video.
VideoProduct     MT     A Product that is predominantly comprised of Videos.
VideoProductionWork     MT     A Work specifically created for use in a video production. Examples: self-help videos, educational videos, ...
VideoRelease          A Release containing typically one or more Video Resources.
VideoReleaseProfile     MT     A ReleaseProfile for VideoReleases.
VideoReport     MT     An audio-visual Recording of an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, investigation.
VideoScreenCapture     MT     A still Image captured from a Video.
VideoSingle     MT     A Release with a short total Duration, typically containing one or two ShortFormVideos.
ern:VideoSingle_MainReleaseType     MT     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:VideoSingle_MustContainFrontCoverImage     MT     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain one (and only one) Image of type FrontCoverImage.
ern:VideoSingle_MustNotContainFrontCoverImage     MT     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must not contain any Image of type FrontCoverImage.
ern:VideoSingle_ReleaseProfileVersionId     MT     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'Video'.
VideoStem     MT     An unedited audio-visual Recording that was recorded as part of a Session to produce, for instance, a ShortFormMusicalWorkVideo, but that has not been incorporated into the final version.
VideoTape          A video tape.
ddexC:VideoType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:VideoType.
avs:VideoType     MT     A Type of Video.
avs:VideoType_DSRF     MT     A Type of Video, as used in the DSRF Messages.
vie     MT     A label for the term VI_Language
Vielle     MT     The String Instrument Vielle.
avs:VietNam_TisTerritory     MT     Viet Nam (Source: TIS Standard).
Vihuela     MT     The String Instrument Vihuela.
VinylDisk     MT     A label for the term VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk
VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk     MT     Vinyl phonograph analog audio disk
VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk_10Inch     MT     Vinyl phonograph analog audio disk, 10 inch
VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk_12Inch     MT     Vinyl phonograph analog audio disk, 12 inch
VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk_14Inch     MT     Vinyl phonograph analog audio disk, 14 inch
VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk_16Inch     MT     Vinyl phonograph analog audio disk, 16 inch
VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk_7Inch     MT     Vinyl phonograph analog audio disk, 7 inch
VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk_UnspecifiedSize     MT     A label for the term VinylPhonographAnalogAudioDisk
Viol     MT     The String Instrument Viol.
Viola     MT     The String Instrument Viola.
ViolaCaipira     MT     The String Instrument Viola caipira.
ViolaDaBraccio     MT     The String Instrument Viola Da Braccio.
ViolaDaGamba     MT     The String Instrument Viola da Gamba.
ViolaDAmore     MT     The String Instrument Viola d'Amore.
ViolaPomposa     MT     The String Instrument Viola Pomposa.
Violence     MT     Violence.
Violin     MT     The String Instrument Violin.
ViolinoPiccolo     MT     The String Instrument Violino Piccolo.
Virginals     MT     The Keyboard-String Instrument Virginals.
VirtualAddress          An Address of a VirtualPlace.
VirtualPlace          A NonLocalizablePlace with a unique Identifier which may be occupied by Resources which are perceivable using technology.
VirtualPlaceId          An Identifier of a VirtualPlace.
VISAN     MT     A version identifier of audiovisual Works identified by an International Standard Audiovisual Number, the ISO 15706-2 StandardIdentifier for versions of audiovisual Works (http://www.isan.org).
VisionMixer     MT     A Party operating video equipment to mix video feeds.
Visual     MT     A Thing which can be seen.
VisualEditor     MT     An Editor who prepares video or film footage.
VisualEffectsTechnician     MT     A Party producing visual effects.
avs:VisualPerceptionType     MT     A Type of MusicalCreation according to how it is experienced in an audio-visual Creation.
ViTar     MT     The String Instrument Vi-Tar.
VITC     MT     VITC Time Code.
avs:VI_Language     MT     Vietnamese.
avs:VI_Territory     MT     US Virgin Islands (Source:ISO 3166-1).
VN     MT     A label for the term VN_Territory
VND     MT     A label for the term VND_Currency
avs:VND_Currency     MT     Dong.
avs:VN_Territory     MT     Viet Nam (Source:ISO 3166-1).
vo     MT     A label for the term VO_Language
VobFile     MT     A DVD Video Object File (VOB).
Vocal     MT     Relating to voices.
Vocal     MT     A label for the term VocalSession
VocalAccompaniment     MT     A Party who sings a musical accompaniment.
VocalArranger     MT     An Arranger who adds the final touches or subtle nuances to the vocal arrangement of a recording.
VocalEditingEngineer     MT     An Engineer responsible for editing the vocal elements of a recording.
VocalEditingSecondEngineer     MT     An assistant of an Engineer responsible for editing the vocal elements of a recording.
VocalEngineer     MT     An Engineer responsible for the capture of the vocal elements of a recording.
VocalEnsemble     MT     A group of Parties who perform vocally together.
Vocalist     MT     A Party who performs a MusicalWork vocally.
VocalProducer     MT     A producer with overall creative and technical control of the vocal recording on a project and the individual recording Sessions that are a part of that project. He or she is present in the recording studio or at the location recording and works directly with the vocalist(s) and engineer. The VocalProducer makes creative and aesthetic decisions that realize the goals of both the artist and the label goals in the creation of the vocals.
VocalSecondEngineer     MT     An assistant to the VocalEngineer.
VocalSession     MT     A Session focusing on Vocal Performances.
avs:VocalType     MT     A Type of a MusicalCreation according to the occurrence of vocals.
Voice     MT     A label for the term Vocalist
VoiceActor     MT     A Party who performs using his voice.
vol     MT     A label for the term VO_Language
VolumeNumberInSet     MT     A SequenceNumber of a volume within a Set.
Vorbis     MT     An AudioCodec developed by the Xiph.Org Foundation.
vot     MT     A label for the term VOT_Language
avs:VOT_Language     MT     Votic
VoxContinental     MT     The Keyboard-Electric Organ Instrument Vox.
avs:VO_Language     MT     Volapük.
VTT     MT     The Web Video Text Tracks format used for Captions, as defined by W3C.
VU     MT     A label for the term VU_Territory
VUV     MT     A label for the term VUV_Currency
avs:VUV_Currency     MT     Vatu.
avs:VU_Territory     MT     Vanuatu (Source:ISO 3166-1).
VXA-1DigitalDataTape     MT     VXA-1 digital data tape, cassette
VXA-2DigitalDataTape     MT     VXA-2 digital data tape, cassette
VXA-3DigitalDataTape     MT     VXA-2 digital data tape, cassette
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