DDEX Data Dictionary, 2020-07-30
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y All Intro
AbbreviatedName     MT     A short version of a Name (e.g. for use on devices with a small display).
Abstraction          A Class derived from the identification of common attributes of two or more Entities.
AccessControlParty     MT     A Party who is allowed to administer a Release on a ReleaseDistributor’s system.
AcknowledgedMessageId     MT     An Identifier of an acknowledged Message.
ern-c-ws:Acknowledgement     MT     A Composite containing details of an acknowledgement.
Acknowledgement          An Annotation in which the contributions of Parties to a Creation are recognized.
AcquiringPublisher          A MusicPublisher (or other rightsholder) that is buying or otherwise obtaining control of a MusicalWork (or part thereof) from another MusicPublisher (or other rightsholder, the RelinquishingPublisher).
ActionTaken     MT     A Descriptor of an action that is taken.
ActiveSubscribers     MT     An Attribute of an active Subscriber.
ActivityRatio     MT     A ratio between the TotalClaimedUsages and the TotalUsages expressed as a decimal fraction of TotalClaimedUsages/TotalUsages
Actor          A Party who performs spoken word or mime.
ActorName     MT     A Name of an Actor.
ActorPartyId     MT     An Identifier of an Actor.
Adaptation          A Creation which is the result of modifying elements of another Creation. Examples: an arrangement of a song, a translation of a text, a remix of a SoundRecording.
AdditionalData     MT     Additional information that is data.
AdditionalInformation     MT     An Annotation providing additional information or a commentary.
ddexC:AdditionalInformation     MT     A Composite containing details of an AdditionalInformation.
avs:AdditionalRightsClaimStatus     AVS     A Status of a RightsClaim. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
AdditionalRole          A Role that is not a PrimaryRole.
AdditionalRoles     MT     A Descriptor consisting of AdditionalRoles of an Artist.
ern:AdditionalTitle     MT     A Composite containing details of an AdditionalTitle.
AdditionalTitle          A Title that is not the main Title.
avs:AdditionalUseType     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:AdditionalVideoType     AVS     A Type of Video. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Address     MT     An Identifier which is a formal Description of a Place.
Adjective          A Quality of an Entity expressed as an adjective.
AdministratingRecordCompany     MT     A RecordCompany responsible for administering Rights in a Resource or a Release. This role does not entail any ownership or control of the exploitation of Rights, although the same Party may also be a RightsController, a RightsAdministrator, a LicensingAgent or a RightsHolder.
ddexC:AdministratingRecordCompanyRole     MT     A Composite containing details of a AdministratingRecordCompanyRole.
avs:AdministratingRecordCompanyRole     AVS     A Role played by a Party responsible for administering Rights in a Resource or a Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
AdministratingRecordCompanyRole          A Role played by an AdministratingRecordCompany.
ern:AdministratingRecordCompanyWithReference     MT     A Composite containing details of an AdministratingRecordCompany.
AdvanceAmount     MT     An Amount which is paid in advance.
AffectedResource     MT     A Resource that is affected by an action.
ddexC:Affiliation     MT     A Composite containing details of a business deal with another Party.
AffiliationType          A Type of an affiliated Party.
Agency     MT     An Organization which is responsible for the oversight and administration of a specific function.
Agent          A Thing which is a cause of an Event.
AgentId          An Identifier of an Agent.
AgentName          A Name of an Agent.
AggregatedRevenueInCurrencyOfInvoicing     MT     A Revenue given in the aggregated from several values.
AggregatedRevenueInCurrencyOfReporting     MT     A Revenue given in the CurrencyOfReporting aggregated from several values.
AgreedUnitPriceExcSalesTax          A 'theoretical' Price per unit (excluding SalesTax) agreed between Parties sharing revenues from subscription-based sales as a basis for royalties and other calculations.
Agreement          An Assertion made by two or more Asserters.
AgreementId          An Identifier of an Agreement.
Album          A Release that is a digital equivalent of a physical SoundCarrier of an extended Duration, typically containing multiple Tracks of SoundRecordings. It may also contain bonus Resources.
Algorithm     MT     An algorithm specifying how something is calculated.
AlgorithmType          A Type of Algorithm.
AllocatedAmount     MT     An Amount which is allocated to a Party.
AllocatedNetRevenue     MT     A NetRevenue which is allocated to a Party.
AllocatedNetRevenueInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A AllocatedNetRevenue given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
AllocatedNetRevenueInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A AllocatedNetRevenue given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
AllocatedNetUsage     MT     An Attribute of an allocated usage with a net value.
AllocatedPartyIPN     MT     An IPN of an allocated party.
AllocatedPartyISNI     MT     An ISNI of an allocated party.
AllocatedPartySummaryRecordId     MT     An Identifier of an allocated party summary record.
AllocatedRevenue     MT     A sum of money that is allocated to a Party.
AllocatedRevenueInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     An AllocatedRevenue given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
AllocatedRevenueInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     An AllocatedRevenue given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
AllocatedUsages     MT     An Attribute of allocated usages.
Allocation          An Event in which an Amount of money is assigned to a Party.
AllocationGuidance     MT     Information on status changes regarding the allocation for a Resource.
AllocationSharePercentage     MT     A Percentage of a RightShare claimed in an Allocation.
AllowedValueSet          A Set of allowed values.
ddexC:AllTerritoryCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a TerritoryCode.
avs:AllTerritoryCode     AVS     A code representing a Territory. This includes ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes and selected ISO 3166-2 codes, CISAC TIS codes, plus a code for Worldwide. It also includes deprecated ISO codes defined in ISO 3166-3. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
AlphaNumericString          A String consisting of both alphabetic characters and Arabic numerals (which may include mathematical symbols).
AlternateTitle     MT     A synonym of the term AlternativeTitle.
AlternativeTitle     MT     An alternative to a primary Title, e.g. a ReferenceTitle or a DisplayTitle. Example: a song may become well known or 'also known as (a.k.a.)' by its first line or a line from its chorus: 'Don't Stop Me Now' performed by Queen may have an AlternativeTitle 'Having A Good Time' or, 'I will always love you' performed by Whitney Houston may have an AlternativeTitle of 'Theme from Bodyguard'.
Amount          A Quantity of money.
Annotation     MT     An utterance which provides descriptive or other information or opinion about an Entity.
AnnotationType          A Type of Annotation.
AnyURI          An unspecific DataType. It is represented in XML as an xs:anyType Element.
ApplicableTerritoryCode     MT     An Identifier identifying a Territory in which a context applies.
AppliesToComposition     MT     A Flag indicating whether a value applies to a composition (=true) or not (=false).
AppliesToLyrics     MT     A Flag indicating whether a value applies to lyrics (=true) or not (=false).
Arranger          A modifier of musical components of a Work. Note: The arranged MusicalWork may or may not result in a new copyright Creation.
ArrangerName     MT     A Name of an Arranger.
ArrangerPartyId     MT     An Identifier of an Arranger.
Artist          A principal Contributor to a Performance of a MusicalWork or a NonMusicalWork that results in the creation of a Resource, or a principal creative Contributor to a Resource that is not a result of a Performance. Note: Used for naming groups as well as individuals.
ArtistName          A Name of an Artist.
ArtistPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific Artist.
ArtistProfilePage     MT     A WebPage with an artist profile.
ddexC:ArtistRole     MT     A Composite containing details of an ArtistRole. Note: This can be used in a DdexMessage in relation to any Performance or Fixation either of which may form the whole or part of the Resource itself. Example: if an 'AssociatedPerformer' is shown as a Contributor to a MusicalWork it refers to a Performer of a Resource (e.g. a SoundRecording) expressing the MusicalWork.
ArtistRole          A Role played by an Artist.
avs:ArtistRole     AVS     A Role of a principal Contributor in relation to a Performance or a Fixation. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ASCII          American Standard Code for Information Interchange as defined in ISO 464.
Aspect          An intrinsic Attribute of an Entity which is a Class of intrinsic Attributes of that Entity.
ddexC:AspectRatio     MT     A Composite containing an AspectRatio and an AspectRatioType.
AspectRatio          A proportion of an Image formed by dividing its height by its width.
AspectRatioType     MT     A Type of AspectRatio.
Asserter          An Agent in an Assertion.
AsserterType     MT     A Type of Asserter.
Assertion          An Event in which a truth claim is made about a statement.
AssertionDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which an Assertion was made.
AssertionId          An Identifier of an Assertion.
AssociatedSoundRecordingId     MT     An Identifier that identifies a SoundRecording associated with a given SoundRecording. It can be used, for instance, to identify the SoundRecording that is the basis for a music Video or a SoundRecordingId formerly or erroneously associated with the given SoundRecording.
mc-notif:AtomWriter     MT     A Composite containing details a MusicalWorkContributor.
Attribute          A Thing that is possessed by another Thing (an Owner).
AudioBitRate     MT     A BitRate for audio data.
AudioBitsPerSample     MT     A number of bits that are available for the quantization of an audio sample.
AudioChannelConfiguration     MT     A Configuration of one or more audio channels.
AudioChapterReference     MT     A Reference to a Chapter which is contained within a specific SoundRecording.
AudioClipRelease          A Release predominantly containing excerpts from SoundRecordings.
AudioCodec          An algorithm to compress and uncompress an AudioResource for storage and/or transmission.
ddexC:AudioCodecType     MT     A Composite containing details of an AudioCodecType.
AudioCodecType          A Type of AudioCodec.
avs:AudioCodecType     AVS     A Type of AudioCodec. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
AudioRelease          A Release predominantly containing AudioResources.
AudioResource          A Resource of a hearable Creation.
AudioSamplingRate     MT     A number of samples per time unit taken from a continuous audio signal to make a digital signal.
ern:AudioSingle_MainReleaseType     AV     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:AudioSingle_ReleaseProfileVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'Audio'.
AudioVisualCarrier          A Carrier of a Video.
AudioVisualType     MT     A Type of an audio-visual Resource with respect to its content.
Author     MT     A Creator of written or spoken words which form part of a Resource.
AuxiliaryRecordId     MT     An Identifier of an auxiliary record.
ern:AvRating     MT     A Composite containing details of a rating for an audio-visual Creation.
AvsVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a Version of the AllowedValueSets used for a Message.
AwardingBody     MT     A Name of a body that awards prizes.
AwardName     MT     A Name of an award.
Base64Binary          A base64Binary String as used in XML.
BaseRightShare          A RightShare which has a follower in title.
ddexC:BasicFtpMessageHeader     MT     A Composite placed at the beginning of each FtpAcknowledgementMessage providing information about the FtpAcknowledgementMessage such as MessageSender, MessageRecipient and a FtpAcknowledgementMessage creation time stamp.
BasisForRevenueAllocation     MT     A Source used for calculating a Revenue Allocation.
Batch          A Set of Files.
BatchId     MT     An Identifier of a Batch.
avs:BinaryDataType     AVS     A format of a Fingerprint. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
BitDepth     MT     [missing definition]
BitRate     MT     A Rate for an amount of data transferred in a specific Period of Time.
ddexC:BitRate     MT     A Composite containing a BitRate and a UnitOfMeasure.
BitsPerSample     MT     A number of bits that are available for the quantization of a sample.
BlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerf     MT     A blended Percentage that is claimed by a Licensor for a relevant Sales Context for a MechanicalRight and a PerformingRight.
BlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerfCorrected     MT     A corrected value of a BlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerf.
BlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerfDelta     MT     A delta value of a BlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerf.
BlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerfOriginal     MT     An original value of a BlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerf.
BlockId     MT     An Identifier of a block in a Message.
Boolean     MT     A Boolean truth value. Allowed values: 'True' or 'False' (sometimes represented as 'Yes' or 'No' or '1' or '0').
BottomRightCorner     MT     The position of the bottom right corner of an object measured from top left corner of a reference object.
Brand          A conceptual Creation under whose name(s) and image(s) goods and Services are provided.
Broadcast          To Deliver a Resource using radio waves on the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
BroadcastChannel          A channel for Broadcast distribution.
BroadcastStationOrChannel          A Medium that is a Broadcast station or BroadcastChannel.
BroadcastStationOrChannelName     MT     A Name of a BroadcastStationOrChannel.
BulkOrderWholesalePricePerUnit     MT     A WholesalePricePerUnit for a bulk order.
BusinessModel          A plan or system for a business activity.
avs:BusinessMusicalWorkContributorRole     AVS     A business-related Role played by a Contributor in relation to a MusicalWork. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
BusinessProfile          A MessageProfile for a DdexMessage that defines which XmlElements and/or XmlAttributes may (not) be used to communicate a specific type of Use of a Release or set of Releases. BusinessProfiles may also limit the allowed values within an AllowedValueSet.
BusinessProfileVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a Version of a BusinessProfile.
BusinessPurpose     MT     A Purpose driven by a business.
CalculatedPrice          A Price that has been calculated.
CalculatedPriceConsumerPaidForResourceExcSalesTax     MT     A PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax that has been calculated.
CalculatedUnitPrice          A unit Price that has been calculated.
CalculatedUnitPriceInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A CalculatedUnitPrice given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
CalculatedUnitPriceInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A CalculatedUnitPrice given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
Calculation          An Event in which a Quantity is calculated.
CalculationType     MT     A Type of Calculation.
CalculationValue     MT     A Value resulting from a Calculation.
Carrier          A touchable Fixation which is a Medium for one or more Fixations.
ddexC:CarrierType     MT     A Composite containing details of a CarrierType.
CarrierType     MT     A Type of Carrier.
avs:CarrierType     AVS     A Type of Carrier used for a Fixation. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:Catalog     MT     A Composite containing details of a Catalog.
Catalog          A Set of Works.
ddexC:CatalogName     MT     A Composite containing details of a CatalogName.
CatalogName          A Name of a Catalog.
CatalogNumber     MT     An Identifier used to identify Creations listed in a Catalog.
ddexC:CatalogNumber     MT     A Composite containing details of a CatalogNumber.
CatalogReleaseReference     MT     A Reference to a Release which is contained within a specific Catalog.
CatalogReleaseReferenceList          A List of ReleaseReferences for a Catalog.
CatalogResourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Resource which is contained within a specific Catalog.
CatalogResourceReferenceList          A List of ResourceReferences for a Catalog.
CatalogRightShareReference          A Reference to a RightShare which is contained within a specific Catalog.
mwnl:CatalogTransfer     MT     A Composite containing details of a CatalogTransfer.
CatalogTransfer          An Agreement in which all relevant rights are transferred from one RightsController to another, temporarily or permanently. CatalogTranfers include situations where a RightsController authorizes a Party to be an exclusive Licensee.
mc-us-lod:CatalogTransferException     MT     A Composite containing details of an exception of a CatalogTransfer.
CatalogTransferId     MT     An Identifier of a CatalogTransfer.
mwnl:CatalogTransferList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more CatalogTransfers.
CatalogTransferList     MT     A List of CatalogTransfers.
mc-us-lod:CatalogTransferListForConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more CatalogTransfers.
CatalogTransferRightsControllerReference     MT     A Reference to a RightsController which is related to a specific CatalogTransfer.
CatalogTransferType     MT     A Type of CatalogTransfer.
avs:CatalogTransferType     AVS     A Type of CatalogTransfer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
CatalogueNumber     MT     A synonym of the term CatalogNumber.
atom:Category     MT     A Composite containing details of a category. The Atom cagegory construct is defined in section 4.2.2 of the format spec.
Category          A characteristic of an Entity expressed as a fully-defined lexical or numeric value.
CD          A CompactDisc.
ddexC:CdProtectionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a CdProtectionType.
CdProtectionType          A Type of CD protection.
avs:CdProtectionType     AVS     A Type of CD protection. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:Chapter     MT     A Composite containing details of a Chapter. Chapters referenced from Video Resources are of ChapterType VideoChapter. Chapters referenced from a Release composite are of ChapterType Series, Season or Episode.
Chapter          A thematic subdivision of a Video or a SoundRecording.
ChapterId     MT     An Identifier of a Chapter.
ern:ChapterList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Chapters.
ChapterReference     MT     A Reference to a Chapter.
ChapterType          A Type of Chapter.
ern:Character     MT     A Composite containing details of a Character. A Character may be described through Name, Identifier and Roles.
Character     MT     A Party which plays a role in a Creation.
Characteristic          An intrinsic Attribute of an Entity which is an instance of an Aspect of that Entity.
CharacterPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific Character.
CharacterType     MT     A Type of Character.
CisacSocietyId     MT     A CISAC Society Identifier, a CISAC standard Identifier for music rights societies.
CityName     MT     A Name of a city.
Claim          An Assertion of control of a Right in a Resource.
ClaimBasis     MT     A Source used for a Claim.
ClaimDiscrepancyId     MT     An Identifier of a Discrepancy.
ClaimedAmount     MT     An Amount that is claimed.
ClaimedAmountCorrected     MT     A corrected ClaimedAmount.
ClaimedAmountDelta     MT     A delta value of a ClaimedAmount.
ClaimedAmountMechanical     MT     A total Amount of royalties claimed for Mechanical Rights.
ClaimedAmountMechanicalCorrected     MT     A corrected ClaimedAmountMechanical.
ClaimedAmountMechanicalDelta     MT     A delta value of a ClaimedAmountMechanical.
ClaimedAmountMechanicalOriginal     MT     An original ClaimedAmountMechanical.
ClaimedAmountOriginal     MT     An original ClaimedAmount.
ClaimedAmountPerforming     MT     A total Amount of royalties claimed for Performing Rights.
ClaimedAmountPerformingCorrected     MT     A corrected ClaimedAmountPerforming.
ClaimedAmountPerformingDelta     MT     A delta value of a ClaimedAmountPerforming.
ClaimedAmountPerformingOriginal     MT     An original ClaimedAmountPerforming.
ClaimedUsages          An Attribute of claimed usages.
ClaimedUsagesMechanical     MT     An Attribute of claimed usages for Mechanical Rights.
ClaimedUsagesPerforming     MT     An Attribute of claimed usages for Performing Rights.
ClaimId     MT     An Identifier of a Claim.
ClaimingMlcAllocatedPartyId     MT     A ProprietaryIdentifier of a claiming MLC, assigned by an allocated party.
ClaimingMlcName     MT     A Name of a claiming MusicLicensingCompany.
ClaimingRoundId     MT     An Identifier of a claiming round.
ClaimRegistrationDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which a claim was registered.
ClaimStatus     MT     A Status of a RightsClaim.
ClaimStatusDate     MT     A Date on which a claim Status was updated.
Class          A group of Entities sharing one or more common attributes.
avs:ClassifiedGenre     AVS     A Type of genre. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ClassType     MT     A synonym of the term Type.
ddexC:CLine     MT     A Composite containing details of a CLine.
CLine     MT     A © CopyrightNotice for a Work. A CLine on a Resource relates to the copyright in the Resource, whereas a CLine on a Release relates to the assembly of the Resources that form the Release.
CLineCompany     MT     A Party releasing a Creation as mentioned in a CLine (an owner or a Licensee of the Creation).
CLineText     MT     The textual portion of a CLine.
ern:CLineWithDefault     MT     A Composite containing details of a CLine.
ddexC:CLineWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a CLine.
ClipPreviewStartDate          A Date on which an audio or video clip is made first available for preview.
ClipPreviewStartDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which an audio or video clip is made first available for preview.
Codec          An algorithm to compress and uncompress a Resource for storage and/or transmission. Note that this is not a container format (e.g. WAV files can use PCM and MP3 codecs).
CodecType          A Type of Codec.
CodingType     MT     A Type of coding used to encode a Resource.
CollectingMlcCommission     MT     A Commission applying to a collecting Music Licensing Company.
CollectingMlcGrossAmount     MT     A GrossAmount applying to a collecting MLC.
CollectingMlcInterest     MT     An Interest applying to a collecting Music Licensing Company.
CollectingMlcName     MT     A Name of a collecting MusicLicensingCompany.
CollectingMlcOtherDeductions     MT     A DeductedAmount by a collecting MLC.
CollectingMlcOtherDeductionTypes     MT     A Type of a Deduction by a collecting MLC..
