DDEX Data Dictionary, 19-12-03
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Traditional music of Andalusian Romani. Flamenco was thought to have started with the migration of Indian gypsies traveling through the middle east and eventually settling in Spain and therefore has many middle eastern and Spanish influences. The music has endured much political backlash throughout its history. Flamenco is characterized by its unique virtuosic singing and guitar playing. The instruments used are the voice, guitar and palmas (hand clapping), as those were the instruments that the Romani gypsies could bring on their travels. Flamenco dancing is a fundamental Flamenco genre and culture, and Flamenco music often accompanies dancing.
Parents Traditional Folk and court music traditions outside of North America and the British Isles.
Belongs to AVS avs:RhythmStyle A rhythm style.
  avs:SubGenre A Type of SubGenre.
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