DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-07-30
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A supporting term for the messages.
A recorded element that is captured with a view to being contributed to a SoundRecording. It may be captured from a live or studio environment and may be an acoustic or electronic recording of (a) the sounds generated by voice or instruments, (b) other ambient sounds, or (c) the results of processing such sounds. It may also be component of multitrack recordings, or be recorded data associated with such a recording such as MIDI events or other technical information such as captured control positions.
Comments Note:
A multitrack recording is comprised of multiple RecordingComponents which will usually map to the individual tracks of the multitrack. In a digital environment, a more granular mapping will usually be appropriate with RecordingComponents being shorter and more numerous.
A recording that is not a completed SoundRecording but which is comprised of contributed RecordingComponents (sometimes called a 'stem') is itself a RecordingComponent (even though it may subsequently be released as a stand-alone SoundRecording).
Parents Recording A PersistentManifestation of a subject (often but not necessarily of a Performance).
  SeeableCreation A seeable Creation.
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