CollectingMlcVAT     MT     A VAT applying to a collecting Music Licensing Company.
CollectingMlcWithholdingTax     MT     A WithholdingTax applying to a collecting Music Licensing Company.
Collection          An Episode, a Season, a Series or a VideoChapter.
CollectionMandateEndDate     MT     An EndDate of a collection Mandate.
CollectionMandateStartDate     MT     A StartDate of a collection Mandate.
CollectionMandateStatus     MT     A Status of a collection Mandate.
CollectionMandateType     MT     A Type of collection Mandate.
CollectionPeriod     MT     A Period for which royalties may be collected.
CollectionReference          A Reference to a Collection.
CollectionType          A Type of Collection.
CollectiveManagementOrganization          A Party (that is usually owned or controlled by its members and/or organised on a not-for-profit basis) that, as its sole or main purpose, administers copyright or related rights on behalf of at least two RightsControllers, for the collective benefit of those RightsControllers where it is authorised by law or by way of assignment or License. A CollectiveManagementOrganization may also be a Licensor, a RightsAdministrator, a LicensingAgent or a RightsHolder. The CollectiveManagementOrganization may or may not be the MessageSender or MessageRecipient of a message in a specific information exchange defined by a DDEX Standard.
ColorDepth     MT     An amount of data determining the color of a pixel of an Image.
CombinedMarketShare     MT     A MarketShare that is the result of combining several MarketShares.
Comment     MT     A textual commentary about an Entity.
ddexC:Comment     MT     A Composite containing details of a Comment.
ddexC:CommentaryNoteType     MT     A Composite containing details of a commentary note type.
avs:CommentaryNoteType     AVS     The Type of the commentary note. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
CommercialModel          A fundamental business model under which Releases are made available.
CommercialModelType     MT     A Type of CommercialModel.
ddexC:CommercialModelType     MT     A Composite containing details of a CommercialModelType.
ern:CommercialModelType     MT     A Composite containing details of a CommercialModelType.
avs:CommercialModelType     AVS     A Type of CommercialModel (e.g. SubscriptionModel and PayAsYouGoModel). The CommercialModelType indicates how a Consumer pays for a Service or Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
mwnl:CommercialModelTypeForWorksNotificationLicensing     MT     A Composite containing details of a CommercialModelType.
avs:CommercialModelType_ERN     AVS     A Type of CommercialModel (e.g. SubscriptionModel and PayAsYouGoModel). The CommercialModelType indicates how a Consumer pays for a Service or Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:CommercialModelType_MWNL     AVS     A Type of CommercialModel (e.g. SubscriptionModel and PayAsYouGoModel), as used in the MWNL messages. The CommercialModelType indicates how a Consumer pays for a Service or Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Commission          An Amount that is a commission.
Communication          An Event in which one or more Parties send or communicate something to one or more other Parties.
CompanyName     MT     A Name of a company.
Compilation          A Release that comprises, to a significant degree, SoundRecordings (or other primary Resources) that have previously been released on non-compilations.
CompilationType     MT     A Type of Compilation.
Composer          A Creator of the musical elements of a MusicalWork.
ComposerAuthorName     MT     A Name of a ComposerAuthor.
ComposerAuthorPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a ComposerAuthor.
ComposerAuthorSocietyAffiliation     MT     A SocietyAffiliation of a ComposerAuthor.
ComposerAuthorSocietyAffiliationPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a society to which a ComposerAuthor is affiliated.
ComposerCatalogNumber     MT     An Identifier of a MusicalWork within the catalog of a Composer, typically of classical music, according to a standardized numbering (eg 'K' numbers for Koechel's catalog of Mozart).
ComposerLyricist          A Creator that plays the roles of Composer and Lyricist of a MusicalWork.
Composite          A group of two or more Elements combined for any purpose.
CompositeMusicalWork          A MusicalWork made up of two or more MusicalWorks (in whole or in part).
CompositeMusicalWorkType     MT     A Type of CompositeMusicalWork.
Computer          A Machine for digital processing.
ComputerNetwork          A group of communicating Computers.
Concept          A Creation that exists only in the mind.
mwnl:Condition     MT     A Composite containing details of conditions and/or limitations for Usages.
Condition     MT     A Context which must occur if another Context is going to occur.
ddexC:ConditionForRightsClaimPolicy     MT     A Composite containing details of a Condition.
ern:ConditionForRightsClaimPolicy     MT     A Composite containing details of a Condition.
ConditionReference          A Reference to a Condition.
mwnl:ConditionWithSupplementalDocument     MT     A Composite containing details of conditions and/or limitations.
Conductor          A Party who leads or conducts a Performance by a group of Musicians.
Configuration     MT     A Descriptor consisting of a set of parameters.
mc-us-lod:ConfirmedCatalogTransfer     MT     A Composite containing details of a confirmed CatalogTransfer.
Conflict          A State in which two or more statements or positions are contradictory.
Consumer          An individual end user of a Creation.
ConsumerPaidUnitPrice     MT     A Price per unit paid by Consumers.
ddexC:ContactId     MT     A Composite containing details of contact Identifiers of a Party.
ContactInformation     MT     An Annotation providing contact information for a Party.
ddexC:ContainerFormat     MT     A Composite containing details of a ContainerFormat.
ContainerFormat          A FileFormat of a container.
avs:ContainerFormat     AVS     A Type of container according to its FileFormat. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ContainsHiddenContent     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource in a Release contains content that is hidden in some way from the Consumer (=true) or not (=false).
ContainsSamples     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource contains samples (=true) or not (=false).
atom:Content     MT     A Composite containing details of a content. The Atom content construct is defined in section 4.1.3 of the format spec.
ContentCategory     MT     A Description of the content of a Resource.
ContentItem          A Resource that is part of a ResourceGroup.
ContentSummary     MT     A summary of the contents of a Creation.
Context          An intersection of Time and Place in which Entities may play roles.
ContextDescription          A Description of a Context.
ContextId          An Identifier of a Context.
ContextName          A Name of a Context.
ContextParty          A Party that plays a role in a Context.
ContextReleaseGRid     MT     A GRid of a related Release.
Contract     MT     A TextDocument in which the details of an agreement are described.
ern:Contributor     MT     A Composite containing details of the Name, Identifier and Role(s) of a Contributor to a Resource.
Contributor     MT     A Party contributing to the making of a Creation.
ContributorClaimStatus     MT     A Status of a RightsClaim at a Contributor level.
ContributorName     MT     A Name of a Contributor.
ContributorPartyId          An Identifier of a Contributor.
ContributorPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific Contributor.
ContributorReference          An Identifier of a Contributor which is specific to a DdexMessage.
ddexC:ContributorRole     MT     A Composite containing details of a ContributorRole. Note: this can be used in a DdexMessage in relation to any Work, Performance or Fixation any of which may form the whole or part of the Resource itself.
ContributorRole          A Role played by a Contributor.
avs:ContributorRole     AVS     A Role played by a Contributor. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ControlledCompositionAgreement          An Agreement between an Artist and the record label whereby the RoyaltyRate of Works recorded by the Artist may be reduced for exploitation of the mechanical rights.
CopyrightHolder          A Party to whom copyright has been granted or transferred.
CopyrightNotice          A RightsNotice providing copyright controller details for a Creation.
CopyrightObligationWithDSP     MT     A Flag indicating whether the obligation for reporting sale/usages to the owners or controllers of embedded MusicalWorks lies with the DSP (=true) or not (=false).
ern:CoreArea     MT     A Composite containing details of the core part of a Video.
CorrectedClaimId     MT     An Identifier of a corrected Claim.
CorrectedClaimMessageId     MT     An Identifier of a Claim Detail Message (or equivalent) containing a Claim that is corrected.
Count          A number of occurrences of a Resource.
CountryOfProduction     MT     A country of production.
ddexC:CourtesyLine     MT     A Composite containing details of a CourtesyLine.
CourtesyLine     MT     An Annotation which acknowledges record companies and/or other Parties giving permission for guest Artists featured on a Creation.
ern:CourtesyLineWithDefault     MT     A Composite containing details of a CourtesyLine.
ddexC:CourtesyLineWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a CourtesyLine.
Cover          A Recording of a Work that has already been recorded by a different Artist and whose date is after the ReleaseDate of that Recording.
CoverArtPreviewStartDate          A Date on which cover art is made first available for preview.
CoverArtPreviewStartDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which cover art is made first available for preview.
CreatedOnBehalfOf     MT     A Party on whose behalf a Message has been created.
Creation          An Output made, directly or indirectly, by one or more human beings. Creations include Works (including MusicalWorks), Resources (including SoundRecordings and Videos) and Releases.
CreationDate     MT     A Date of an Event in which a Creation is made.
CreationDescription          A Description of a Creation.
ddexC:CreationId     MT     A Composite containing details of CreationIds.
CreationId          An Identifier of a Creation.
CreationPart          A Part of a Creation.
CreationPartId          An Identifier of a CreationPart.
CreationPartNumber          A numeric CreationPartId.
CreationSet          A Set of Creations.
CreationType     MT     A Type of Creation.
ddexC:CreativeMusicalWorkContributorRole     MT     A Composite containing details of a CreativeMusicalWorkContributorRole. Note: This can be used in a DdexMessage in relation to any Work, Performance or Fixation any of which may form the whole or part of the Resource itself. Example: if an 'AssociatedPerformer' is shown as a Contributor to a MusicalWork it refers to a performer of a Resource (e.g. a SoundRecording) expressing the MusicalWork.
avs:CreativeMusicalWorkContributorRole     AVS     A creative Role played by a Contributor in relation to a MusicalWork. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
CreativeMusicalWorkContributorRole          A Role played by a creative Contributor to a MusicalWork.
Creator          A Maker of a Creation.
Cue     MT     Metadata describing when, for what reason and for how long a MusicalWork, SoundRecording or other Creation is used in another Resource.
ddexC:Cue     MT     A Composite containing details of a Cue.
CueCreationReference          A Reference to a Creation which is contained within a specific Cue.
CueDuration     MT     The total Duration of a Resource that has been used according to a Cue.
ddexC:CueOrigin     MT     A Composite containing details of a CueOrigin.
CueOrigin          A Type of Cue according to its origin.
avs:CueOrigin     AVS     A Type of Cue according to its origin. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
CueResourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Resource which is contained within a specific Cue.
CueSheet     MT     A Set of Cues regarding one Resource.
CueSheetId     MT     An Identifier of a CueSheet.
CueSheetList     MT     A List of CueSheets.
CueSheetReference     MT     A Reference to a CueSheet.
ddexC:CueSheetType     MT     A Composite containing details of a CueSheetType.
CueSheetType          A Type of CueSheet.
avs:CueSheetType     AVS     A Type of CueSheet. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
CueStartTime     MT     A Time point at which a Creation starts, as specified in a Cue.
ddexC:CueThemeType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ThemeType for a Creation referenced in a Cue.
ddexC:CueUseType     MT     A Composite containing details of a CueUseType.
CueUseType          A Type of a usage of a Cue.
avs:CueUseType     AVS     A Type of use of a Cue. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:CueVisualPerceptionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a VisualPerceptionType for a Creation referenced in a Cue.
ddexC:CueVocalType     MT     A Composite containing details of a VocalType for a Creation referenced in a Cue.
CueWorkReference     MT     A Reference to a Work which is contained within a specific Cue.
Currency          A UnitOfMeasure of an Amount.
CurrencyCode     MT     An Identifier identifying a Currency.
CurrencyConversionRate     MT     A synonym of the term ExchangeRate.
CurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A Currency in which SalesTransactions are accounted.
CurrencyOfInvoicing     MT     A Currency used in an invoice.
CurrencyOfReporting     MT     A Currency used in a report.
CurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A Currency in which SalesTransactions have occurred.
CurrentLocation     MT     A Description of a Place in which a Resource is currently located.
ddexC:CurrentTerritoryCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a TerritoryCode.
avs:CurrentTerritoryCode     AVS     A code representing a Territory. This includes ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes and selected ISO 3166-2 codes, CISAC TIS codes, plus a code for Worldwide. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Customer          A buyer of a good or Service.
Data          An item of data.
DataCarrier          A Carrier of digital Fixations.
DataCarrierFileReference     MT     A Reference to a File which is involved in a specific DataCarrier.
DataCarrierFormat     MT     A format of a DataCarrier.
DataCarrierOfSet     MT     A SequenceNumber of a DataCarrier within a Set.
DataCarrierProjectReference     MT     A Reference to a Project which is included in a specific DataCarrier.
DataCarrierReference     MT     An Identifier of a DataCarrier which is specific to a DdexMessage.
DataCarrierType     MT     A Type of DataCarrier.
DataDescription          A Description of a data element.
DataExpected     MT     A Description of data that is expected.
DataFound     MT     A Description of data that was found.
DataProvider     MT     An Agent who provides data.
DataType     MT     A Class of Elements.
Date     MT     A TimePointId that has a precision no greater than a calendar day.
DateAndPlaceOfBirth     MT     A Description of the date and place of birth.
DateAndPlaceOfDeath     MT     A Description of the date and place of death.
DateOfCurrencyExchange     MT     A Date on which an ExchangeRate was determined.
atom:DateTime     MT     A Composite containing details of a published.
DateTime     MT     A TimePointId which is composed of a Date and a time of the day.
DDEX          Digital Data Exchange, LLC.
DdexDataDictionary          The MetadataSchema providing the canonical definition of all Elements to be used in all DdexMessageSuites and other DdexFrameworkComponents.
ddexC:DdexDigitalSignature     MT     A Composite containing a digital signature of the File in accordance with DDEX-DSIG.
DdexFramework          The Set of integrated standards, including identifiers, Messages and tools, developed by DDEX.
DdexFrameworkComponent          An individual specification within the DdexFramework, e.g. a DdexMessageSuite, or an identifier standard specification.
DdexIdentifier          A StandardIdentifier according to a DDEX standard.
DdexMessage          A Message which is part of one of the DdexMessageSuites.
DdexMessageSuite          A DDEX standard defining a Set of XML schemas for Messages using the Elements of the DdexDataDictionary.
DdexPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a Party according to the DdexPartyId standard DDEX-DPID.
avs:DdexTerritoryCode     AVS     A TerritoryId which is not a TerritoryId according to an ISO 3166 standard or the TIS standard. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:Deal     MT     A Composite containing details (in full or in summary) of a Deal made between a DSP (as Licensee) and a Licensor of Works or Releases. When any new DealTerms are added or removed from an existing Deal (different UseTypes, Prices, Territories, DistributionChannels) then a new Deal is created, and (if appropriate) the ValidityPeriod of the existing Deal should be terminated. The only changes which should be made to the DealTerms of an existing Deal are corrections required because of an earlier error or omission, or the addition of an EndDate to the Deal's ValidityPeriod.
Deal          An Agreement including one or more permissions and the commercial and other Conditions on which they depend.
ern:DealList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Deals.
DealReference     MT     A Reference to a TextDocument containing details of a Deal (in the form of an Identifier, Name or Description).
DealReleaseReference     MT     A Reference to a Release which is included in a specific Deal.
DealResourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Resource which is contained within a specific Deal.
ern:DealResourceReferenceList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Resources relating to a Deal.
DealTechnicalResourceDetailsReference     MT     A Reference to a Composite specifying technical details of a Resource which is contained within a specific Deal.
ern:DealTechnicalResourceDetailsReferenceList     MT     A Composite containing a list of DealTechnicalResourceDetailsReferences.
ern:DealTerms     MT     A Composite containing details of the terms of a Deal.
ern:DealTermsTechnicalInstantiation     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Release.
Decimal     MT     A NumericString representing a number with a xs:decimal part.
DeductedAmount          An Amount which is deducted.
Deduction          An Event in which an Amount is taken away from another Amount.
DeductionsInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A DeductedAmount given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
DeductionsInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A DeductedAmount given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
DeductionType     MT     A Type of a Deduction.
DefinitionType     AVS     A synonym of the term avs:VideoDefinitionType.
ern:Deity     MT     A Composite containing details of a Deity.
Deity          A Description of a deity relating to a Work.
ern:DelegatedUsageRights     MT     A Composite containing details of the kinds of usage for which Rights have been delegated.
DelegatedUsageRights          A Set of UsageRights that has been delegated.
Deliver          To deliver a Product into the possession of a Consumer.
DeliveryType     MT     A Type of delivery.
avs:DeprecatedCurrencyCode     AVS     A CurrencyCode which is not valid anymore. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:DeprecatedIsoTerritoryCode     AVS     An ISO 3166-3 four-letter code representing a Territory, which is a replacement for a deprecated ISO 3166-1 code. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:DeprecatedReleaseType     AVS     A Type of Release according to its content, Duration and/or number of components. Note: a ReleaseType is the form in which a ReleaseCreator anticipates offering a Release to Consumers. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Description     MT     An Annotation which provides descriptive information about a Resource.
ddexC:Description     MT     A Composite containing details of a Description.
ern:DescriptionWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a Description.
Descriptor          A Name or Annotation of an Entity expressed as a partially-defined or undefined data value.
DescriptorDesignation          A designation of a Descriptor.
DescriptorExtension          A Descriptor which extends another Descriptor.
DescriptorPart          A Descriptor which is contained within a Descriptor.
DescriptorType          A Type of Descriptor.
ern:DetailedCue     MT     A Composite containing details of a Cue.
ern:DetailedCueSheet     MT     A Composite containing details of a CueSheet.
ern:DetailedCueSheetList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more CueSheets.
ddexC:DetailedHashSum     MT     A Composite containing details of a HashSum and its governing algorithm.
ddexC:DetailedPartyId     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyId.
ddexC:DetailedPartyName     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyName. Name details for a Party typically either contain a FullName or a KeyName.
ern:DetailedResourceContributor     MT     A Composite containing details of the Name, Identifier and Role(s) of a Contributor to a Resource.
DigitalManifestation          A digital Manifestation.
DigitalProduct          A Product in a digital form. In DDEX a DigitalProduct is the form in which a Release is made available to Consumers. The attributes which differentiate different DigitalProducts of one Release may be technical (e.g., the Codec or BitRate); a mode of distribution (e.g., downloading or streaming); or commercial (e.g., Price).
Digitization          An Event in which a Resource is created by recording, mixing and mastering.
DigitizationMode     MT     A mode in which a digitization is made.
Director          A Party who leads or supervises actors, e.g. in the prodution of a movie.
DirectorName     MT     A Name of a Director.
DirectorPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a Director.
DisableCrossfade     MT     A Flag indicating to a DSP whether a SoundRecording should not be crossfaded from/into another SoundRecording (=true) or not (=false).
DisableSearch     MT     A Flag indicating to a DSP whether a SoundRecording should not be included in any search results (=true) or not (=false). Note that exclusion from search results implies that the SoundRecording should not appear in any recommendations.
DisambiguationDescription     MT     A Description that contains information for disambiguating Works, Resources or Releases.
ern:DiscoverableUseType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UseType.
Discrepancy          A State in which there is a discrepancy or inconsistency.
DiscrepancyDescription     MT     A Description of a Discrepancy.
DiscrepancyType     MT     A Type of Discrepancy.
DiscrepantCellName     MT     A Name of a cell where a Discrepancy has been found.
DiscrepantRecordId     MT     An Identifier of a record in which a Discrepancy has been detected.
DiscrepantRecordLine     MT     A line number of a record in which a Discrepancy has been detected.
DiscrepantRecordType     MT     A Type of record in which a Discrepancy has been detected.
ern:DisplayArtist     MT     A Composite containing details of the Name, Identifier and Role(s) of a DisplayArtist of a Resource.
DisplayArtist     MT     A main or principal credited Artist on a Creation (typically a Product).
DisplayArtistName     MT     A Name of a DisplayArtist.
ddexC:DisplayArtistName     MT     A Composite containing details of a DisplayArtistName.
ddexC:DisplayArtistNameWithDefault     MT     A Composite containing details of a DisplayArtistName.
DisplayArtistPartyId     MT     A PartyId of a DisplayArtist.
