DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-05-19
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y All Intro
PageName     MT     A Name of a WebPage.
Parameter     MT     A parameter of an Algorithm.
ddexC:ParentalWarningType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ParentalWarningType.
ParentalWarningType     MT     A Type of Annotation consisting of a warning with the intention of alerting parents of potentially unsuitable material.
avs:ParentalWarningType     AVS     A Type of Creation according to advice which it carries about the level of explicitness or offensiveness of its content. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:ParentalWarningTypeWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a ParentalWarningType.
ParentSummaryRecordId     MT     An Identifier of a parent summary record.
Part          A Resource which is part of another Resource.
PartId          An Identifier of a Part.
PartNumber          A numeric PartId.
ern:Party     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party.
Party     MT     A Thing that is a human or other animate being (real or imaginary), or a legal person, an organization or a machine capable of playing a role as an Agent (or active Thing).
PartyAffiliateReference     MT     A Reference to an affiliated Party which is related to a specific Party.
ddexC:PartyDescriptor     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party. Parties are typically described through Names and/or Identifiers.
PartyDescriptor          A Descriptor of a Party.
ddexC:PartyId     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyId. If no Namespace is given, the Identifier is a DdexPartyId (DPID). Note that DPIDs are not normally used to identify Artists, producers or other Creators.
PartyId     MT     An Identifier of a Party.
ern:PartyList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Parties.
PartyList          A List of Parties.
PartyMusicRightsSocietyReference     MT     A Reference for a MusicRightsSociety (specific to this Message). This is a LocalPartyAnchorReference starting with the letter P.
PartyName     MT     A Name of a Party.
ddexC:PartyName     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyName. Name details for a Party typically either contain a FullName or a KeyName.
ddexC:PartyNameWithoutCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyName. Name details for a Party typically either contain a FullName or a KeyName.
ern:PartyNameWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyName. Name details for a Party typically either contain a FullName or a KeyName.
PartyPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific Party.
PartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party.
PartyRelatedPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific Party.
ddexC:PartyRelationshipType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:PartyRelationshipType.
avs:PartyRelationshipType     AVS     A Type of relationship between two Parties. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
PartyRole          A Role played by a Party.
ern:PartyWithRole     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party.
PayAsYouGoModel          A CommercialModel where the Service or Product offering is financed by revenue generated from payment (set at any level but not zero) for each Usage which the Customer makes of the Service or Product.
PayingMlcCommission     MT     A Commission applying to a paying MLC.
PayingMlcGrossAmount     MT     A GrossAmount applying to a paying MLC.
PayingMlcInterest     MT     An Interest applying to a paying MLC.
PayingMlcName     MT     A Name of a paying MusicLicensingCompany.
PayingMlcOtherDeductions     MT     A DeductedAmount by a paying MLC.
PayingMlcOtherDeductionTypes     MT     A Type of a Deduction by a paying MLC..
PayingMlcWithholdingTax     MT     A WithholdingTax applying to a paying MLC.
Payment          An Event in which money is given in exchange for a Product or a Service.
PaymentDate     MT     A Date of a Payment.
PaymentRecipientId     MT     An Identifier of a recipient of a Payment.
PaymentRecipientName     MT     A Name of a recipient of a Payment.
PCM          Pulse-code modulated audio as used e.g. on audio CDs. Typically, but not exclusively, PCM bit streams are communicated in WAV containers.
PerceivableThing          A perceivable Thing.
Percent          Percent.
Percentage     MT     A synonym of the term PercentageRate.
ddexC:Percentage     MT     A Composite containing details of a PercentageRate.
PercentageOfResourceInRelease     MT     A Percentage indicating how much of a traded Release is represented by a Resource.
PercentageOfResourceInReleaseCorrected     MT     A corrected PercentageOfResourceInRelease.
PercentageOfResourceInReleaseDelta     MT     A delta value of a PercentageOfResourceInRelease.
PercentageOfResourceInReleaseOriginal     MT     An original PercentageOfResourceInRelease.
PercentageOfRightsAssignment     MT     A Percentage of a Right involved in a Rights assignment.
PercentageRate     MT     A rate of parts per hundred, resulting from the division of a Quantity by another Quantity of the same type and a multiplication of the result by 100.
PercentageType     MT     A Type of PercentageRate.
PercentileForPrioritisation     MT     A percentile expected for UsagesForPrioritisation.
Performance          A Manifestation that exists only during its creation. Note: Performances do not necessarily need to take place in front of an audience but can include, e.g., studio or location events.
PerformanceRecording          A Recording of a Performance.
PerformanceVideo          A Video of a Performance.
Performer     MT     A performer of a Work.
PerformingContributor          A Contributor whose contribution is a Performance.
ddexC:Period     MT     A Composite containing details about a Period of Time. Periods are typically describedby at least a StartDate or EndDate (or StartDateTime or EndDateTime) where the StartDate(Time) and EndDate(Time) are included in the Period. Thus a one-day period can be described by using the same date in the StartDate and EndDate. If two subsequent Periods form a continuum (i.e. with no break in-between) there are two ways to express this: (a) if using dates, the EndDate of the first Period must be one day before the StartDate of the second Period; (b) if using date times, the EndDateTime of the first Period must be the same as the StartDateTime of the second Period.
