DDEX Data Dictionary, 19-12-03
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A Status of a RightsClaim for a MusicalWork.
Belongs to Class AllowedValueSet A Set of allowed values.
AVS Members CompleteClaim A RightsClaim that is complete. This value is to be used when the total of all collection shares equals 100% and all identified publishers responded. Child: CompleteUnderClaim
  CompleteUnderClaim A RightsClaim for an insufficient amount. This value is to be used when the total of all known collection shares is less than 100%, but all expected responses have been received. Parent: CompleteClaim
Parent: UnderClaim
  IncompleteClaim A RightsClaim that is not complete. This value is to be used when the total of all collection shares equals 100%, but not all identified publishers responded. Child: IncompleteUnderClaim
  IncompleteUnderClaim A RightsClaim for an insufficient amount. This value is to be used when the total of all known collection shares is less than 100%, but all expected responses have not yet been received. Parent: IncompleteClaim
Parent: UnderClaim
  MajorOverClaim A RightsClaim for an amount that exceeds the right amount by a major percentage. In the US, a threshold value of 115% is commonly used, so this value is used when the total of all known collection shares is more than 115%. However, the contracting parties can decide on the appropriate threshold value. Parent: OverClaim
  MinorOverClaim A RightsClaim for an amount that exceeds the right amount by a minor percentage. In the US, a threshold value of 115% is commonly used, so this value is used when the total of all known collection shares is between 100% and 115%. However, the contracting parties can decide on the appropriate threshold value. Parent: OverClaim
  OverClaim A RightsClaim for an amount that exceeds the right amount. This value is to be used when the total of all known collection shares is more than 100%. Child: MajorOverClaim
Child: MinorOverClaim
  UnderClaim A RightsClaim for an insufficient amount. This value is to be used when the total of all known collection shares is less than 100%. Child: CompleteUnderClaim
Child: IncompleteUnderClaim
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