DisplayArtistRole     MT     A Role played by a DisplayArtist.
ddexC:DisplayArtistRole     MT     A Composite containing details of a DisplayArtistRole.
avs:DisplayArtistRole     AVS     A Role of a principal Contributor in relation to a Performance or a Fixation. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
DisplayComposer     MT     A main or principal credited Composer on a Creation (typically a Product).
DisplayConductor     MT     A main or principal credited Conductor on a Creation (typically a Product).
DisplayCreditParty     MT     A Party credited with a display credit.
ddexC:DisplayCredits     MT     A Composite containing details of a Role and instrumentation for which a Party is credited.
DisplayCreditText     MT     The textual portion of a display credit.
DisplayName          A PartyName that is displayed e.g. on a Product.
DisplaySequence     MT     A sequence Identifier used for display purposes, consisting of a string that corresponds to a SequenceNumber, e.g. 'Side B' corresponding to '2'.
ern:DisplaySubTitle     MT     A Composite containing details of a SubTitle.
ern:DisplayTitle     MT     A Composite containing details of a Title as the MessageSender suggests it should be shown to the Consumer.
DisplayTitle          A Title expressed by the RightsController as to how a Title should be displayed for presentation to the Consumer.
ern:DisplayTitleText     MT     A Composite containing details of a Title as the MessageSender suggests it should be shown to the Consumer.
Dispute          A State in which two or more Parties disagree. This includes cases where a Party isn’t sure yet because he/she will need to do some more research or because there is insufficient information available to agree, as well as 'terminal' disputes where a conflict is known.
Distribute          To deliver a Product into the possession of another Party in a value chain.
DistributingCompany     MT     A Party distributing a Creation.
DistributionChannel     MT     A Medium for distributing content Resources.
DistributionChannelDescriptor     MT     A Name or Description of a DistributionChannel.
DistributionChannelDPID     MT     A DdexPartyId identifying a DistributionChannel.
DistributionChannelName     MT     A Name of a Party that generates sales/usages reported in a Sales/Usage Report.
ern:DistributionChannelPage     MT     A Composite containing details of a WebPage for a DistributionChannel.
DistributionChannelPage          A WebPage with details about a DistributionChannel.
ddexC:DistributionChannelType     MT     A Composite containing details of a DistributionChannelType.
DistributionChannelType          A Type of DistributionChannel.
avs:DistributionChannelType     AVS     A Type of DistributionChannel used to disseminate a Service or Release to a Consumer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
DistributionDate     MT     A Date of a distribution.
DistributionDescription     MT     A Description of a distribution.
DistrictName     MT     A Name of a district.
ern:DjMix_HasContentFromMustHaveTiming     AV     A Rule that says: A mix component must be referenced by a RelatedResource of type HasContentFrom with a StartPoint and a DurationUsed.
ern:DjMix_MainReleaseType     AV     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:DjMix_MustContainOnePrimaryMusicalWorkSoundRecording     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain one SoundRecording of type MusicalWorkSoundRecording.
ern:DjMix_MustContainTwoSecondaryMusicalWorkSoundRecordings     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain at least two secondary SoundRecordings of type MusicalWorkSoundRecording.
ern:DjMix_PrimarySoundRecordingMustBeReferenced     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain a Primary Resource that is directly referenced from the Release via the ResourceGroup element.
ern:DjMix_ReleaseProfileVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'DjMix'.
ern:DjMix_SecondarySoundRecordingsMustBeReferenced     AV     A Rule that says: A mix component must be referenced from the Primary Resource via the RelatedResource element.
ern:DjMix_SecondarySoundRecordingsMustHaveISRC     AV     A Rule that says: A mix component shall be identified by an ISRC. There is no requirement to identify them with a ProprietaryId.
ern:DjMix_SecondarySoundRecordingsMustNotBeReferenced     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must not contain a Secondary Resource that is directly referenced from the Release via the ResourceGroup element.
DocumentId     MT     An Identifier of a TextDocument.
DocumentType     MT     A Type of TextDocument.
avs:DocumentType_LoD     AVS     A Type of document. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
DPID     MT     A synonym of the term DdexPartyId.
DrmEnforcementType     MT     A Type of DRM enforcement.
ddexC:DSP     MT     A Composite containing details of a DSP acting as a Licensee in a commercial relationship.
DSP          A Digital Service Provider (DSP), a Party making Releases available to Consumers or other DSPs over a public Telecom network. This includes MSPs (Mobile Service Providers) and ISPs (Internet Service Providers).
DspReleaseId     MT     A ReleaseId assigned by a DSP.
DspResourceId     MT     A ResourceId assigned by a DSP.
DspSubReleaseId     MT     A ReleaseId for a sub-release, assigned by a DSP.
DspWorkId     MT     A WorkId assigned by a DSP.
Duration     MT     A Quantity of Time.
DurationInCharts     MT     The Duration for which a Creation or a Party was in the charts.
DurationUsed     MT     The total Duration of a Resource that has been used in a particular Context.
EAN          A European Article Number as defined and maintained by GS1.
EffectiveTransferDate     MT     A Date on which something is effectively transferred.
EIDR     MT     An Identifier for movies and television assets assigned by the Entertainment Identifier Registry Association (EIDR).
Element          A Part of a Composite.
ElementDataCarrierReference     MT     A Reference to a DataCarrier which is involved in a specific Element.
ElementReference     MT     An Identifier of an Element which is specific to a DdexMessage.
ElementSessionReference     MT     A Reference to a Session which is involved in a specific Element.
ElementSoundRecordingReference     MT     A Reference to a SoundRecording which is involved in a specific Element.
Email     MT     A Medium for mail communication using the Internet.
EmailAddress     MT     An Address of an Email account.
ddexC:EmailAddress     MT     A Composite containing details of an EmailAddress.
EncodingDescription     MT     A Description of an encoding.
EncodingType     MT     A Type of encoding.
EndBar     MT     The end point given in bars from the start of the referenced Work.The end point given in bars from the start of the referenced Work.
EndDate     MT     A Date identifying an end Time.
EndDateOfCurrencyExchange     MT     An EndDate of the Period over which an exchange rate was averaged.
EndDateTime     MT     A DateTime identifying an end Time.
EndOfClaimPeriod     MT     An EndDate of a claim period.
EndPoint     MT     A Time point which marks the end of a Period.
EndTime     MT     A Time which marks the end of a Period.
Engineer          A Party that is responsible for technical aspects. This includes RecordingEngineer, but may also cover roles in other content production processes.
Entity          Something that may be represented by a Name.
atom:Entry     AV     A Message in the ERN Choreography Standard for an atom entry defined by W3C/IETF. The Atom entry construct is defined in section 4.1.2 of the format spec.
mc-notif:Entry     AV     A Message in the Musical Work and Right Share Notification Choreography Standard for atom feeds defined by W3C/IETF.
mc-us-lod:Entry     AV     A Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard for atom feeds defined by W3C/IETF.
Episode          A Part of a Series made available at a specific point in time. It may be that a Season or Series is not yet complete when an Episode is made available. Episodes include 'pilots'.
EpisodeNumber     MT     A number of an Episode.
EquipmentName     MT     A Name of a piece of equipment.
EquipmentReference     MT     An Identifier of Equipment which is specific to a DdexMessage.
EquipmentType     MT     A Type of equipment.
ern-c-ws:ErnAcknowledgementStatusMessage     AV     A Message in the ERN Choreography Standard (Part 2: Web Services Exchange).
avs:ErncFileStatus     AVS     A Status of a File in terms of its validity in the Release Delivery Choreography Standard. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:ErncProposedActionType     AVS     A Type of action that is proposed. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:ErnMessageInBatch     MT     A Composite containing details of a Release Notification Message in a Batch.
Error          A State in which there is an error.
ErrorDescription     MT     A Description of an Error.
ErrorSeverity     MT     A severity of an Error.
ErrorText     MT     A textual commentary about errors.
ddexC:ErrorType     MT     A Composite containing details of an ErrorType.
ErrorType          A Type of Error.
avs:ErrorType     AVS     A Type of Error. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
EstimatedRoyaltyImpact     MT     A Quantity that is an estimate of the impact to the royalties that are affected.
Event     MT     A Context in which there is some acknowledged change in the attributes of any Entity.
ddexC:EventDate     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
EventDate          A Date of an Event.
ddexC:EventDateTime     MT     A Composite containing details of the DateTime and Place of an Event.
ern:EventDateTimeWithoutFlags     MT     A Composite containing details of the DateTime and Place of an Event.
ern:EventDateWithCurrentTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
ern:EventDateWithDefault     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
ern:EventDateWithoutFlags     MT     A Composite containing details of the Date and Place of an Event.
EventDescription     MT     A Description of an Event.
EventId          An Identifier of an Event.
EventName          A Name of an Event.
mc-us-lod:ExceptionFromConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more RightShares that are an exception from a confirmation.
mc-us-lod:ExceptionFromDispute     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more RightShares that are an exception from a dispute.
ddexC:ExceptionReason     MT     A Composite containing details of an ExceptionReason.
ExceptionReason          A Reason for an exception.
avs:ExceptionReason     AVS     A Type of Reason for an exception. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ExchangeRate     MT     A conversion Rate between two Currencies.
ExchangeRateBaseCurrency     MT     A base Currency for which an exchange rate is given.
ExchangeRateSource     MT     A Source of an ExchangeRate.
ExcludedDistributionChannel     MT     A DistributionChannel that is excluded.
ExcludedTerritory          A Territory that is excluded from a list or set of Territories.
ExcludedTerritoryCode     MT     An Identifier identifying a Territory which is excluded from a Set of Territories.
Explanation          A Description explaining the context of an action, e.g. the reason for it, its details or the effect it will have.
ExpressionType     MT     A Type of expression.
ddexC:Extent     MT     A Composite containing an Extent and a UnitOfMeasure.
Extent          A Quantity of one-dimensional space.
ExternalLink     MT     An Identifier which provides a communication link to a Creation.
ddexC:ExternallyLinkedResourceType     MT     A Composite containing details of an ExternallyLinkedResourceType.
ExternallyLinkedResourceType          A Type of a Resource that is externally linked.
avs:ExternallyLinkedResourceType     AVS     A Type of Resource pointed to by an ExternalLink. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:ExternalResourceLink     MT     A Composite containing details of promotional or other material in digital form related to a Release.
FaxNumber     MT     An Identifier of a fax machine.
FeaturedLineUpComplete     MT     A Flag indicating whether a featured line up is complete (=true) or not (=false).
Fee          An Amount to be paid for a Service.
atom:Feed     AV     A Message in the ERN Choreography Standard for an atom feed defined by W3C/IETF. The Atom feed construct is defined in section 4.1.1 of the format spec.
mc-us-lod:Feed     AV     A Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard for an atom feed defined by W3C/IETF. The Atom feed construct is defined in section 4.1.1 of the format spec.
ddexC:File     MT     A Composite containing details of a File.
File          A Resource stored as a single unit, normally in a file system on disk or magnetic tape.
FileControlType     MT     A Type of File according to its operational status.
FileCreatedDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which a File was created.
FileCreator     MT     A Creator of a File.
FileFormat          A File with specific formal characteristics.
FileFormatName     MT     A Name of a FileFormat.
FileId     MT     An Identifier of a File.
FileName     MT     A Name of a File.
FileNumber     MT     A SequenceNumber of a File within a Set.
FilePath          An Identifier of the location of a File.
FileReference     MT     A Reference to a File.
FileSize     MT     A size of a File in bytes.
mwnl:FileStatus     MT     A Composite containing details of a File Status.
FileType     MT     A Type of File.
FinalTotalAmount          A final total Amount.
FinalTotalAmountInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A FinalTotalAmount given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
FinalTotalAmountInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A FinalTotalAmount given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
ern:Fingerprint     MT     A Composite containing details of a Fingerprint and its governing algorithm.
FingerprintAlgorithm          An Algorithm used to calculate a Fingerprint.
ddexC:FingerprintAlgorithmType     MT     A Composite containing details of a FingerprintAlgorithmType.
FingerprintAlgorithmType          A Type of FingerprintAlgorithm.
avs:FingerprintAlgorithmType     AVS     A Type of Fingerprint algorithm. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
FingerprintValue     MT     A value calculated from digital data that serves as an identifier for the data.
ddexC:FirstPublicationDate     MT     A Composite containing details of a FirstPublicationDate.
FirstPublicationDate     MT     A Date on which a Creation is first published.
FirstVoDBroadcastDate     MT     A Date of a first VoD broadcast.
FirstVoDBroadcastDateTime     MT     A DateTime of a first VoD broadcast.
Fixation          A PersistentManifestation that is a derivation.
FixedTool          A Tool which is a Fixation.
Flag          An Aspect whose instances are limited to the Boolean values (True/False).
Format     MT     A Creation according to its formal or representational attributes.
Fragment          A Creation which is a Part of another Creation.
FrameRate     MT     A Rate for a number of frames shown in a Video in a specific Period of Time.
ddexC:FrameRate     MT     A Composite containing a FrameRate and a UnitOfMeasure.
mc-us-lod:FtpAcknowledgementMessage     AV     A response Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard that is sent to acknowledge the receipt of a manifest File via FTP.
mwnl:FtpAcknowledgementMessage     AV     A response Message in the Musical Works Notification and Licensing Message Suite Standard that is sent to acknowledge the receipt of a manifest File via FTP.
ddexC:FtpMessageHeader     MT     A Composite placed at the beginning of each Message providing information about the Message such as MessageSender, MessageRecipient and a Message creation time stamp.
FulfillmentDate     MT     A Date after which an end user can receive a Resource.
ddexC:FulfillmentDate     MT     A Composite containing details of a FulfillmentDate.
ddexC:FulfillmentDateWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a FulfillmentDate.
FullName     MT     A complete Name in its normal form of presentation (eg John H. Smith, Acme Music Inc, The Beatles).
FullNameAsciiTranscribed     MT     A FullName transcribed using 7-bit ASCII code.
FullNameIndexed     MT     A FullName in the form in which it normally appears in an alphabetic index (eg Smith, John H.; Beatles).
FullTrackListingPreviewStartDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which a full Track list is made first available for preview.
Gender     MT     The gender of a Person.
GeneratedRevenueExcSalesTaxInCurrencyOfInvoicing     MT     A Revenue generated by the use of all Resources/Releases, excluding sales tax, given in the CurrencyOfInvoicing.
GeneratedRevenueExcSalesTaxInCurrencyOfReporting     MT     A Revenue generated by the use of all Resources/Releases, excluding sales tax, given in the CurrencyOfReporting.
atom:Generator     MT     A Composite containing details of a generator. The Atom generator element is defined in section 4.2.4 of the format spec.
Genre     MT     A genre or style (such as Musical, literary or audio-visual) with which a Creation is associated.
ddexC:Genre     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre.
ddexC:GenreCategory     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre Category.
ddexC:GenreCategoryValue     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre Category value.
GenreText     MT     The textual portion of a Genre.
ddexC:GenreWithClassical     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre.
ddexC:GenreWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a Genre.
GlobalReleaseIdentifier     MT     A synonym of the term GRid.
ddexC:GoverningAgreementType     MT     A Composite containing details of a GoverningAgreementType.
GoverningAgreementType          A Type of governing Agreement.
avs:GoverningAgreementType     AVS     A Type of governing agreement. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
GraphicImage          A graphic (non-photographic) Image.
GRid     MT     Global Release Identifier: An Identifier allocated to a Release.
GrossAmount          A gross Amount.
GrossRevenue          A Revenue without or before Deductions.
GrossRevenueInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A GrossRevenue specified in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
GrossRevenueInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A GrossRevenue specified in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
Group          A Set of two or more Persons.
ddexC:GuaranteedAmount     MT     A Composite containing details of a GuaranteedAmount.
GuaranteedAmount          An Amount which is guaranteed.
GYear          A gYear datatype as used in XML.
HasAudioDescription     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation has audio descriptions for the visually impaired and blind (=true) or not (=false).
HasCaptioning     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation has captioning for the hard of hearing and/or deaf (=true) or not (=false).
HasFormatOfCommunicatedResource          The Relator between a Communication and a MessageType which it uses.
ddexC:HashSum     MT     A Composite containing details of a HashSum and its governing Algorithm.
HashSumAlgorithm          An Algorithm used to calculate a HashSum.
ddexC:HashSumAlgorithmType     MT     A Composite containing details of a HashSumAlgorithmType.
HashSumAlgorithmType          A Type of HashSumAlgorithm.
avs:HashSumAlgorithmType     AVS     A Type of HashSumAlgorithm. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
HashSumDataType     MT     A datatype of a HashSum.
HashSumValue     MT     A value calculated from digital data that serves to distinguish it from other digital data.
HasMadeContractedContribution     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party is an Artist that has a contract for its part in creating a Resource (=true) or not (=false).
HasMadeFeaturedContribution     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party is a featured Artist (=true) or not (=false).
HasMaxValueOfOne     MT     A Flag indicating whether a PercentageRate is given as a value in the range [0,1] (=true) instead of a value in the range [0,100] (=false).
HasMusicalContent     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation contains musical content such as a SoundRecording or a MusicalWork (=true) or not (=false).
HasOriginalPublisherShare     MT     A Relator between two RightShares, one of which is an OriginalPublisherShare.
HasRelinquishment     MT     A Flag indicating whether a RightShare in CatalogTransfer is relinquished (=true) or not (=false).
HasRightsInDispute     MT     A Flag indicating whether some rights in a Creation are in dispute as to ownership and/or share percentage (=true) or not (=false).
Hertz          Hertz.
HiResMusic          A specification defined by RIAA in cooperation with the Consumer Electronics Association’s Digital Entertainment Group and The Recording Academy Producers & Engineers Wing to define high-quality audio.
HiResMusicDescription     MT     A Description relating to HiResMusic.
HostSoundCarrier     MT     A SoundCarrier of which a SoundRecording is a component.
HREF     MT     A URL used as a hypertext reference in a link.
HrefLang     MT     A Language of a resource pointed to by a href attribute according to The Atom Syndication Format.
HzInterlaced          Hertz, interlaced.
atom:Icon     MT     A Composite containing details of an icon. The Atom icon construct is defined in section 4.2.5 of the format spec.
Icon          An Image used in a graphical user interface (e.g., of a computer or mobile phone) to represent a program, hyperlink, Creation or command.
ICPN     MT     An International Code Product Number.
atom:Id     MT     A Composite containing details of an ID. The Atom id construct is defined in section 4.2.6 of the format spec.
ID     MT     An Identifier used for referencing in an XML file (by an IDREF element).
Identifier          A Name which is unique within its domain.
IdentifierType     MT     A Type of Identifier.
IDREF          A type of reference Identifier in an XML file.
ern:Image     MT     A Composite containing details of an Image.
Image          A still visual Recording or illustration of an object. Examples: a Photograph or a GraphicImage.
ImageCodec          An algorithm to compress and uncompress an Image Resource for storage and/or transmission.
ddexC:ImageCodecType     MT     A Composite containing details of an ImageCodecType.
ImageCodecType          A Type of ImageCodec.
avs:ImageCodecType     AVS     A Type of ImageCodec. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ImageHeight     MT     A vertical Extent of an Image.
ImageId          An Identifier of an Image.
ImageResolution     MT     A number of pixels of an Image displayed in a specific spatial range.
ddexC:ImageType     MT     A Composite containing details of an ImageType.
ImageType          A Type of Image.
avs:ImageType     AVS     A Type of Image. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ImageWidth     MT     A horizontal Extent of an Image.
IncludedReleaseId     MT     An Identifier of an included Release.
IncorporatedRecordingInformationNotificationFile     MT     A File incorporated into a rin:RecordingInformationNotification.
IndirectNetRevenue     MT     An indirect NetRevenue.
Information     MT     An Annotation providing information.
InitialProducer     MT     A Party that initiates the creation of a SoundRecording or Resource and is sometimes referred to as a commissioning rights holder. An InitialProducer may be a Person or an Organization and the term contrasts with the role of a StudioProducer.
InstantGratificationResourceList     MT     A List of Resources that are available for download as soon as the Release is purchased.