Period          A Time represented as a range between two other Times (with measurable Duration, as opposed to a point in Time).
PeriodOfRightsDelegation     MT     A Period for which Rights are delegated.
ern:PeriodWithoutFlags     MT     A Composite containing details about a Period of Time. Periods are typically describedby at least a StartDate or EndDate (or StartDateTime or EndDateTime) where the StartDate(Time) and EndDate(Time) are included in the Period. Thus a one-day period can be described by using the same date in the StartDate and EndDate. If two subsequent Periods form a continuum (i.e. with no break in-between) there are two ways to express this: (a) if using dates, the EndDate of the first Period must be one day before the StartDate of the second Period; (b) if using date times, the EndDateTime of the first Period must be the same as the StartDateTime of the second Period.
ern:PeriodWithStartDate     MT     A Composite containing details about a Period of Time with a mandatory StartDate or StartDateTime.
PersistentCreation          A persistent Creation.
PersistentManifestation          A persistent Manifestation.
PersistentThing          A persistent Thing.
Person          A Party attributed with roles or characteristics of an individual human being.
PersonnelDescription     MT     A Description of a group of personnel.
PhoneNumber     MT     An Identifier of a telephone.
ddexC:PhoneNumber     MT     A Composite containing details of a PhoneNumber.
Photograph          A still Image recorded by a camera.
Physical          Distribution of Releases via physical Carriers, such as CDs.
PhysicalProduct          A Product in a physical form.
ern:PhysicalReturns     MT     A Composite containing details of physical returns.
PhysicalReturnsAllowed     MT     A Flag indicating whether physical returns are allowed (=true) or not (=false).
PhysicalTool          A Tool which is a TouchableThing.
Pixel          Pixel.
PixelAspectRatio          A proportion of a pixel of an Image formed by dividing its height by its width.
Place          A point or portion of three-dimensional or virtual space.
PlaceDescription          A Description of a Place.
PlaceDescriptor          A Descriptor of a Place.
PlaceId          An Identifier of a Place.
PlaceName          A Name of a Place.
PLine     MT     A (P) RightsNotice for a Creation. A PLine is a rights statement for MusicalWorks that result from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken or other sounds, but not including the sounds accompanying a motion picture or other audio visual Work.
ddexC:PLine     MT     A Composite containing details of a PLine.
PLineCompany     MT     A Party releasing a Creation as mentioned in a PLine (an owner or a Licensee of the Creation).
PLineText     MT     The textual portion of a PLine.
PLineType     MT     A Type of PLine.
avs:PLineType     AVS     A Type of PLine. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:PLineWithDefault     MT     A Composite containing details of a PLine.
ddexC:PLineWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a PLine.
PLineYear     MT     A Year of a PLine.
PolicyMaker          An Agent who asserts a policy.
PoliticalPlace          A LocalizablePlace whose spatial co-ordinates are determined by law or other formal social convention.
PoliticalPlaceId          An Identifier of a PoliticalPlace.
PoolName     MT     A Name of a fund or pool.
Position     MT     The position in the charts.
ddexC:PostalAddress     MT     A Composite containing details of a PostalAddress.
PostalAddress          A postal delivery Address.
PostalAddressLine     MT     A text line of a PostalAddress.
PostCode     MT     An Identifier identifying a postal Place.
PostTransfer     MT     A synonym of the term PostTransferCatalogRightShareReference.
PostTransferCatalogRightShareReference     MT     A CatalogRightShareReference to a RightShare that results from a CatalogTransfer.
Potpourri          A MusicalWork whose expression is a combination of existing MusicalWorks or excerpts from MusicalWorks to which typically, additional original material has been added. Example: material may be added to provide musical links joining or combining the existing MusicalWorks. Note: A Potpourri typically results in the creation of a new piece of intellectual property and is sometimes known as Mashup.
PreferredDPID     MT     A preferred DdexPartyId.
ddexC:Prefix     MT     A Composite containing details of a Descriptor that precedes the display artist name when multiple display artist names are given.
Prefix          A Descriptor that precedes another Descriptor.
PreTransfer     MT     A synonym of the term PreTransferCatalogRightShareReference.
PreTransferCatalogRightShareReference     MT     A CatalogRightShareReference to a RightShare that is subject to a CatalogTransfer.
PreviewAvailable     MT     A Flag indicating whether a preview is available (=true) or not (=false).
PreviewDate          A Date on which something is made first available for display.
ern:PreviewDetails     MT     A Composite containing details of a preview.
PreviewDetails     MT     A Descriptor of preview details for a Creation.
PreviousNotificationId     MT     An Identifier of a previous Notification.