Instrument          A musical instrument.
InstrumentReference     MT     An Identifier of an Instrument which is specific to a DdexMessage.
InstrumentType     MT     A Type of (musical) instrument.
ddexC:InstrumentType     MT     A Composite containing details of an InstrumentType.
avs:InstrumentType     AVS     A Type of musical instrument. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Integer          A NumericString representing a whole number (that is, without a xs:decimal part).
Interaction          An Event in which something is done by an Agent to a Resource.
Interest          An Amount of interest.
InternationalCodeProductNumber     MT     A synonym of the term ICPN.
InternationalStandardAudiovisualNumber     MT     A synonym of the term ISAN.
InternationalStandardBookNumber     MT     A synonym of the term ISBN.
InternationalStandardLinkIdentifier     MT     A synonym of the term ISLI.
InternationalStandardMusicalWorkCode     MT     A synonym of the term ISWC.
InternationalStandardMusicNumber     MT     A synonym of the term ISMN.
InternationalStandardRecordingCode     MT     A synonym of the term ISRC.
InternationalStandardSerialNumber     MT     A synonym of the term ISSN.
Internet          A DistributionChannel in which Releases are transmitted via the Internet.
InternetAddress          An Address of a Place on the Internet.
InvoiceReference     MT     A Reference to an invoice.
IPI     MT     A synonym of the term IpiNameNumber.
IpiNameNumber     MT     An Interested Party Identifier, a CISAC standard Identifier.
IPN     MT     An International Performer Number, an IPDA Identifier.
IsAfter     MT     A Flag indicating whether an Event or State occurred sometime after the reported Date (=true) or not (=false).
IsAgent     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party is a licensing agent (=true) or not (=false).
ISAN     MT     An International Standard Audiovisual Number, the ISO 15706 StandardIdentifier for audiovisual Works (http://www.isan.org).
IsAnalogSession     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Session is an analog Session (=true) or not (=false).
IsApproximate     MT     A Flag indicating whether a reported Characteristic is approximate (=true) or exact (=false).
IsArtistRelated     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource is related to an Artist (=true) or not (=false).
IsBackground     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource is used as background to another Resource (=true) or not (=false).
IsBefore     MT     A Flag indicating whether an Event or State occurred sometime before the reported Date (=true) or not (=false).
ISBN     MT     An International Standard Book Number, the ISO 2108 Standard Identifier for books (http://www.isbn-international.org).
IsBonusResource     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource in a Release is additional to those on the original Release of which this is a Version (=true) or not (=false).
IsCanonical     MT     A Flag indicating whether a pronunciation is canonical (=true) or not (=false).
IsClassical     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation contains classical music (=true) or not (=false).
IsCommunicatedOutOfBand     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Deal is communicated outside the usual ERN delivery and identified by an Identifier in the DealReference element (=true) or not (=false).
IsCompilation     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a Compilation (=true) or not (=false).
IsComplete     MT     A Flag indicating whether something is complete (=true) or not (=false).
IsComputerGenerated     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource is generated by a computer (=true) or not (=false).
IsConfidential     MT     A Flag indicating whether a relationship is confidential (=true) or not (=false).
IsContainedInSample     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource is contained in a sample (=true) or not (=false).
IsControlledCompositionClause     MT     A Flag indicating whether a clause is a controlled composition clause (=true) or not (=false).
IsCover     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Recording is a Cover (=true) or not (=false).
ern:IsCredited     MT     A Composite containing details of a Flag indicating whether the Contributor is credited as having played a role in creating the Recording.
IsCreditedArtist     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party is an Artist that is meant to be credited for his or her Performance (=true) or not (=false).
IsDance     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation contains dancing (=true) or not (=false).
IsDefault     MT     A Flag indicating whether a value is a default value (=true) or not (=false).
IsDeprecated     MT     A Flag indicating whether an attribute has been deprecated (=true) or not (=false).
IsDescribedElement     MT     The Flag indicating whether this element of the hierarchy is the Work for which the hierarchy is described (=true) or not (=false).
IsDiscoverable     MT     A Flag indicating whether information is indexed and searchable (=true) or not (=false).
IsDisplayedInTitle     MT     A Flag indicating whether information is displayed in the Title of a Resource (=true) or not (=false).
IsDomainWithRange          The Relator between a domain of a triple and a range of a triple.
IsDPID     MT     A Flag indicating whether a PartyId is a DPID (=true) or not (=false).
IsDropFrame     MT     A Flag indicating whether a FrameRate is drop frame (=true) or not (=false).
IsFalse     MT     A Flag indicating whether a relationship is not true (=true) or whether it is (=false).
IsFavoredNationClause     MT     A Flag indicating that the royalty rate terms will be overridden if someone else is paid more (=true) or not (=false).
IsFeatured     MT     A Flag indicating whether an Instrument is featured (=true) or not (=false).
mwnl:IsFollowerInTitleOf     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightShare, of which is another RightShare is the follower in title.
IsFragment     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a Fragment (=true) or not (=false).
IsHiddenResource     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource in a Release is hidden in some way from the Consumer (=true) or not (=false).
IsHiResMusic     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation relates to HiResMusic (=true) or not (=false).
IsInfluenced     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party is influenced by another Party (=true) or not (=false).
IsInfluencer     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party has influenced another Party (=true) or not (=false).
IsInstantGratificationResource     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource in a Release may be made available to consumers despite the distribution of the containing Release not having been permitted (=true) or not (=false).
IsInstrumental     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is instrumental (=true) or vocal (=false).
IsInternalCompilation     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a Compilation where all tracks are owned by the issuing record company (=true) or not (=false).
IsInternalConflictOnly     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Conflict is internal only (=true) or not (=false).
IsISNI     MT     A Flag indicating whether a PartyId is an ISNI (=true) or not (=false).
IsLegalName     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Name is a legal name (=true) or not (=false).
ISLI     MT     An International Standard Link Identifier, the ISO 17316 StandardIdentifier for links between entities in the field of information and documentation.
IsMain     MT     A Flag indicating whether something is the main one (=true) or not (=false).
IsMainRelease     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Release is the main one (=true) or not (=false).
IsMasterRecording     MT     A Flag indicating whether a SoundRecording is the master recording (=true) or not (=false).
IsMedley     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a Medley (=true) or not (=false).
IsMispronounced     MT     A Flag indicating whether a pronunciation is wrong (=true) or not (=false).
IsMisquoted     MT     A Flag indicating whether Lyrics are misquoted (=true) or not (=false).
ISMN     MT     An International Standard Music Number, the ISO 10957 StandardIdentifier for SheetMusic (http://www.ismn-international.org).
IsMultiArtistCompilation     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a multiartist Compilation (=true) or not (=false).
IsMultiTrack     MT     A Flag indicating whether an element is a multitrack element (=true) or not (=false).
IsNameUsedOnCreation     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Name is used on a Creation (=true) or not (=false).
IsNdmaClause     MT     A Flag indicating whether a clause is a 'New Digital Media Agreement' clause (=true) or not (=false).
IsNetPublisherShare     MT     A Flag indicating whether a RightShare is a net publisher share (=true) or an income participant publisher share (=false).
ISNI     MT     An International Standard Name Identifier, the ISO 27729 Standard Identifier for names.
IsNickname     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Name is a nickname (=true) or not (=false).
IsNotClaimedBySender     MT     A Flag indicating whether a RightShare is not claimed by the MessageSender (=true) or whether it is (=false).
avs:Iso639Part12LanguageCode     AVS     An ISO639-1 or 639-2 code representing a Language. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:Iso639Part3LanguageCode     AVS     An ISO639-3 code representing a Language (Source: www.sil.org/iso639-3/). Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
IsoCode          A StandardIdentifier according to an ISO standard.
avs:IsoCurrencyCode     AVS     An ISO4217 three-letter code representing a Currency. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
IsoDate     MT     A Date represented in ISO 8601 format: YYYY[-MM[-DD]].
IsOfficial     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Name is official (=true) or not (=false).
IsOrganization     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party is an Organization (=true) or not (=false).
IsOriginal     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Recording is an OriginalRecording (=true) or not (=false).
avs:IsoTerritoryCode     AVS     An ISO 3166-1 two-letter code representing a country or an ISO 3166-2 code representing a principal subdivision of a country. ISO 3166-2 codes consist of two parts separated by a hyphen: an ISO 3166-1 code and a string of up to three characters. Note: only selected ISO 3166-2 codes are included. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
IsOwner     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party is a RightsOwner (=true) or not (=false).
IsPartial     MT     A Flag indicating whether a CatalogTransfer is partial (=true) or not (=false).
IsPayingOutRoyalties     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Party is paying out royalties (=true) or not (=false).
IsPdArrangement     MT     A Flag indicating whether a MusicalWork is a MusicArrangement of a Work in the PublicDomain (=true) or not (=false).
IsPerUseRoyaltyPayment     MT     A Flag indicating whether all the rate fields are to be paid per use (=true) or as a one-off payment (=false).
IsPhysicalDistribution     MT     A Flag indicating whether a HostSoundCarrier is physical or digital/electronic (=true) or not (=false).
IsPotpourri     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a Potpourri (=true) or not (=false).
IsPreferred     MT     A Flag indicating whether something is a preferred (=true) or not (=false).
IsPreOrderDeal     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Deal is covering only the period where a Release can be purchased by a consumer but not yet fulfilled (=true) or not (=false).
IsPreOrderIncentiveResource     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource that is only available when the Release is purchased during a pre-order period (=true) or not (=false).
IsPreview     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource is a preview of another Resource (=true) or not (=false).
IsPrimaryRole     MT     A Flag indicating whether a contribution (role) is the primary contribution (role) that a Party makes (=true) or not (=false).
IsPromotional     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a PromotionalItem (=true) or not (=false).
IsProvidedInDelivery     MT     A Flag indicating whether a File is a provided in a delivery (=true) or not (=false).
IsPseudonym     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Name is a pseudonym (=true) or not (=false).
IsRangeWithDomain          The Relator between a range of a triple and a domain of a triple.
ISRC     MT     An International Standard Recording Code, the ISO 3901 StandardIdentifier for SoundRecordings and Videos (http://www.ifpi.org/isrc/).
IsReciprocalOf          The Relator between a Relator and its reciprocal Relator.
IsRemastered     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource is remastered (=true) or not (=false).
IsReplaced     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource was replaced (=true) or not (=false).
IsRoyaltyBearing     MT     A Flag indicating whether a MessageSender is contractually obliged to pay royalties to a RightsController for a SalesTransaction (=true) or not (=false).
IsShortSynopsis     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Synopsis is short (=true) or not (=false).
IsSingleArtistCompilation     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a single-artist Compilation (=true) or not (=false).
ISSN     MT     An International Standard Serial Number, the ISO 3297 StandardIdentifier for published serials (http://www.issn.org).
IsSoundtrack     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Release is a Soundtrack (=true) or not (=false).
IsStageName     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Name is a stage name (=true) or not (=false).
IsSupplemental     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Creation is a supplement (=true) or not (=false).
IsTestFlag     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Message is a TestMessage (=true) or a LiveMessage (=false).
IsTrue     MT     A Flag indicating whether an Assertion is positive (=true) or not (=false).
IsUnionSession     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Session is a union Session (=true) or not (=false).
IsUpdated     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Resource was updated (=true) or not (=false).
ISWC     MT     An International Standard Musical Work Code, the ISO 15707 StandardIdentifier for Compositions (http://www.iswc.org).
IsWinner     MT     A Flag indicating whether something is a winner (=true) or not (=false).
IsWorkRelatedToSample     MT     A Flag indicating whether a Work is related to a sampled Recording (=true) or not (=false).
ddexC:KeyInfo     MT     A KeyInfo Composite.
KeyName     MT     A NamePart of a PartyName normally used for indexing in an alphabetical list.
KeySignature     MT     A key signature of a MusicalWork.
ddexC:Keywords     MT     A Composite containing details of a Description containing Keywords.
Keywords     MT     A Description consisting of a characteristic word.
ddexC:KeywordsWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a Description containing Keywords.
KilobitPerSecond          kBit per second.
mc-notif:Label     MT     A Composite containing details of a Label.
Label     MT     A Brand under which SoundRecordings are published.
ern:Label     MT     A Composite containing details of a Label.
LabelName     MT     A Name of a Label, such as a record Label.
ddexC:LabelName     MT     A Composite containing details of a LabelName.
LabelNameType     MT     A Type of LabelName.
avs:LabelNameType     AVS     A Type of LabelName. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
LabelReleaseId     MT     A ReleaseId assigned by a RecordCompany.
LabelResourceId     MT     A ResourceId assigned by a RecordCompany.
LabelType     MT     A Type of Label.
Language          A spoken or written language.
LanguageAndScriptCode     MT     An Identifier identifying a Language and a Script.
LanguageCode     MT     An Identifier identifying a Language.
LanguageLocalizationType     MT     The Type of adaptation of an audio-visual Resource for a specific audience and/or language.
LanguageOfDubbing     MT     A Language used in dubbing.
LanguageOfLyrics     MT     A Language used in }Lyrics.
LanguageOfPerformance     MT     A Language used in a Performance.
LatestDateForPhysicalReturns     MT     A Date which is the latest one for physical returns.
LegalElement          A Concept defined in law.
Length     MT     A length of content in octets according to The Atom Syndication Format.
LexicalCreation          A Creation comprised of words.
LexicalManifestation          A Manifestation comprised of words.
LexicalWork          A Work whose Manifestation is in words.
License          An Agreement about the intended and permitted Usage(s), by Users or Consumers, of one or more Creations, in which one of the Parties is a Licensor, and at least one other party is a Licensee.
LicenseCondition          A Condition for a License or a Claim.
LicenseConditionReference     MT     A Reference to a LicenseCondition.
Licensee          A Party that is granted a licence in respect of rights in one or more Creations, by a Licensor. The Licensee may be a human being or other legal person or corporate entity. The Licensee may or may not be the MessageSender or MessageRecipient of a message in a specific information exchange defined by a DDEX Standard.
LicenseeId     MT     An Identifier of a Licensee.
LicenseeName     MT     A Name of a Licensee.
LicenseId     MT     An Identifier of a License.
LicenseParty          A Party participating in a License.
ddexC:LicenseRefusalReason     MT     A Composite containing details of a LicenseRefusalReason.
LicenseRefusalReason          A Reason for a License Refusal.
avs:LicenseRefusalReason     AVS     A Type of Reason for a refusing a License or Claim. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
LicenseRejection          An Event in which a License is declined.
LicenseRejectionId     MT     An Identifier of a LicenseRejection.
ddexC:LicenseRejectionReason     MT     A Composite containing details of a LicenseRejectionReason.
LicenseRejectionReason          A Reason for a License Rejection.
avs:LicenseRejectionReason     AVS     A Type of Reason for a rejecting a License. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
LicenseRequest          An Event in a License or Claim is requested.
LicenseRequestId     MT     An Identifier of a LicenseRequest.
LicenseRightShareReference     MT     A Reference to a RightShare which is contained within a specific License or Claim.
LicensingAgent     MT     A Party that acts, in the context of a License, for a Licensor. LicensingAgents may act for a RightsController in the context of a License agreement. The LicensingAgent may or may not be the MessageSender or MessageRecipient of a message in a specific information exchange defined by a DDEX Standard.
Licensor     MT     A Party that grants a License in respect of rights in one or more Creations to one or more Licensees in accordance with the authorities it has been granted to do so by one or more RightsController(s), RightsAdministrator(s) (where applicable), LicensingAgent(s) (where applicable) or RightsHolder(s). The Licensor may be a human being or other legal person or corporate entity. The Licensor may or may not also be the RightsController, the RightsAdministrator, the LicensingAgent or the RightsHolder in the Creation(s) that are the subject of the License granting the rights. The Licensor may or may not be the MessageSender or MessageRecipient of a message in a specific information exchange defined by a DDEX Standard.
atom:Link     MT     A Composite containing details of a link. The Atom link construct is defined in section 3.4 of the format spec.
LinkDescription     MT     A Type of Resource that is referenced in a link.
ern:LinkedReleaseResourceReference     MT     A Composite containing details of a LinkedReleaseResourceReference for a Resource which is linked to a ContentItem.
LinkedReleaseResourceReference          A Reference of a Resource related to another Resource which is contained within a specific Release.
LinkRequestId     MT     An Identifier of a Request relating to a link.
List          An ordered Set.
ListenerDuration     MT     The total Duration in hours that a Resource was listened to.
ListenerHours     MT     A synonym of the term ListenerDuration.
LiveMessage          A Message containing data which is expected to be used for commercial purposes.
LocalAnchor          A String which acts as a local Identifier. It is used to provide structural integrity of the Messages and is represented in XML as an xs:ID Element.
LocalAnchorReference          A String which acts as a reference to a local Identifier. It is used to provide structural integrity of the Messages and is represented in XML as an xs:IDREF Element.
LocalCollectionAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a Collection. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter X.
LocalCollectionAnchorReference          A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of a Collection. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter X.
LocalCueSheetAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a CueSheet. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter Q.
LocalCueSheetAnchorReference          A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of a CueSheet. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter Q.
LocalizablePlace          A Place in the universe which can be localized by reference to spatial co-ordinates.
LocalizablePlaceId          An Identifier of a LocalizablePlace.
LocalMusicalWorkAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a MusicalWork. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter W.
LocalMusicalWorkAnchorReference          A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of a MusicalWork. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter W.
LocalPartyAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a Party. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter P.
LocalPartyAnchorReference     MT     A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of a Party. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter P.
LocalReleaseAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a Release. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter R.
LocalReleaseAnchorReference          A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of a Release. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter R.
LocalResourceAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a Resource. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter A.
LocalResourceAnchorReference     MT     A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of a Resource. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter A.
LocalRightShareAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a RightShare. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter S.
LocalRightShareAnchorReference          A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of a RightShare. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter S.
LocalTechnicalResourceDetailsAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a TechnicalResourceDetails Composite. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter T.
LocalTechnicalResourceDetailsAnchorReference          A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of a TechnicalResourceDetails Composite. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter T.
LocalVisibilityAnchor          A LocalAnchor which acts as a local Identifier of a set of visibility dates, i.e. dates defining when a Release can be shown to Consumers. This LocalAnchor is a xs:string starting with the letter V.
LocalVisibilityAnchorReference          A LocalAnchorReference which acts as a reference to a local Identifier of set of visibility dates, i.e. dates defining when a Release can be shown to Consumers. This LocalAnchorReference is a xs:string starting with the letter V.
ern:LocationAndDateOfSession     MT     A Composite containing details of a Session.
LocationCode     MT     A United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/Locode, http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/location) for a Place.
LocationDescription     MT     A Description of a Place in which a Resource is located.
mc-us-lod:LoDConfirmationMessage     AV     A Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard, containing details of one or more MusicalWork(s). The Message can also be used to communicate RightShares with respect to the reported MusicalWorks.
mc-us-lod:LoDMessage     AV     A Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard, sent by an (Acquiring) MusicPublisher to a Licensee or interested Party to inform about a CatalogTransfer.
mwnl:LoDReleaseList     MT     A Composite containing a list of CatalogReleaseReferences for Releases included in a CatalogTransfer.
mwnl:LoDResourceList     MT     A Composite containing a list of CatalogResourceReferences for Resources included in a CatalogTransfer.
atom:Logo     MT     A Composite containing details of a logo. The Atom logo construct is defined in section 4.2.8 of the format spec.
Logo          An Image representing a Brand or Organization.
ern:LongFormVideo_ChapterMustHaveId     AV     A Rule that says: Chapter shall be have a ChapterId.
ern:LongFormVideo_ChapterMustHaveStartTime     AV     A Rule that says: Chapter shall be have a StartTime.
ern:LongFormVideo_ChapterMustReferenceVideoScreenCapture     AV     A Rule that says: RepresentativeImageReference must point to an Image of type VideoScreenCapture.
ern:LongFormVideo_CueMustHaveContributor     AV     A Rule that says: Each Cue should have a Contributor.
ern:LongFormVideo_CueMustHaveIsrcOrISWC     AV     A Rule that says: Each Cue should have an ISRC or an ISWC.
ern:LongFormVideo_CueMustHavePLine     AV     A Rule that says: Each Cue with an ISRC should have a PLine.
ern:LongFormVideo_CueMustHaveStartTimeOrDuration     AV     A Rule that says: Each Cue should have a StartTime or a Duration.
ern:LongFormVideo_ImageType     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain Images of type FrontCoverImage or Poster or VideoScreenCapture.
ern:LongFormVideo_MainReleaseType     AV     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:LongFormVideo_MustContainOneFrontCoverImageOrPoster     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain exactly one Image of type FrontCoverImage or Poster.
ern:LongFormVideo_MustContainOneWorkVideo     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain exactly one Video of type LongFormMusicalWorkVideo or ConcertVideo.
ern:LongFormVideo_MustContainPoster     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain an Image of type Poster.
ern:LongFormVideo_PrimaryResourceMustHaveCueSheetInfo     AV     A Rule that says: Each primary Video of type LongFormMusicalWorkVideo or ConcertVideo shall have a VideoCueSheetReference or a ReasonForCueSheetAbsence.
ern:LongFormVideo_PrimaryResourceMustHaveIsrcOrProprietaryId     AV     A Rule that says: Primary Video shall be identified with an ISRC or a ProprietaryId.
ern:LongFormVideo_ReleaseProfileVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'LongFormMusicalWorkVideo'.
ern:LongFormVideo_VideoType     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain Videos of type LongFormMusicalWorkVideo or ConcertVideo or MusicalWorkTrailer or NonMusicalWorkTrailer.
Lyricist          A Creator of the Lyrics of a MusicalWork.
Lyrics     MT     A LexicalManifestation consisting of the words of a MusicalWork.
LyricsType     MT     A Type of Lyrics.
Machine          A Physical, FixedTool (but not a living Resource) with multiple interacting components.
MainArtist          A Party who is a principal credited Artist for a Resource.
MainCharacter          A central or primary Character in a storyline.
MainCharacterLineUpComplete     MT     A Flag indicating whether a MainCharacter line up is complete (=true) or not (=false).
Maker          An Agent who makes something.
Mandate          The authority granted by a RightsController to a CollectiveManagementOrganization to facilitate the collection and distribution of royalties on their behalf, which may or may not include the right for the CollectiveManagementOrganization to be a Licensor on behalf of the relevant RightsController, for specific territories, RightsTypes, UsageTypes and CommercialModelTypes (which may be anything up to and including all rights for the world, for all types of Usage and for all types of commercial models).
MandateId     MT     An Identifier of a Mandate.
Manifestation          A perceivable Creation which represents a Concept.
mc-us-lod:ManifestMessage     AV     A Message in the Letters Of Direction Choreography Standard that is sent to document the FTP transfer of a batch of Messages.
mwnl:ManifestMessage     AV     A Message in the Musical Works Notification and Licensing Message Suite Standard that is sent to document the FTP transfer of a batch of Messages, potentially accompanied by Resource or Release files.
ManualCheckRequired     MT     A Flag indicating whether a manual check is required (=true) or not (=false).
ManufacturerName     MT     A Name of a manufacturer.
mwnl:ManuscriptShare     MT     A Composite containing details of a MusicalWorkManuscriptShare which is related to another RightShare.
ddexC:MarketingComment     MT     A Composite containing details of a MarketingComment.
MarketingComment     MT     A textual commentary about the promotion and marketing of an Entity.
MarketShare          A Percentage of the market.
MarketShareMechanical     MT     The MarketShare for the Mechanical Right.
MarketSharePerforming     MT     The MarketShare for the Performing Right.
Mashup          A MusicalWork whose expression is an overlaying of existing MusicalWorks or excerpts from MusicalWorks. Note: A Mashup typically results in the creation of a new piece of intellectual property.
MasteredDate     MT     A Date on which a Recording was originally mastered (either in analogue or digital form).
MaximumNumberOfUsages     MT     The maximum number of Usages made of a Resource.
MaxNumberOfRoyaltyPaidResources     MT     The maximum number of Resources on which royalties are to be paid.
MayBeShared     MT     A Flag indicating whether some information may be shared (=true) or not (=false).
Means          A Thing that is used in doing something to an Entity.
MeasurementType     MT     A Type of Measurement.
Medium          A Tool in the form of a medium in, on or through which a Resource is made perceivable.
Medley          A MusicalWork whose expression is a combination of continuous and sequential existing MusicalWorks or excerpts from MusicalWorks. Note: A Medley does not normally result in the creation of a new copyright Work.
MembershipType     MT     A Type of membership of a Person.
Message          A Message in XML format.
ddexC:MessageActionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a MessageActionType.
MessageActionType          A Type of action requested in a Message.
avs:MessageActionType     AVS     A Type of action requested in a Message. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:MessageAuditTrail     MT     A Composite containing information about Parties in between the original MessageSender and ultimate MessageRecipient.
MessageAuditTrail          A Report about message handling events.
ddexC:MessageAuditTrailEvent     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party handling a Message and the Time at which the handling took place.
MessageAuditTrailEvent          An Event reported in a MessageAuditTrail.
MessageControlType     MT     A Type of Message according to its operational status.
avs:MessageControlType     AVS     A Type of Message according to its operational status. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
MessageCreatedDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which a Message was created.
MessageDocument          A TextDocument sent from one Party to another.
MessageFileName     MT     A FileName of a Message.
ddexC:MessageHeader     MT     A Composite placed at the beginning of each DdexMessage providing information about the Message, such as MessageSender, MessageRecipient and a Message creation time stamp.
MessageHeader     MT     A Part of a Message containing administrative information which is placed at the beginning of the Message.
MessageId     MT     An Identifier of a Message.
mwnl:MessageInBatch     MT     A Composite containing details of a Message in a Batch.
MessageInBatch     MT     A Message which is is part of a Batch.
ddexC:MessageNotificationPeriod     MT     A Composite containing details of a reporting Period covered by a Message. It must contain at least one out of StartDate or EndDate. The StartDate must be earlier than the EndDate if both are provided.
MessageProfile     MT     A RuleSet for a Message.
MessagePurpose     MT     A Purpose of a Message.
MessageRecipient     MT     A Party that receives a Message formatted in accordance with a DDEX standard from a Message sender. The MessageRecipient may also be one or more of a Licensor, a Licensee, a RightsController, a RightsAdministrator, a LicensingAgent or a RightsHolder.
MessageRecipientId          An Identifier of a MessageRecipient.
MessageSender     MT     A Party that sends a Message formatted in accordance with a DDEX standard to a MessageRecipient. The MessageSender may also be one or more of a Licensor, a Licensee, a RightsController, a RightsAdministrator, a LicensingAgent or a RightsHolder.
MessageSenderId          An Identifier of a MessageSender.
ern-c-ws:MessageStatus     MT     A Composite containing details of a Message Status.
MessageThreadId     MT     An Identifier of a Message thread. Typically used to track the progress and history (from Party to Party) of a Message.
MessageType     MT     A Type of Message.
avs:MessageType     AVS     A Type of Message in a DDEX namespace. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
MessageVersion          A Version of a Message.
MessageVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a MessageVersion.
ddexC:MessagingParty     MT     A Composite containing details of a MessagingParty.
MessagingParty          A Party involved with the processing of a Message (e.g., as MessageSender or MessageRecipient).
MessagingPartyDescriptor     MT     A Descriptor of a MessagingParty.
MessagingPartyId          An Identifier of a MessagingParty.
MessagingPartyName          A Name of a MessagingParty.
ddexC:MessagingPartyWithoutCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a MessagingParty.
Metadata          An item of data providing information about an Entity.
MetadataIsAccessRestricted     MT     A Flag indicating whether metadata access is restricted (=true) or not (=false).
MetadataIsUnderReview     MT     A Flag indicating whether metadata is subject to a Dispute that is currently being resolved (=true) or not (=false).
MetadataSchema          A Set of Terms brought together to provide information about something.
ddexC:MetadataSourceType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:MetadataSourceType.
avs:MetadataSourceType     AVS     A Type of metadata source. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
MinimumFeePerUse     MT     A minimum Fee to be paid per use.
MinimumNumberOfUsages     MT     The minimum number of Usages made of a Resource.
MinNumberOfRoyaltyPaidResources     MT     The minimum number of Resources on which royalties are to be paid.
ddexC:MissingLinkReason     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:MissingLinkReason.
avs:MissingLinkReason     AVS     A reason for a missing link. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:MixedMedia_MainReleaseType     AV     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:MixedMedia_ReleaseProfileVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'MixedMedia'.
MlcName          A Name of a MusicLicensingCompany.
ModelName     MT     A Name of a specific model of a piece of equipment.
Mood          An atmosphere relating to a feeling or state of mind.
MoodType     MT     A Type of Mood.
MP          MPEG Audio Layer, as standardized in ISO/IEC 11172-3 and 13818-3.
MP3          MPEG Audio Layer III, as standardized in ISO/IEC 11172-3 and 13818-3.
ern:MultiProfile_BonusResourceMustHaveProprietaryId     AV     A Rule that says: Bonus Resources shall be identified with a ProprietaryId.
ern:MultiProfile_BonusResourcesMustNotBeSequenced     AV     A Rule that says: Secondary Resources shall not be sequenced in their ResourceGroupContentItem.
ern:MultiProfile_FrontCoverImageMustBeLinked     AV     A Rule that says: FrontCoverImages shall be linked from the top-level ResourceGroup's LinkedReleaseResourceReference.
ern:MultiProfile_ImageType     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain an Image of type FrontCoverImage.
ern:MultiProfile_MayContainOneImage     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must not contain more than one Image.
ern:MultiProfile_MustContainOneFrontCoverImage     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain one (and only one) Image of type FrontCoverImage.
ern:MultiProfile_MustContainOneResourceGroup     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain one (and only one) ResourceGroup.
ern:MultiProfile_MustContainOneResourceGroupContentItem     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain one (and only one) ResourceGroupContentItem.
ern:MultiProfile_MustContainOneSoundRecording     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain exactly one SoundRecording.
ern:MultiProfile_MustContainShortFormMusicalWorkVideo     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain at least one Video of type ShortFormMusicalWorkVideo.
ern:MultiProfile_MustContainWorkSoundRecording     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain SoundRecordings of type MusicalWorkSoundRecording or NonMusicalWorkSoundRecording.
ern:MultiProfile_MustNotContainBonusResource     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must not contain any bonus resources.
ern:MultiProfile_MustNotContainTextSheetMusicSoftware     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must not contain any Text, SheetMusic and Software because bonus resources are not allowed.
ern:MultiProfile_MustNotContainTrackRelease     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must not contain any TrackReleases.
ern:MultiProfile_PrimaryResourceMustHaveISRC     AV     A Rule that says: Primary SoundRecordings and Videos shall be identified with an ISRC.
ern:MultiProfile_ReleaseProfileVariantVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVariantVersionId should conform to clause 5.2.2.
ern:MultiProfile_ResourceGroupContentItemImage     AV     A Rule that says: Images shall be linked from the ResourceGroupContentItem's LinkedReleaseResourceReference.
ern:MultiProfile_ResourceGroupContentItemSoundRecording     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain one ReleaseResourceReference pointing to the Primary Resource.
ern:MultiProfile_RightsController     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type should contain information for the RightsController according to Clause 5.4.1(4).
ern:MultiProfile_TextSheetMusicSoftwareMustBeBonus     AV     A Rule that says: Text, SheetMusic and Software must be bonus resources.
ern:MultiProfile_VideoScreenCaptureMustBeLinked     AV     A Rule that says: VideoScreenCaptures shall be linked from the ResourceGroupContentItem by a LinkedReleaseResourceReference element with a LinkDescription of VideoScreenCapture.
MusicalCreation          A Creation comprised of music.
MusicalManifestation          A Manifestation comprised of music.
mc-notif:MusicalWork     MT     A Composite containing details of a MusicalWork.
mc-us-lod:MusicalWork     MT     A Composite containing details of a MusicalWork.
MusicalWork     MT     A Work intended to be perceivable as a combination of sounds, with or without accompanying text.
MusicalWorkContributor          A Contributor playing a role in the making of a MusicalWork. This includes creative roles (such as Composer or Author) and commercial roles (such as MusicPublisher).
MusicalWorkContributorPartyReference          A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific MusicalWorkContributor.
MusicalWorkContributorReference     MT     A Reference to a Contributor which is involved in a specific MusicalWork.
ddexC:MusicalWorkContributorRole     MT     A Composite containing details of a MusicalWorkContributorRole. Note: This can be used in a DdexMessage in relation to any Work, Performance or Fixation any of which may form the whole or part of the Resource itself. Example: if an 'AssociatedPerformer' is shown as a Contributor to a MusicalWork it refers to a performer of a Resource (e.g. a SoundRecording) expressing the MusicalWork.
avs:MusicalWorkContributorRole     AVS     A Role played by a Contributor in relation to a MusicalWork. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
MusicalWorkContributorRole          A Role played by a Contributor to a MusicalWork.
mc-us-lod:MusicalWorkForConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of a MusicalWork.
ddexC:MusicalWorkId     MT     A Composite containing details of a MusicalWorkId.
mwnl:MusicalWorkId     MT     A Composite containing details of a MusicalWorkId.
MusicalWorkId          An Identifier of a MusicalWork.
MusicalWorkManuscriptShare          A RightShare of a MusicalWork as agreed between the writers. The sum of all MusicalWorkManuscriptShares on a MusicalWork equals 100%. It is possible (though unusual) for MusicalWorkManuscriptShares to vary by Territory or Rights Type. Manuscript Shares are often referred to as Writer Shares.
MusicalWorkReference     MT     A Reference to a MusicalWork.
mc-notif:MusicalWorkShareRequest     MT     A Composite containing details of a Request for a claim for RightShares.
MusicalWorkSoundRecording          A SoundRecording embodying a MusicalWork.
MusicalWorkSubTitle     MT     A SubTitle of a MusicalWork.
MusicalWorkTitle     MT     A Title of a MusicalWork.
ddexC:MusicalWorkType     MT     A Composite containing details of a MusicalWorkType.
MusicalWorkType          A Type of MusicalWork.
avs:MusicalWorkType     AVS     A Type of MusicalWork. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
MusicalWorkVideo          A Video of a musical Performance.
MusicalWorkVideoChapter          A VideoChapter embodying a MusicalWork.
MusicArrangement          A MusicalWork (with or without Lyrics) in which musical elements have been taken from one or more other MusicalWork(s) and modified.
Musician          A Party who performs a MusicalWork.
MusicLicensingCompany          An Organization that is duly authorised to issue Licenses and collect and distribute royalties for the use of SoundRecordings and music Videos on behalf of the owners of the SoundRecordings and music Videos (usually a RecordCompany) and/or Performers. MusicLicensingCompanies may issue Licenses on behalf of phonogram producers, Performers or both. Note: MusicLicensingCompanies were previously referred to as Producers (and/or Performers) Collection Societies (PCSs).
MusicPublisher          A Party that enters into contracts and/or assignments with composer(s) in respect of their copyright MusicalWorks and in return for a proportion of the royalties generated from their use, undertakes work on behalf of the composer(s) including but not limited to promoting the usage of the Works, licensing their use, collecting and distributing royalties and developing writing partnerships with other composer(s). This term includes OriginalPublisher and SubPublisher.
MusicPublisherPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a MusicPublisher.
MusicRightsSociety          An Organization for the collective management and licensing of Rights in MusicalWorks.
MusicUsagePercentage     MT     A Percentage of musical content in a subscription Service.
MusicUsageRatio     MT     A Rate for the usages of Resources with musical content in relation to the usages of all Resources.
avs:MwnlFileStatus     AVS     A Status of a File in terms of its validity in the Release Delivery Choreography Standard. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:MwnlProposedActionType     AVS     A Type of action that is proposed. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Name     MT     A Thing which denotes an Entity and which is capable of being written.
ddexC:Name     MT     A Composite containing details of a Name.
NameDesignation          A designation of a Name.
NameExtension          A Descriptor (such as a SubTitle) which is supplementary to, but not contained within, a Name.
NameIndexed          A Name in a form used to index it in an alphabetical list.
NamePart          A Part of a Name.
NamesAfterKeyName     MT     A NamePart that follows a KeyName in normal designation.
NamesBeforeKeyName     MT     A NamePart that precedes a KeyName in a normal designation of a PartyName.
Namespace     MT     An IdentifierType for a set of Element values.
NameType          A Type of Name.
NameUsedInDisplayCredit     MT     A PartyName that is displayed in credits.
Nationality     MT     A nationality or citizenship of a Person.
NetAmount     MT     A net Amount.
NetPrice          A Price after the Deduction of Tax and/or other charges.
NetRevenue     MT     A Revenue after Deductions.
NetRevenueInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A NetRevenue given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
NetRevenueInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A NetRevenue given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
NetUsage     MT     An Attribute of a usage with a net value.
Nickname     MT     An alternative, informal Name for a familiar Person, Place or Thing.
NMTOKEN          An unspecific DataType. It is represented in XML as an xs:anyType Element.
NoDisplaySequence     MT     A Flag indicating whether a display sequence exists (=false) or not (=true).
NoMeterAvailable     MT     A Flag indicating whether a meter was not available (=true) or whether it was (=false).A Flag indicating whether a meter was not available (=true) or whether it was (=false).
NonFeaturedLineUpComplete     MT     A Flag indicating whether a non-featured line up is complete (=true) or not (=false).
NonLocalizablePlace          A Place which cannot be localized by reference to spatial co-ordinates.
NonLocalizablePlaceId          An Identifier of a NonLocalizablePlace.
NonMusicalWork          A Work other than a MusicalWork.
NonMusicalWorkVideo          A Video of a non-musical Performance.
NonMusicalWorkVideoChapter          A VideoChapter not embodying a MusicalWork.
NormalizedString          A normalized String as used in an XML schema.
NoSilenceAfter     MT     A Flag indicating whether a SoundRecording is followed by a period of silence (=false) or not (=true).
NoSilenceBefore     MT     A Flag indicating whether a SoundRecording is preceded by a period of silence (=false) or not (=true).
NoteEquivalentToBeat     MT     The note that is equivalent to one beat.
Notification          An Event in which a Party is informed about an Event.
NotificationId     MT     An Identifier of a Notification.
NumberOfAllocatedPartySummaryRecords     MT     A number of allocated party summary records.
NumberOfAudioChannels     MT     A number of audio channels.
NumberOfBeatsInBar     MT     The number of beats in a bar.
NumberOfBlocks          A number of blocks.
NumberOfBlocksInFile     MT     A number of blocks in a File.
NumberOfBlocksInReport     MT     A number of blocks in a report.
NumberOfBroadcastListeners     MT     A number of Users of a Broadcast.
NumberOfBroadcasts     MT     A number of Broadcasts made of a Resource.
NumberOfBytes          A number of bytes.
NumberOfChannels     MT     A number of channels.
NumberOfCharacters          A number of Characters.
NumberOfCollections     MT     A number of Collections.
NumberOfContributors          A number of Contributors associated with a Resource.
NumberOfDataCarriers          A number of DataCarriers.
NumberOfDataCarriersInSet     MT     A number of DataCarriers in a Set.
NumberOfDiscrepancies     MT     A number of discrepancies.
NumberOfDisks     MT     A number of disks.
NumberOfDownloads     MT     A number of downloads.
NumberOfFeaturedPerformingContributors     MT     A number of featured performing Contributors associated with a Resource.
NumberOfFiles     MT     A number of Files.
NumberOfLines     MT     A number of lines.
NumberOfLinesInFile     MT     A number of lines in a File.
NumberOfLinesInReport     MT     A number of lines in a Report.
NumberOfMainCharacters     MT     A number of MainCharacters.
NumberOfMessages     MT     A number of Messages.
NumberOfNonFeaturedPerformingContributors     MT     A number of non-featured performing Contributors associated with a Resource.