PreviousRequestId     MT     An Identifier of a previous LicenseRequest.
ddexC:Price     MT     A Composite containing details of a Price.
Price          An Amount to be paid for goods or Services.
PriceCode     MT     An Identifier used to identify a PriceType.
PriceConsumerPaidExcludingVAT     MT     A synonym of the term PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax.
PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax     MT     A Price paid by Consumers, excluding SalesTax.
PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTaxInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTaxInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
ddexC:PriceInformation     MT     A Composite containing details of a Price.
PriceInformation     MT     An Annotation providing contact information about a Price.
avs:PriceInformationType     AVS     A Type of Price for which information is provided. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:PriceInformationWithType     MT     A Composite containing details of a Price.
PriceRangeType     MT     A Type of Price range.
PriceType     MT     A Type of Price.
ddexC:PriceType     MT     A Composite containing details of a PriceType.
PrimaryInstrumentType     MT     A Type of (musical) Instrument that is primarily played.
PrimaryRole     MT     A primary Role.
PriorityPeriodEndDate     MT     A EndDate of a Period in which a Resource or a Release is a priority item.
PriorityPeriodStartDate     MT     A StartDate of a Period in which a Resource or a Release is a priority item.
ProducerName     MT     A Name of a producer.
ProducerPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a producer.
Product          A Manifestation of a Release (or another Resource) which is made available to Consumers, by sale, loan or other means. The attributes of a Release in its digital manifestation as a Product may be technical (e.g., the codec or bit rate); a mode of distribution (e.g., downloading or streaming); or a commercial term (e.g., price).
ProductionCompany          An Organization responsible for a production.
ProductionCompanyName     MT     A Name of a ProductionCompany.
ProductionCompanyPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a ProductionCompany.
ProductionContributor          A Party contributing to the making of a Creation, but directly to the Creation.
ProductionOrReleaseDate     MT     A ReleaseDate or a production date.
ddexC:ProductType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ProductType.
ProductType          A Type of Product.
avs:ProductType     AVS     A Type of Product. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Profile     MT     A synonym of the term MessageProfile.
ProfileVersion          A Version of a MessageProfile
ProfileVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a ProfileVersion.
Project          A group of Events with a particular goal.
ProjectArtist     MT     An Artist involved in a Project.
ProjectContributorReference     MT     A Reference to a Contributor which is involved in a specific Project.
ProjectFileReference     MT     A Reference to a File which is involved in a specific Project.
ProjectLabelReference     MT     A Reference to a label which is involved in a specific Project.
ProjectName     MT     A Name of a Project.
ProjectReference     MT     An Identifier of a Project which is specific to a DdexMessage.
PromotionalActivity     MT     A Description of a promotional activity.
ddexC:PromotionalCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a PromotionalCode.
PromotionalCode          An Identifier used to identify a promotion.
PromotionalItem          A Resource other than an Image or information used for marketing a Release, Resource or associated Party.
PromotionalTool          A Creation used to promote something.
ProprietaryId     MT     A synonym of the term ProprietaryIdentifier.
ddexC:ProprietaryId     MT     A Composite containing details of a ProprietaryIdentifier.
ProprietaryIdentifier     MT     An Identifier from a scheme which is proprietary to a particular Organization.
ProprietaryPartyId     MT     A synonym of the term AllocatedPartyClaimingMlcLocalId.
ProprietaryPartyId     MT     A synonym of the term AllocatedPartyCollectingMlcLocalId.
ProprietaryPartyId     MT     A synonym of the term AllocatedPartyPayingMlcLocalId.
ProprietaryPartyIdentifier          A ProprietaryIdentifier of a Party.
ProprietaryReleaseId     MT     A proprietary ReleaseId.
ProprietaryResourceId     MT     A synonym of the term ProprietaryResourceIdentifier.
ProprietaryResourceIdentifier     MT     A ProprietaryIdentifier of a Resource.
ProprietarySubReleaseId     MT     A proprietary ReleaseId for a sub-release.
ProprietaryWorkId     MT     A ProprietaryIdentifier of a Work.
ProprietaryWorkId     MT     A synonym of the term ProprietaryWorkIdentifier.
ProprietaryWorkIdentifier     MT     A ProprietaryIdentifier of a Work.
PublicationDate          A Date on which a Creation is published.
Publisher          A Party that makes a Resource available. Publishers are also normally responsible for creating or compiling the Resource, and they will commonly be a RightsController in it.
PublisherCredits     MT     An Annotation which acknowledges publishers.
ern:PurgedRelease     MT     A Composite containing details of a DDEX Release to be purged.
ern:PurgeReleaseMessage     AV     A Message in the Release Notification Message Suite Standard, allowing a ReleaseCreator to 'purge' a Release that a DSP has on its books but that cannot be retracted or be taken down in the normal way (e.g. because its metadata is corrupt).
ddexC:Purpose     MT     A Composite containing details of a Purpose.
Purpose          A Description of the purpose for an action.
avs:Purpose     AVS     A Type of use that is the purpose of an action. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
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