NumberOfOtherCharacters     MT     A number of OtherCharacters.
NumberOfParties          A number of Parties.
NumberOfProductsPerCarton     MT     A number of Products per carton.
NumberOfProductUnits          A number of Product units.
NumberOfRecords          A number of records.
NumberOfReleases     MT     A number of Releases.
NumberOfResources          A number of Resources.
NumberOfRevenueDetailsRecords     MT     A number of revenue details records.
NumberOfSalesTransactionRecords     MT     The number of records reporting SalesTransactions which are contained in a Message (transaction records are SalesToRecordCompanyByTerritory and SalesToSocietyByTerritory Composites, depending on the Message sent).
NumberOfSoundRecordingsClaimedInCarrier     MT     A number of SoundRecordings that are claimed.
NumberOfStreams     MT     A number of streams made of a Resource.
NumberOfSummaryRecords     MT     A number of summary records.
NumberOfSupportingCharacters     MT     A number of SupportingCharacters.
NumberOfTransactedResources     MT     A number of Resources included in a transaction.
NumberOfUnitsSold     MT     A number of unit sales of a Product.
NumberOfUsages     MT     A number of Usages made of a Resource.
NumberOfUsers          A number of Users of a Service or Resource.
NumericString          A String consisting of Arabic numerals (which may include mathematical symbols).
NumericString4          A NumericString consisting of exactly 4 numerals.
OfferEndDate     MT     An EndDate of an offer.
OfferStartDate     MT     A StartDate of an offer.
OfferType     MT     A Type of an offer.
OfferURL     MT     A URL for an offer.
OperatingSystem          A Software application which is a Computer operating system.
ddexC:OperatingSystemType     MT     A Composite containing details of an OperatingSystemType.
OperatingSystemType          A Type of OperatingSystem.
avs:OperatingSystemType     AVS     A Type of OperatingSystem. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
OpusNumber     MT     A ComposerCatalogNumber in the generic form of an opus number assigned to a MusicalWork, typically by the Composer.
Organization          A Party which is either a legal Person (but not a natural Person) and/or a Group and/or an Organization Set.
OriginalBitRate     MT     A BitRate used originally.
OriginalBroadcastChannel     MT     An original BroadcastChannel.
OriginalBroadcastDateTime     MT     A DateTime of an original broadcast.
OriginalPLine          A (P) RightsNotice for an original Creation.
OriginalPublisher          A RightsController who is assigned rights directly by the writer (as opposed to by another publisher). Note that a writer may have zero, one or many OriginalPublishers.
mwnl:OriginalPublisherShare     MT     A Composite containing details of an OriginalPublisherShare which is related to another RightShare.
OriginalPublisherShare          The proportion of the overall MusicalWork that a writer has assigned to an OriginalPublisher. Note that each writer can have zero, one or many OriginalPublishers, and hence zero, one or many OriginalPublisherShares. An OriginalPublisherShare does not define a share for the collection of money. They are also referred to as Stakeholder Shares or Primary Publishers Shares.
OriginalRecording          An original Recording of a Work.
OriginalReleaseDate     MT     A Date on which a Resource was made first available for Usage.
OriginalResourceReleaseDate     MT     An OriginalReleaseDate of a Release relating to a Resource.
OriginalSamplingRate     MT     A SamplingRate used originally.
OriginalTitle     MT     A Title given to a Creation by its Creator(s), in its original Language. Note: A Creation may be given more than one OriginalTitle. Note: The OriginalTitle of a Creation X may be the DisplayTitle of a Creation that X is based on. Example: the OriginalTitle of the MusicalWork 'My Way' (whose lyrics were written by Paul Anka) is 'Comme d'habitude' (written and composed by Claude François).
OtherCharacter          A Character other than a MainCharacter or a SupportingCharacter.
OtherCharacterLineUpComplete     MT     A Flag indicating whether an OtherCharacter line up is complete (=true) or not (=false).
Output          A Thing that is brought into existence by an Agent.
OverallBitRate     MT     A BitRate for audio and video data.
Owner          A Thing that possesses another Thing (an Attribute).
PageName     MT     A Name of a WebPage.
Parameter     MT     A parameter of an Algorithm.
ddexC:ParentalWarningType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ParentalWarningType.
ParentalWarningType     MT     A Type of Annotation consisting of a warning with the intention of alerting parents of potentially unsuitable material.
avs:ParentalWarningType     AVS     A Type of Creation according to advice which it carries about the level of explicitness or offensiveness of its content. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:ParentalWarningTypeWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a ParentalWarningType.
ParentSummaryRecordId     MT     An Identifier of a parent summary record.
Part          A Resource which is part of another Resource.
PartId          An Identifier of a Part.
PartNumber          A numeric PartId.
ern:Party     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party.
mc-notif:Party     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party.
Party     MT     A Thing that is a human or other animate being (real or imaginary), or a legal person, an organization or a machine capable of playing a role as an Agent (or active Thing).
ddexC:Party     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party.
PartyAffiliateReference     MT     A Reference to an affiliated Party which is related to a specific Party.
ddexC:PartyDescriptor     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party. Parties are typically described through Names and/or Identifiers.
PartyDescriptor          A Descriptor of a Party.
ddexC:PartyId     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyId. If no Namespace is given, the Identifier is a DdexPartyId (DPID). Note that DPIDs are not normally used to identify Artists, producers or other Creators.
PartyId     MT     An Identifier of a Party.
mc-notif:PartyIdForNotification     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyId.
ern:PartyList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Parties.
mc-notif:PartyList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Parties.
PartyList          A List of Parties.
PartyMusicRightsSocietyReference     MT     A Reference for a MusicRightsSociety (specific to this Message). This is a LocalPartyAnchorReference starting with the letter P.
PartyName     MT     A Name of a Party.
ddexC:PartyName     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyName. Name details for a Party typically either contain a FullName or a KeyName.
mc-notif:PartyNameForNotification     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyName. Name details for a Party typically either contain a FullName or a KeyName.
ddexC:PartyNameWithoutCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyName. Name details for a Party typically either contain a FullName or a KeyName.
ern:PartyNameWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyName. Name details for a Party typically either contain a FullName or a KeyName.
PartyPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific Party.
PartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party.
PartyRelatedPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific Party.
ddexC:PartyRelationshipType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:PartyRelationshipType.
avs:PartyRelationshipType     AVS     A Type of relationship between two Parties. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
PartyRole          A Role played by a Party.
ern:PartyWithRole     MT     A Composite containing details of a Party.
PayAsYouGoModel          A CommercialModel where the Service or Product offering is financed by revenue generated from payment (set at any level but not zero) for each Usage which the Customer makes of the Service or Product.
PayingMlcAllocatedPartyId     MT     A ProprietaryIdentifier of a paying MLC, assigned by an allocated party.
PayingMlcCommission     MT     A Commission applying to a paying Music Licensing Company.
PayingMlcGrossAmount     MT     A GrossAmount applying to a paying MLC.
PayingMlcInterest     MT     An Interest applying to a paying Music Licensing Company.
PayingMlcName     MT     A Name of a paying MusicLicensingCompany.
PayingMlcOtherDeductions     MT     A DeductedAmount by a paying MLC.
PayingMlcOtherDeductionTypes     MT     A Type of a Deduction by a paying MLC..
PayingMlcVAT     MT     A VAT applying to a paying Music Licensing Company.
PayingMlcWithholdingTax     MT     A WithholdingTax applying to a paying Music Licensing Company.
Payment          An Event in which money is given in exchange for a Product or a Service.
PaymentDate     MT     A Date of a Payment.
PaymentRecipientId     MT     An Identifier of a recipient of a Payment.
PaymentRecipientName     MT     A Name of a recipient of a Payment.
PCM          Pulse-code modulated audio as used e.g. on audio CDs. Typically, but not exclusively, PCM bit streams are communicated in WAV containers.
PDF          Portable Document Format as defined by Adobe.
PerceivableThing          A perceivable Thing.
Percent          Percent.
Percentage     MT     A synonym of the term PercentageRate.
ddexC:Percentage     MT     A Composite containing details of a PercentageRate.
PercentageOfResourceInRelease     MT     A Percentage indicating how much of a traded Release is represented by a Resource.
PercentageOfResourceInReleaseCorrected     MT     A corrected PercentageOfResourceInRelease.
PercentageOfResourceInReleaseDelta     MT     A delta value of a PercentageOfResourceInRelease.
PercentageOfResourceInReleaseOriginal     MT     An original PercentageOfResourceInRelease.
PercentageOfRightsAssignment     MT     A Percentage of a Right involved in a Rights assignment.
PercentageRate     MT     A rate of parts per hundred, resulting from the division of a Quantity by another Quantity of the same type and a multiplication of the result by 100.
mwnl:PercentageRate     MT     A Composite containing details of a PercentageRate.
PercentageType     MT     A Type of PercentageRate.
PercentileForPrioritisation     MT     A percentile expected for UsagesForPrioritisation.
Performance          A Manifestation that exists only during its creation. Note: Performances do not necessarily need to take place in front of an audience but can include, e.g., studio or location events.
PerformanceRecording          A Recording of a Performance.
PerformanceVideo          A Video of a Performance.
Performer     MT     A performer of a Work.
PerformingContributor          A Contributor whose contribution is a Performance.
ddexC:Period     MT     A Composite containing details about a Period of Time. Periods are typically describedby at least a StartDate or EndDate (or StartDateTime or EndDateTime) where the StartDate(Time) and EndDate(Time) are included in the Period. Thus a one-day period can be described by using the same date in the StartDate and EndDate. If two subsequent Periods form a continuum (i.e. with no break in-between) there are two ways to express this: (a) if using dates, the EndDate of the first Period must be one day before the StartDate of the second Period; (b) if using date times, the EndDateTime of the first Period must be the same as the StartDateTime of the second Period.
Period          A Time represented as a range between two other Times (with measurable Duration, as opposed to a point in Time).
PeriodOfRightsDelegation     MT     A Period for which Rights are delegated.
ern:PeriodWithoutFlags     MT     A Composite containing details about a Period of Time. Periods are typically describedby at least a StartDate or EndDate (or StartDateTime or EndDateTime) where the StartDate(Time) and EndDate(Time) are included in the Period. Thus a one-day period can be described by using the same date in the StartDate and EndDate. If two subsequent Periods form a continuum (i.e. with no break in-between) there are two ways to express this: (a) if using dates, the EndDate of the first Period must be one day before the StartDate of the second Period; (b) if using date times, the EndDateTime of the first Period must be the same as the StartDateTime of the second Period.
ern:PeriodWithStartDate     MT     A Composite containing details about a Period of Time with a mandatory StartDate or StartDateTime.
PersistentCreation          A persistent Creation.
PersistentManifestation          A persistent Manifestation.
PersistentThing          A persistent Thing.
atom:Person     MT     A Composite containing details of the Name, Identifier and Role(s) of a Party related to a Resource. The Atom person construct is defined in section 3.2 of the format spec.
Person          A Party attributed with roles or characteristics of an individual human being.
PersonnelDescription     MT     A Description of a group of personnel.
PhoneNumber     MT     An Identifier of a telephone.
ddexC:PhoneNumber     MT     A Composite containing details of a PhoneNumber.
Photograph          A still Image recorded by a camera.
Physical          Distribution of Releases via physical Carriers, such as CDs.
mwnl:PhysicalCarrierType     MT     A Composite containing details of a PhysicalCarrierType.
PhysicalCarrierType          A Type of physical Carrier.
avs:PhysicalCarrierType     AVS     A Type of physical Carrier used for a Fixation. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
PhysicalProduct          A Product in a physical form.
ern:PhysicalReturns     MT     A Composite containing details of physical returns.
PhysicalReturnsAllowed     MT     A Flag indicating whether physical returns are allowed (=true) or not (=false).
PhysicalTool          A Tool which is a TouchableThing.
Pixel          Pixel.
PixelAspectRatio          A proportion of a pixel of an Image formed by dividing its height by its width.
Place          A point or portion of three-dimensional or virtual space.
PlaceDescription          A Description of a Place.
PlaceDescriptor          A Descriptor of a Place.
PlaceId          An Identifier of a Place.
PlaceName          A Name of a Place.
PLine     MT     A (P) RightsNotice for a Creation. A PLine is a rights statement for MusicalWorks that result from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken or other sounds, but not including the sounds accompanying a motion picture or other audio visual Work.
ddexC:PLine     MT     A Composite containing details of a PLine.
PLineCompany     MT     A Party releasing a Creation as mentioned in a PLine (an owner or a Licensee of the Creation).
PLineText     MT     The textual portion of a PLine.
PLineType     MT     A Type of PLine.
avs:PLineType     AVS     A Type of PLine. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:PLineWithDefault     MT     A Composite containing details of a PLine.
ddexC:PLineWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a PLine.
PLineYear     MT     A Year of a PLine.
PolicyMaker          An Agent who asserts a policy.
PoliticalPlace          A LocalizablePlace whose spatial co-ordinates are determined by law or other formal social convention.
PoliticalPlaceId          An Identifier of a PoliticalPlace.
Position     MT     The position in the charts.
PositiveInteger          An Integer representing a whole number greater than 0.
ddexC:PostalAddress     MT     A Composite containing details of a PostalAddress.
PostalAddress          A postal delivery Address.
PostalAddressLine     MT     A text line of a PostalAddress.
PostCode     MT     An Identifier identifying a postal Place.
PostTransfer     MT     A synonym of the term PostTransferCatalogRightShareReference.
PostTransferCatalogRightShareReference     MT     A CatalogRightShareReference to a RightShare that results from a CatalogTransfer.
Potpourri          A MusicalWork whose expression is a combination of existing MusicalWorks or excerpts from MusicalWorks to which typically, additional original material has been added. Example: material may be added to provide musical links joining or combining the existing MusicalWorks. Note: A Potpourri typically results in the creation of a new piece of intellectual property and is sometimes known as Mashup.
PreferredDPID     MT     A preferred DdexPartyId.
ddexC:Prefix     MT     A Composite containing details of a Descriptor that precedes the display artist name when multiple display artist names are given.
Prefix          A Descriptor that precedes another Descriptor.
PreTransfer     MT     A synonym of the term PreTransferCatalogRightShareReference.
PreTransferCatalogRightShareReference     MT     A CatalogRightShareReference to a RightShare that is subject to a CatalogTransfer.
PreviewAvailable     MT     A Flag indicating whether a preview is available (=true) or not (=false).
PreviewDate          A Date on which something is made first available for display.
ern:PreviewDetails     MT     A Composite containing details of a preview.
PreviewDetails     MT     A Descriptor of preview details for a Creation.
PreviousNotificationId     MT     An Identifier of a previous Notification.
PreviousRequestId     MT     An Identifier of a previous LicenseRequest.
ddexC:Price     MT     A Composite containing details of a Price.
Price          An Amount to be paid for goods or Services.
PriceCode     MT     An Identifier used to identify a PriceType.
PriceConsumerPaidExcludingVAT     MT     A synonym of the term PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax.
PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax     MT     A Price paid by Consumers, excluding SalesTax.
PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTaxInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTaxInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A PriceConsumerPaidExcSalesTax in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
ddexC:PriceInformation     MT     A Composite containing details of a Price.
PriceInformation     MT     An Annotation providing contact information about a Price.
ern:PriceInformationWithType     MT     A Composite containing details of a Price.
PriceRangeType     MT     A Type of Price range.
PriceType     MT     A Type of Price.
ddexC:PriceType     MT     A Composite containing details of a PriceType.
PrimaryInstrumentType     MT     A Type of (musical) Instrument that is primarily played.
PrimaryRole     MT     A primary Role.
PriorityPeriodEndDate     MT     A EndDate of a Period in which a Resource or a Release is a priority item.
PriorityPeriodStartDate     MT     A StartDate of a Period in which a Resource or a Release is a priority item.
ProducerName     MT     A Name of a producer.
ProducerPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a producer.
Product          A Manifestation of a Release (or another Resource) which is made available to Consumers, by sale, loan or other means. The attributes of a Release in its digital manifestation as a Product may be technical (e.g., the codec or bit rate); a mode of distribution (e.g., downloading or streaming); or a commercial term (e.g., price).
ProductionCompany          An Organization responsible for a production.
ProductionCompanyName     MT     A Name of a ProductionCompany.
ProductionCompanyPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a ProductionCompany.
ProductionContributor          A Party contributing to the making of a Creation, but directly to the Creation.
ProductionDate     MT     A Date of an Event in which a Resource is produced.
ProductionOrReleaseDate     MT     A ReleaseDate or a production date.
ddexC:ProductType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ProductType.
ProductType          A Type of Product.
avs:ProductType     AVS     A Type of Product. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Profile     MT     A synonym of the term MessageProfile.
ProfileVersion          A Version of a MessageProfile
ProfileVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a ProfileVersion.
Project          A group of Events with a particular goal.
ProjectArtist     MT     An Artist involved in a Project.
ProjectContributorReference     MT     A Reference to a Contributor which is involved in a specific Project.
ProjectFileReference     MT     A Reference to a File which is involved in a specific Project.
ProjectLabelReference     MT     A Reference to a label which is involved in a specific Project.
ProjectName     MT     A Name of a Project.
ProjectReference     MT     An Identifier of a Project which is specific to a DdexMessage.
PromotionalActivity     MT     A Description of a promotional activity.
ddexC:PromotionalCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a PromotionalCode.
PromotionalCode          An Identifier used to identify a promotion.
PromotionalItem          A Resource other than an Image or information used for marketing a Release, Resource or associated Party.
PromotionalTool          A Creation used to promote something.
ern-c-ws:ProposedActionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ProposedActionType.
mwnl:ProposedActionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ProposedActionType.
ProprietaryId     MT     A synonym of the term ProprietaryIdentifier.
ddexC:ProprietaryId     MT     A Composite containing details of a ProprietaryIdentifier.
ProprietaryIdentifier     MT     An Identifier from a scheme which is proprietary to a particular Organization.
ProprietaryPartyId     MT     A synonym of the term ClaimingMlcAllocatedPartyId.
ProprietaryPartyId     MT     A synonym of the term PayingMlcAllocatedPartyId.
ProprietaryPartyIdentifier          A ProprietaryIdentifier of a Party.
ProprietaryReleaseId     MT     A proprietary ReleaseId.
ProprietaryResourceId     MT     A synonym of the term ProprietaryResourceIdentifier.
ProprietaryResourceIdentifier     MT     A ProprietaryIdentifier of a Resource.
ProprietarySubReleaseId     MT     A proprietary ReleaseId for a sub-release.
ProprietaryWorkId     MT     A ProprietaryIdentifier of a Work.
ProprietaryWorkId     MT     A synonym of the term ProprietaryWorkIdentifier.
ProprietaryWorkIdentifier     MT     A ProprietaryIdentifier of a Work.
PublicationDate     MT     A Date on which a Creation is published.
Publisher          A Party that makes a Resource available. Publishers are also normally responsible for creating or compiling the Resource, and they will commonly be a RightsController in it.
PublisherCredits     MT     An Annotation which acknowledges publishers.
ern:PurgedRelease     MT     A Composite containing details of a DDEX Release to be purged.
ddexC:Purpose     MT     A Composite containing details of a Purpose.
Purpose          A Description of the purpose for an action.
avs:Purpose     AVS     A Type of use that is the purpose of an action. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Quality     MT     A Characteristic of an Entity expressed as an adjective or noun.
Quantity          A Characteristic of an Entity expressed as a numerical measure.
ern:Raga     MT     A Composite containing details of a Raga.
Raga          A Description of the melodic mode of a MusicalWork.
Rate          A Quantity resulting of the division of two Quantities.
mwnl:RateValidity     MT     A Composite containing details of the Dates and/or quantity of Use constraints within which the RoyaltyRate is valid. At least one Element must be present. If two or more RoyaltyRates apply to the same Use, Work or RightShare, their respective values for Date and NumberOfUsages data must not overlap.
Rating     MT     An Annotation providing a rating.
ddexC:RatingAgency     MT     A Composite containing details of a RatingAgency.
RatingAgency          An Organization that issues parental warnings.
avs:RatingAgency     AVS     An Organization that issues parental warnings. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:RatingReason     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:RatingReason.
avs:RatingReason     AVS     A Reason for a rating. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
RatingReason          A Reason for a rating being applied.
RatingSchemeDescription     MT     A Description of a rating scheme.
RatingText     MT     The textual portion of a Rating.
ReallocationFromNonQualifyingPerformance     MT     [missing definition]
ddexC:Reason     MT     A Composite containing details of a Reason.
Reason     MT     A Description of the reason for an action.
ReasonForCueSheetAbsence     MT     A Reason for the absence of a CueSheet.
mc-notif:RecalledRequest     MT     A Composite containing details of a recalled Request for a claim for RightShares.
mc-notif:RecalledRequestList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more recalled Requests for a claim for RightShares.
RecipientName     MT     A Name of a MessageRecipient.
RecipientPartyId     MT     A DDEX PartyId (DPID) of a MessageRecipient.
RecommendedAction     MT     A Description of a recommended action.
RecordCompany          An Organization that enters into contracts and/or assignments with Artist(s) in respect of their Performances on SoundRecordings and in return for a proportion of the royalties generated from their use, undertakes work on behalf of the composer(s) including but not limited to financing, online and physical distribution and licensing of the SoundRecordings.
RecordCompanyPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific RecordCompany.
Recording          A PersistentManifestation of a subject (often but not necessarily of a Performance).
RecordingComponent          A recorded element that is captured with a view to being contributed to a SoundRecording. It may be captured from a live or studio environment and may be an acoustic or electronic recording of (a) the sounds generated by voice or instruments, (b) other ambient sounds, or (c) the results of processing such sounds. It may also be component of multitrack recordings, or be recorded data associated with such a recording such as MIDI events or other technical information such as captured control positions.
RecordingComponentContributorReference     MT     A Reference to a Contributor which is involved in a specific RecordingComponent.
RecordingComponentFileReference     MT     A Reference to a File which is involved in a specific RecordingComponent.
RecordingComponentReference     MT     An Identifier of a RecordingComponent which is specific to a DdexMessage.
RecordingEngineer          A Party supervising the technical aspects of a sound or video RecordingSession.
ern:RecordingFormat     MT     A Composite containing details of a Type of Resource based on its content, intended audience, format or technical characteristics.
avs:RecordingFormat     AVS     A Type of Resource based on its content, intended audience, format or technical characteristics. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
RecordingMode     MT     A mode in which a recording is made.
ddexC:RecordingPartType     MT     A Composite containing details of a RecordingPartType.
RecordingPartType          A Type of Recording part.
avs:RecordingPartType     AVS     A Type of recording part. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
RecordingSession          A Session focusing on the recording.
RecordLastUpdatedDate     MT     A Date on which a record has been updated the last time.
RecordType     MT     A Type of record.
Reference          An Identifier which refers or points to a Creation within a DdexMessage.
ReferenceCreation     MT     A Creation used as a reference.
avs:ReferenceCreation     AVS     A Creation that is used as a reference. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ReferencedCreationArrangerName     MT     A Name of an Arranger of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationArrangerPartyId     MT     An Identifier of an Arranger of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationComposerAuthorName     MT     A Name of a ComposerAuthor of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationComposerAuthorPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a ComposerAuthor of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationContributorName     MT     A Name of a Contributor of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationContributorPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a Contributor of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationDisplayArtistName     MT     A Name of a DisplayArtist of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationDisplayArtistPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a DisplayArtist of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationISRC     MT     An ISRC of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationISWC     MT     An ISWC of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedCreationTitle     MT     A Title of a referenced Creation.
ReferencedDocumentId     MT     An Identifier of a referenced TextDocument.
ReferenceDescriptiveMetadataSet          A Type of Composite from an Identifier standard that provides a basic description of the entity being identified.
ReferenceList          A List of References.
ddexC:ReferenceTitle     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReferenceTitle.
ReferenceTitle          A Title as specified in the ReferenceDescriptiveMetadataSet for a Creation.
ReferenceUnit     MT     A UnitOfMeasure used as a basis in a Rate.
Refusal          An Event in which a Request is declined.
RegistrationError     MT     An Error occurring during a registration process.
RegistrationStatus     MT     A Status of a registration.
Rejection          An Event in which an offer is declined.
RejectionId          An Identifier of a Rejection.
RejectionReason     MT     A Reason for a Rejection.
Rel     MT     A synonym of the term RelationType.
RelatedCDM     MT     An Identifier of a related Claim Detail Message.
RelatedLicenseRequestId     MT     An Identifier of a LicenseRequest that is related to another LicenseRequest.
ddexC:RelatedParty     MT     A Composite containing details of a PartyRelatedPartyReference for the case where one Party is related to another one.
ern:RelatedRelease     MT     A Composite containing details of a Release (or a PhysicalProduct or a DigitalProduct derived from such a Release) which is related to a Resource, Release or Product.
RelatedRelease          A Release that is related to another Release.
ern:RelatedResource     MT     A Composite containing details of a ResourceRelatedResourceReference for the case where one Resource is related to another one.
ddexC:RelatedResourceType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:RelatedResourceType.
avs:RelatedResourceType     AVS     A Type of a related Resource. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
RelatedResourceType          A Type of related Resource.
RelationalRelator     MT     A Relator expressing a measurable relationship.
avs:RelationalRelator     AVS     A Relator between two Entities expressing a measurable relationship. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
RelationType     MT     A Type of relation.
Relator          An Entity that describes the nature of a relationship between one Entity and another.
ern:Release     MT     A Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
mc-notif:Release     MT     A Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
Release     MT     An abstract entity representing a bundle of one or more Resources compiled by an issuer. The Resources in Releases are normally primarily SoundRecordings or music audio-visual recordings, but this is not invariably the case. The Release is not itself the item of trade (or 'Product'). Products have more extensive attributes than Releases; one Release may be disseminated in many different Products.
ern:ReleaseAdmin     MT     A Composite containing details of Release administration.
ReleaseAdminId     MT     An Identifier of a group of personnel in charge of administrating a Release.
ReleaseCreator          A Creator of a Release. Note, there may be multiple ReleaseCreators for each Release.
ReleaseDate     MT     A Date on which a Resource was made available for Usage.
ern:ReleaseDeal     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Deals pertaining to one or more Releases.
ReleaseDeal          A Deal pertaining to one or more Releases.
ReleaseDisplayArtistName     MT     A Name of a DisplayArtist of a Release.
ReleaseDisplayArtistPartyId     MT     A PartyId of a DisplayArtist of a Release.
ReleaseDisplayStartDate          A Date on which a Release list is made first available for display.
ReleaseDisplayStartDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which a Release list is made first available for display.
ReleaseDistributor          A Party who distributes a Release.
mc-us-lod:ReleaseForConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
ReleaseICPN     MT     An ICPN of a Release.
ReleaseId     MT     An Identifier of a Release.
ddexC:ReleaseId     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReleaseId. If available, a GRid should always to be used. If the Release contains only one SoundRecording, the ISRC of the SoundRecording may be used instead. If the Release is an abstraction of a complete PhysicalProduct (such as a CD Album), the ICPN of the PhysicalProduct may be used instead.
ern:ReleaseId     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReleaseId. If available, a GRid should always to be used. If the Release is an abstraction of a complete PhysicalProduct (such as a CD Album), the ICPN of the PhysicalProduct may be used instead.
ReleaseIdentifier     MT     A synonym of the term ReleaseId.
mc-notif:ReleaseIdForNotification     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReleaseId. If available, a GRid should always to be used. If the Release contains only one SoundRecording, the ISRC of the SoundRecording may be used instead. If the Release is an abstraction of a complete PhysicalProduct (such as a CD Album), the ICPN of the PhysicalProduct may be used instead.
ern:ReleaseLabelReference     MT     A Composite containing details of a Reference to a label of a specific Release.
ReleaseLabelReference     MT     A Reference to a label of a specific Release.
ern:ReleaseLabelReferenceWithParty     MT     A Composite containing details of a Reference to a label of a specific Release.
ern:ReleaseList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Releases.
mc-notif:ReleaseList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Releases.
ReleaseList     MT     A List of Releases.
mc-us-lod:ReleaseListForConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Releases.
ReleaseProfile          A MessageProfile for a DdexMessage that defines which XmlElements and/or XmlAttributes may (not) be used to communicate a specific type of Release or set of Releases. ReleaseProfiles may also limit the allowed values within an AllowedValueSet.
ReleaseProfileVariantVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a Version of a ReleaseProfile variant.
ReleaseProfileVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a Version of a ReleaseProfile.
ReleaseReference     MT     An Identifier of a Release which is specific to a DdexMessage.
ddexC:ReleaseRelationshipType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReleaseRelationshipType, e.g. between an AudioClipRelease and a VideoClipRelease.
ReleaseRelationshipType          A Type of relationship between two Releases.
avs:ReleaseRelationshipType     AVS     A Type of relationship between two Releases. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ReleaseResourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Resource which is contained within a specific Release.
ddexC:ReleaseResourceReference     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReleaseResourceReference.
ddexC:ReleaseResourceReferenceList     MT     A Composite containing a list of ReleaseResourceReferences.
ReleaseResourceType     MT     A Type of Resource in the context of a Release.
avs:ReleaseResourceType     AVS     A Type of Resource in the context of a Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern-c-ws:ReleaseStatus     MT     A Composite containing details of a Release status.
ReleaseStatus     MT     A Status of a Release.
ReleaseSubTitle     MT     A SubTitle of a Release.
ReleaseTitle     MT     A Title of a Release.
ReleaseType     MT     A Type of Release.
ddexC:ReleaseType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReleaseType.
mc-notif:ReleaseType     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReleaseType.
avs:ReleaseType     AVS     A Type of Release according to its content, Duration and/or number of components. Note: a ReleaseType is the form in which a ReleaseCreator anticipates offering a Release to Consumers. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:ReleaseTypeForReleaseNotification     MT     A Composite containing details of a ReleaseType.
avs:ReleaseType_ERN4     AVS     A Type of Release according to its content, Duration and/or number of components. Note: a ReleaseType is the form in which a ReleaseCreator anticipates offering a Release to Consumers. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:ReleaseType_MCNOTIF     AVS     A Type of Release according to its content, Duration and/or number of components. Note: a ReleaseType is the form in which a ReleaseCreator anticipates offering a Release to Consumers. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ReleaseURL     MT     A URL for a Release.
ern:ReleaseVisibility     MT     A Composite containing details of Dates specifying when a Release can be shown to Consumers.
ReleaseVisibilityReference     MT     A Reference to a visibility date which is related to a specific Release.
ReleasingCompany     MT     A Party releasing a Creation.
RelinquishingPublisher          A MusicPublisher (or other rightsholder) that is selling or otherwise transferring control of a MusicalWork (or part thereof) to another MusicPublisher (or other rightsholder, the AcquiringPublisher).
RemasteredDate     MT     A Date on which a Recording was re-mastered (usually digitally).
Repertoire          A Set of RightShares.
RepertoireManagerCode     MT     An Identifier of a society that is repertoire manager of the metadata for a given SoundRecording in VRDB2 (the Virtual Recording Database operated by SCAPR).
Report          A publication about a Context.
ReportingPeriodEndDate     MT     An EndDate of a reporting Period.
ReportingPeriodStartDate     MT     A StartDate of a reporting Period.
RepresentativeImageReference     MT     A Reference to an Image which is represents a specific Resource.
RepresentedRepertoire     MT     A Set of RightShares represented by a Party.
mc-notif:Request     MT     A Composite containing details of a Request for a claim for RightShares.
Request          An Event in which something is requested.
RequestConditionReference     MT     A Reference to a LicenseCondition which is contained within a specific request.
RequestId     MT     An Identifier of a Request.
mc-notif:RequestList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Requests for a claim for RightShares.
ddexC:RequestReason     MT     A Composite containing details of a RequestReason.
RequestReason          A Reason for a Request.
avs:RequestReason     AVS     A Type of Reason for requesting something. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
RequestReleaseReference     MT     A Reference to a Release which is contained within a specific request.
RequestRightsControllerReference     MT     A Reference to a RightsController which is related to a specific Request.
RequestRightShareReference     MT     A Reference to a RightShare which is contained within a specific request.
mc-notif:RequestRightShareReference     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more RequestRightShareReferences.
RequestWorkReference     MT     A Reference to a Work which is contained within a specific request.
RequestWriterReference     MT     A Reference to a MusicalWorkContributor which is related to a specific Request.
Resource          A digital Fixation of an expression of an abstract Work (such as a SoundRecording, a Video, an Image, Software, or a passage of Text).
ResourceContainedResourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Resource which is contained within a specific Resource.
ddexC:ResourceContainedResourceReference     MT     A Composite containing details of a ResourceContainedResourceReference for the case where one Resource contains another one.
ddexC:ResourceContainedResourceReferenceList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more ResourceContainedResourceReferences.
ResourceContributor          A Contributor playing a role in the making of a Resource.
ddexC:ResourceContributorRole     MT     A Composite containing details of a StudioRole.
avs:ResourceContributorRole     AVS     A Role played by a Contributor in relation to a Fixation of an abstract Creation. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ResourceContributorRole          A Role played by a Contributor to a Resource.
ResourceDescription          A Description of a Resource.
ResourceDetailsByTerritory          A Descriptor of territory-specific details for a Resource.
ResourceDisplayArtistName     MT     A Name of a DisplayArtist of a Resource.
ResourceDisplayArtistPartyId     MT     A PartyId of a DisplayArtist of a Resource.
ern:ResourceGroup     MT     A Composite containing details of a ResourceGroup. ResourceGroups are used to signal groupings or sequences of Resources within a Release. Examples include individual Carriers in a multi-carrier Release or classical Work groupings as well as the default order of Resources within a Release.
ResourceGroup     MT     A Set of Resources.
ern:ResourceGroupContentItem     MT     A Composite containing details of a Resource which is a ContentItem of a ResourceGroup.
ResourceGroupReleaseReference     MT     A Reference to a Release which which has the same content as a specific group of Resources.
ResourceGroupResourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Resource which is contained within a specific group of Resources.
ResourceGroupType     MT     A Type of ResourceGroup.
ddexC:ResourceId     MT     A Composite containing details of ResourceIds.
ern-c-ws:ResourceId     MT     A Composite containing details of ResourceIds.
ResourceId     MT     An Identifier of a Resource.
ResourceIdentificationGrouping     MT     A Composite that contains elements for Resource identification.
ResourceISAN     MT     An ISAN of a Resource.
ResourceISRC     MT     An ISRC of a Resource.
ern:ResourceList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Resources. ResourceList provides a simple means of aggregating Resources without any explicit sequencing or grouping: if that is needed it is provided by the ResourceGroup Composite.
mc-notif:ResourceList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Resources. ResourceList provides a simple means of aggregating Resources without any explicit sequencing or grouping: if it is needed, that is provided by the ResourceGroup Composite.
ResourceList     MT     A List of Resources.
mc-us-lod:ResourceListForConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Resources. ResourceList provides a simple means of aggregating Resources without any explicit sequencing or grouping: if it is needed, that is provided by the ResourceGroup Composite.
ResourceMusicalWorkReference     MT     A Reference to a MusicalWork which is contained within a specific Resource.
ddexC:ResourceMusicalWorkReference     MT     A Composite containing a ResourceMusicalWorkReference.
ddexC:ResourceMusicalWorkReferenceList     MT     A Composite containing a list of ResourceMusicalWorkReferences.
ResourceOriginalTitle     MT     An OriginalTitle of a Resource.
ddexC:ResourceProprietaryId     MT     A Composite containing details of ProprietaryIdentifiers of a Resource.
ResourceReference     MT     An Identifier of a Resource which is specific to a DdexMessage.
ResourceRelatedResourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Resource which is related to a specific Resource.
ResourceRelationshipType     MT     A Type of relationship between two Resources.
ddexC:ResourceRelationshipType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:ResourceRelationshipType.
avs:ResourceRelationshipType     AVS     A Type of relationship between two Resources. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ResourceReleaseDate          A ReleaseDate of a Release relating to a Resource.
ResourceReleaseReference     MT     A Reference to a Release which is included in a specific Resource.
ern:ResourceRightsController     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightsController for a Resource. RightsControllers are typically described by Name, Identifier and Role(s).
ResourceSessionReference          A Reference to a Session which is included in a specific Resource.
ResourceSetAbstraction          An abstract entity representing a bundle of one or more Resources.
ern:ResourceSubGroup     MT     A Composite containing details of a ResourceGroup that is contained in another ResourceGroup.
ResourceSubTitle     MT     A SubTitle of a Resource.
ResourceTitle     MT     A Title of a Resource.
ResourceType     MT     A Type of Resource.
ResourceWorkRelationshipType     MT     A Type of relationship between a Resource and a Work.
RestrictingReleaseList     MT     A CatalogReleaseReferenceList with ReleaseReferences to which CatalogTransfer data is restricted.
RestrictingResourceList     MT     A CatalogResourceReferenceList with ResourceReferences to which CatalogTransfer data is restricted.
RestrictionDescription     MT     A Description of a restriction.
RetailPrice          A Price at which a Product is offered to Consumers.
mwnl:Retention     MT     A Composite containing details of a retention date applying to one or more MusicalWorks.
RetentionDate     MT     A Date until which rights are retained.
Returns     MT     An Attribute of usages in which a Release is returned.
Revenue          An Amount representing earnings from a Product or Service.
RevenuePoolName     MT     A Name of a fund or pool.
RevocationDate     MT     A Date on which a License Claim is revoked.
Right          A right to undertake one or more acts.
RightsAdministrator          A Party that is authorised by a RightsController to administer some or all rights in one or more Creations for specific territories, RightsTypes, UsageTypes and CommercialModelTypes (which may be anything up to and including all rights for the world, in perpetuity, for all types of Usage and for all types of CommercialModels). This may or may not include authority for the RightsAdministrator to also be a Licensor. The RightsAdministrator may or may not be the MessageSender or MessageRecipient of a message in a specific information exchange defined by a DDEX standard.
ddexC:RightsAgreementId     MT     A Composite containing details of Identifiers of a License, Claim, RightShare or contract.
RightsAgreementId          An Identifier of a rights Agreement.
RightsClaim          A Claim of ownership or control of a Resource.
ddexC:RightsClaimPolicy     MT     A Composite containing details of a rights claim policy.
ern:RightsClaimPolicy     MT     A Composite containing details of a rights claim policy.
RightsClaimPolicyType     MT     A Type of rights claim policy.
avs:RightsClaimPolicyType     AVS     A Type of rights claim policy. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:RightsClaimStatus     AVS     A Status of a RightsClaim. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
mc-notif:RightsController     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightsController. RightsControllers are typically described by Name, Identifier and Role(s).
RightsController          A Party that controls rights in one or more Creations in respect of some or all rights for specific territories, time periods, RightsTypes, UsageTypes and CommercialModelTypes (which may be anything up to and including all rights for the world, in perpetuity, for all types of Usage and for all types of CommercialModels). Creations include MusicalWorks, SoundRecordings and other Resources as well as Releases. The RightsController is in many cases is indeed also the Licensor. The RightsController may be a human being or other legal person or corporate entity. The RightsController may or may not also be the RightsAdministrator, the LicensingAgent or the RightsHolder. The RightsController may or may not be the MessageSender or MessageRecipient of a message in a specific information exchange defined by a DDEX Standard.
RightsControllerAllocatedNumberOfBroadcasts     MT     A number of Broadcasts made of a Resource, pro rated for a RightsController.
RightsControllerDisplayName     MT     A Name of a RightsController that is displayed.
RightsControllerMarketShare     MT     A RightsController's percentage of the market.
RightsControllerNotAsserted     MT     A Flag indicating whether an Assertion regarding a RightsController is made (=false) or not (=true).
RightsControllerPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a RightsController.
RightsControllerPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Party which is related to a specific RightsController.
RightsControllerRequestId     MT     An Identifier of a Request relating to a RightsController.
RightsControllerRole     MT     A Role played by a RightsController.
RightsControllerType     MT     A Type of RightsController.
RightsControllerUnknown     MT     A Flag indicating whether a RightsController is unknown (=true) or not (=false).
RightsControllerWorkId     MT     A WorkId assigned by a RightsController.
RightsControlType     MT     A Type of Rights control.
avs:RightsCoverage     AVS     A Type of Right which is covered. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:RightsCoverage_MWNL     AVS     A Type of Right which is covered. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
RightsDescription          A Description of Rights in a Creation.
mc-notif:RightShare     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightShare.
RightShare     MT     A percentage or fraction of a Right for a Creation for a particular Time and Place in which a Party claims a controlling interest. Note: controlling interest includes ownership and/or administration.
RightShareId     MT     An Identifier of a RightShare.
mc-notif:RightShareList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more RightShares.
RightShareList          A List of RightShares.
RightShareNotClaimed     MT     A Flag indicating whether there is no, and never was, a valid Claim (and any Claim that may have been was made in error) (=true) or not (=false).
mc-notif:RightShareNotification     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more RightShare notifications.
mc-notif:RightShareNotificationList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more RightShare notifications.
RightSharePercentage     MT     A Percentage of a role in a Right in a Resource for a Time and Place.
RightShareReference     MT     A Reference to a RightShare.
RightShareReleaseReference     MT     A Reference to a Release which is contained within a specific RightShare.
RightShareResourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Resource which is contained within a specific RightShare.
RightShareRightShareReference     MT     A Reference to a RightShare which is contained within a specific RightShare.
RightShareType     MT     A Type of RightShare.
avs:RightShareType     AVS     A Type of RightShare. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
RightShareUnknown     MT     A Flag indicating whether a RightSharePercentage is unknown (=true) or not (=false).
mc-us-lod:RightShareWithoutReference     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightShare.
RightShareWorkReference     MT     A Reference to a Work which is contained within a specific RightShare.
RightsHolder          A Party that holds the rights in respect of some or all rights in one or more Creations for specific territories, time periods, RightsTypes, UsageTypes and CommercialModelTypes (which may be anything up to and including all rights for the world, in perpetuity, for all types of Usage and for all types of CommercialModels). The RightsHolder may be a human being or other legal person or corporate entity. The RightsHolder may or may not also be a Licensor and/or a RightsAdministrator and/or a LicensingAgent and may authorise other parties to fulfil those roles. The RightsHolder may or may not be the MessageSender or MessageRecipient of a message in a specific information exchange defined by a DDEX Standard. A Rights Holder is sometimes be referred to as a RightsOwner.
RightsNotice          A Text which is a statement of the ownership, control or usage of Rights.
RightsStatementProfile     MT     A MessageProfile for a rdrn:DeclarationOfSoundRecordingRightsClaimMessage that defines if the message is about a rights statement or a mandate.
RightsType     MT     A Type of Right.
ddexC:RightsType     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightsType.
RightsTypePercentage     MT     A Percentage applying to a RightsType.
RightsTypeSplitMechanical     MT     A Percentage of the MechanicalRight that is applicable.
RightsTypeSplitPerforming     MT     A Percentage of the PerformingRight that is applicable.
ern:Ringtone_MainReleaseType     AV     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:Ringtone_MustContainReleaseFromRelease     AV     A Rule that says: A Ringtone shall contain a RelatedRelease of type IsReleaseFromRelease.
ern:Ringtone_PrimaryResourceMustHaveIsrcOrProprietaryId     AV     A Rule that says: Primary SoundRecording shall be identified with an ISRC or a ProprietaryId.
ern:Ringtone_ReleaseProfileVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'Ringtone'.
ern:Ringtone_SoundRecordingType     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain SoundRecordings of type MusicalWorkSoundRecording or NonMusicalWorkSoundRecording or SpokenWordSoundRecording.
Role     MT     A role that an Entity plays in a Context.
RootDirectory     MT     An Identifier of the root directory.
ddexC:RoyaltyAmount     MT     A Composite containing details of a RoyaltyAmount.
RoyaltyAmount          An Amount representing royalties.
ddexC:RoyaltyCode     MT     A Composite containing details of a RoyaltyCode.
RoyaltyCode          An Identifier of a royalty type.
RoyaltyImpactInCurrencyOfInvoicing     MT     An impact on royalties given in the CurrencyOfInvoicing.
mwnl:RoyaltyRate     MT     A Composite containing details of a RoyaltyRate.
RoyaltyRate          A Rate at which royalties are due to be paid.
RoyaltyRateCalculationType     MT     A Type of Calculation of a RoyaltyRate.
RoyaltyRateType     MT     A Type of RoyaltyRate.
RuleSet          A Set of rules.
SalesReportId     MT     An Identifier of a DSR Message.
SalesTransaction          An Event in which a Product is sold to end Consumers. This includes giving a Product away for free and other forms of distribution to end Consumers.
SalesTransactionDate     MT     A Date on which a SalesTransaction occurs.
SalesTransactionId     MT     An Identifier of a SalesTransaction.
SalesUpgrade     MT     A Flag indicating whether a SalesTransaction applies to an upgraded Release (=true) or not (=false).
SamplingRate     MT     A number of samples per time unit taken from a continuous signal to make a digital signal.
ddexC:SamplingRate     MT     A Composite containing a SamplingRate and a UnitOfMeasure.
SchemaVersion          A Version of a MetadataSchema.
SchemaVersionId     MT     An Identifier of a SchemaVersion.
Scheme     MT     A categorization scheme according to The Atom Syndication Format.
Season          A Set of Episodes. Typically, a Season contains all Episodes to be made available in a pre-determined time frame, which often is within a twelve-month period. It may be that a Series is not yet complete when a Season is made available.
SeasonNumber     MT     A number of a Season.
SeeableCreation          A seeable Creation.
SeeableThing          A seeable Thing.
SenderName     MT     A Name of a MessageSender.
SenderPartyId     MT     A DDEX PartyId (DPID) of a MessageSender.
SentOnBehalfOf     MT     A Party on whose behalf a Message has been sent.
SequenceNumber     MT     An Identifier of the order in which an Entity appears within a list.
SerialItemandContributionIdentifier     MT     A synonym of the term SICI.
SerialNumber     MT     An Identifier of a Product.
SerialType     MT     A Type of an audio-visual Resource with respect to its form.
Series          A Set of Resources (Episodes) designed to be made available sequentially.
SeriesTitle     MT     A Title of a Series.
Service          An Event in which a Party offers to do or provide something for another Party.
ServiceDescription     MT     A Description of a Service.
ServiceName     MT     A Name of a Service.
Session          An Event in which one or more Parties come together to record, mix, engineer or otherwise produce a Resource (or a component thereof).
SessionContributorReference     MT     A Reference to a Contributor which is involved in a specific Session.
SessionDataCarrierReference     MT     A Reference to a DataCarrier which is involved in a specific Session.
SessionEquipmentReference     MT     A Reference to Equipment which is used in a specific Session.
SessionProjectReference     MT     A Reference to a Project which is included in a specific Session.
SessionRecordingComponentReference     MT     A Reference to a RecordingComponent which is recorded in a specific Session.
SessionReference     MT     An Identifier of a Session which is specific to a DdexMessage.
SessionSoundRecordingReference     MT     A Reference to a SoundRecording which is recorded in a specific Session.
SessionType     MT     A Type of Session.
ddexC:SessionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a SessionType.
avs:SessionType     AVS     A Type of Session. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Set          A Resource that is an enumerated group of Entities or a Class.
ShareClaimedMechanical     MT     An unblended (i.e. not rights-split-weighted) Percentage that is claimed by a Licensor for a relevant Sales Context for a MechanicalRight.
ShareClaimedMechanicalCorrected     MT     A corrected value of a ShareClaimedMechanical.
ShareClaimedMechanicalDelta     MT     A delta value of a ShareClaimedMechanical.
ShareClaimedMechanicalOriginal     MT     An original value of a ShareClaimedMechanical.
ShareClaimedPerforming     MT     An unblended (i.e. not rights-split-weighted) Percentage that is claimed by a Licensor for a relevant Sales Context for a PerformingRight.
ShareClaimedPerformingCorrected     MT     A corrected value of a ShareClaimedPerforming.
ShareClaimedPerformingDelta     MT     A delta value of a ShareClaimedPerforming.
ShareClaimedPerformingOriginal     MT     An original value of a ShareClaimedPerforming.
SharePictureDateTime     MT     A DateTime that represents the moment when RightShare data was valid.
SharePictureExtractionDateTime     MT     A DateTime at which RightShare data was extracted from a production system.
ern:SheetMusic     MT     A Composite containing details of a SheetMusic.
SheetMusic          A hand-written or printed form of musical notation.
ddexC:SheetMusicCodecType     MT     A Composite containing details of a SheetMusicCodecType.
SheetMusicCodecType          A Type of SheetMusic Codec.
avs:SheetMusicCodecType     AVS     A Type of SheetMusic Codec. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:SheetMusicId     MT     A Composite containing details of Identifiers of a SheetMusic.
ddexC:SheetMusicType     MT     A Composite containing details of a SheetMusicType.
SheetMusicType          A Type of SheetMusic.
avs:SheetMusicType     AVS     A Type of SheetMusic. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
SICI     MT     A Serial Item and Contribution Identifier, the ANSI/NISO Z39.56-1996 StandardIdentifier for components of serials.
SideNumber     MT     An numeric Identifier of a side.
Signature     MT     A digital signature in accordance with DDEX-DSIG.
SignatureValue     MT     A value of a digital Signature.
SignedInfo     MT     Information that has a digital Signature.
ern:SimpleAudioSingle_MainReleaseType     AV     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:SimpleAudioSingle_ReleaseProfileVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'SimpleAudioSingle'.
ddexC:SimpleRightsType     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightsType.
ern:SimpleVideoSingle_ImageType     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain an Image of type FrontCoverImage or VideoScreenCapture.
ern:SimpleVideoSingle_MainReleaseType     AV     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:SimpleVideoSingle_MustContainOneVideo     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain exactly one Video.
ern:SimpleVideoSingle_ReleaseProfileVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'SimpleVideoSingle'.
ern:SimpleVideoSingle_ResourceGroupContentItemVideo     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain one ReleaseResourceReference pointing to the Primary Resource.
Single          A Release with a short total Duration, typically containing one or two Tracks of SoundRecordings.
ddexC:SocietyAffiliation     MT     A Composite containing details of a society affiliation.
SocietyAffiliation          A State in which a member is related to a society.
ern:Software     MT     A Composite containing details of an item of Software.
Software          A program that enables a Computer to perform a specific task(s).
ddexC:SoftwareType     MT     A Composite containing details of a SoftwareType.
SoftwareType          A Type of Software.
avs:SoftwareType     AVS     A Type of Software. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
SoundCarrier          A Carrier of SoundRecordings.
ern:SoundRecording     MT     A Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
mc-notif:SoundRecording     MT     A Composite containing details of a SoundRecording.
SoundRecording     MT     An audio Recording.
SoundRecordingCollectionReference     MT     A Reference to a Collection which is contained within a specific SoundRecording.
ddexC:SoundRecordingCollectionReference     MT     A Composite containing details of a SoundRecordingCollectionReference.
ddexC:SoundRecordingCollectionReferenceList     MT     A Composite containing a list of SoundRecordingCollectionReferences.
SoundRecordingContributorReference     MT     A Reference to a Contributor which is involved in a specific SoundRecording.
SoundRecordingDescriptorTag     MT     A Description that contains information (e.g. version information) for disambiguating SoundRecordings.
mc-us-lod:SoundRecordingForConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of a SoundRecording reported when confirming CatalogTransfer.
ddexC:SoundRecordingId     MT     A Composite containing details of SoundRecordingIds.
mc-notif:SoundRecordingId     MT     A Composite containing details of SoundRecordingIds.
SoundRecordingId          An Identifier of a SoundRecording.
SoundRecordingMusicalWorkReference     MT     A Reference to a MusicalWork which is contained within a specific SoundRecording.
ern:SoundRecordingPreviewDetails     MT     A Composite containing details of a preview.
SoundRecordingProjectReference     MT     A Reference to a Project which is included in a specific SoundRecording.
SoundRecordingRecordingComponentReference     MT     A Reference to a RecordingComponent which is included in a specific SoundRecording.
SoundRecordingRevenueDetailsRecordId     MT     An Identifier of a SoundRecording Revenue details record.
SoundRecordingSessionReference     MT     A Reference to a Session which is included in a specific SoundRecording.
ddexC:SoundRecordingType     MT     A Composite containing details of a SoundRecordingType.
SoundRecordingType          A Type of SoundRecording.
avs:SoundRecordingType     AVS     A Type of SoundRecording. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Soundtrack          A Release of various SoundRecordings (or fragments), as taken from a motion picture, television show, TV series, or video game. It may also include special effects, spoken word fragments and/or the original score.
atom:Source     MT     A Composite containing details of a source. The Atom source construct is defined in section 4.2.11 of the format spec.
Source     MT     A Creation that is a source of information.
SourceReference     MT     A Reference to a Party that created metadata.
Src     MT     A synonym of the term ExchangeRateSource.
Src     MT     A synonym of the term Source.
StandardCreationId          A standardized CreationId.
StandardIdentifier          A standardized Identifier.
StandardRetailPrice          A regular RetailPrice.
StartBar     MT     The start point given in bars from the start of the referenced Work.The start point given in bars from the start of the referenced Work.
StartDate     MT     A Date identifying a start Time.
StartDateTime     MT     A DateTime identifying a start Time.
StartOfClaimPeriod     MT     A StartDate of a claim period.
StartPoint     MT     A Time point which marks the beginning of a Period.
StartTime     MT     A Time which marks the beginning of a Period.
State          A Context in which there is no acknowledged change in the attributes of any Entity.
StatementSummaryRecordId     MT     An Identifier of a statement summary record.
StateParty          A Party that plays a role in a State.
StatePeriod          A Period for which a State applies.
Status     MT     A Class to which an coa:Entity may belong for less than its entire existence.
ddexC:Status     MT     A Composite containing details of a Status.
ern-c-ws:Status     MT     A Composite containing details of a Message Status.
mc-notif:Status     MT     A Composite containing details of a Status of a MusicalWork.
avs:Status     AVS     A Status. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
String     MT     A DescriptorDesignation comprised of one or more consecutive alphanumeric characters (which may include spaces).
StudioProducer          A Party who directs, and has overall creative and technical oversight of, the entire recording project and the individual recording sessions that are a part of the project. The StudioProducer participates in and/or supervises the recording session and works directly with the Artist, Musicians and Engineers. The StudioProducer makes creative, technical and aesthetic decisions that realize the goals of both the Artist and the SoundRecording CopyrightHolder in the creation of musical content. The producer may perform, direct Performances, choose final takes or versions, and oversees the selection of songs, Musicians, singers, Arrangers, studios, etc. The StudioProducer in collaboration with the artist, assigns credits to Performers and technical personnel, and is responsible for supplying accurate crediting information to the record label or media company as official documentation. Other duties of the StudioProducer may include, but are not limited to, overseeing other staffing needs, keeping budgets and schedules, adhering to deadlines, supervising mastering and overall quality control. Note: a StudioProducer is a Person and thus may contrast with the role of an InitialProducer.
StudioRole          A Role played by a Contributor in a studio.
SubCatalog     MT     A Catalog that is part of another Catalog.
SubGenre     MT     A secondary Genre.
avs:SubGenre     AVS     A Type of SubGenre. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:SubGenreCategory     MT     A Composite containing details of a sub-genre within the classical genre.
ddexC:SubGenreCategoryValue     MT     A Composite containing details of a sub-genre within the classical genre.
SubPeriodEndDate     MT     An EndDate of a reporting sub-period.
SubPeriodStartDate     MT     A StartDate of a reporting sub-period.
SubPublisher          A Party which has acquired, by Agreement with a MusicPublisher, Rights in one or more MusicalWorks for a specified Territory and Period. Note: This includes Rights which are passed to subsidiaries or affiliates of a larger Organization.
Subscriber          A User with a Subscription.
Subscribers     MT     An Attribute of a Subscriber.
SubscriberType     MT     A Type of Subscriber.
Subscription          A Payment made at regular intervals whose Amount is related to the time of access to the Service and not the number of items of Product or Service bought.
SubscriptionFee          A Fee to be paid for a Subscription.
SubscriptionFeeInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A SubscriptionFee given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
SubscriptionFeeInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A SubscriptionFee given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
SubscriptionId     MT     An Identifier of a Subscription.
SubscriptionModel          A CommercialModel where the Service or Product offering is financed by revenue generated from a Customer Subscription.
SubSummaryRecordId     MT     An Identifier of a child summary record.
SubTitle     MT     A Descriptor which is supplementary to, but not contained within, a Title.
ddexC:SubTitle     MT     A Composite containing details of a SubTitle, including Titles of Versions used to differentiate different versions of the same Title, as required by the GRid and ISRC ReferenceDescriptiveMetadataSets.
SubTitleLanguage     MT     A Language used in SubTitles.
SubTitleType     MT     A Type of SubTitle which defines its origin, form or the function it fulfils.
ddexC:SubTitleType     MT     A Composite containing details of a SubTitleType.
avs:SubTitleType     AVS     A Type of SubTitle which defines its origin, form or the function. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
SuggestedConsumerPrice          A suggested Price for Consumers.
SuggestedConsumerPriceInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A SuggestedConsumerPrice in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
SuggestedConsumerPriceInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A SuggestedConsumerPrice in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
SuggestedRetailPrice     MT     A suggested RetailPrice.
SumBlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerf     MT     A BlendedShareClaimedForMechAndPerf that is a sum.
SummaryRecordId     MT     An Identifier of a summary record.
SummaryType     MT     A Type of summary.
SumShareClaimedMechanical     MT     A ShareClaimedMechanical that is a sum.
SumShareClaimedPerforming     MT     A ShareClaimedPerforming that is a sum.
mwnl:SupplementalDocument     MT     A Composite containing details of a document.
ern:SupplementalDocumentList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more supplemental documents.
ddexC:SupplyChainStatus     MT     A Composite containing details of a SupplyChainStatus.
SupplyChainStatus          A Status of a Release in a supply chain.
avs:SupplyChainStatus     AVS     A Status of a Release in a supply chain. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
SupportingCharacter          A Character that is not focused on by the storyline. SupportingCharacters may develop a complex back-story of their own, but this is usually in relation to the MainCharacter, rather than entirely independently.
SupportingCharacterLineUpComplete     MT     A Flag indicating whether a SupportingCharacter line up is complete (=true) or not (=false).
ddexC:Synopsis     MT     A Composite containing details of a Synopsis.
Synopsis     MT     A summary which covers the major points of a summarized item.
ern:SynopsisWithTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of a Synopsis.
SystemDescription     MT     A Description of a system.
SystemType     MT     A Type of system.
ern:Tala     MT     A Composite containing details of a Tala.
Tala          A Description of the rhythmic pattern of a MusicalWork.
TargetURL     MT     A URL that identifies a target site.
Tariff          An agreed set of charges. Note, Tariffs are often published.
TariffParameterType     MT     A Type of a tariff Parameter.
TariffParameterTypeCorrected     MT     A corrected Type of a tariff Parameter.
TariffParameterTypeOriginal     MT     An original Type of a tariff Parameter.
TariffParameterValue     MT     A value of a tariff Parameter.
TariffParameterValueCorrected     MT     A corrected value of a tariff Parameter.
TariffParameterValueDelta     MT     A delta value of a tariff Parameter.
TariffParameterValueOriginal     MT     An original value of a tariff Parameter.
ddexC:TariffReference     MT     A Composite containing details of a Reference to a TextDocument containing details of a Tariff.
TariffReference          A Reference to a TextDocument containing details of a Tariff (in the form of an Identifier, Name or Description).
TariffSubReference     MT     A Reference (subsidiary to a TariffReference) to a TextDocument containing more specific details of a Tariff (in the form of an Identifier, Name or Description).
Tax          An Amount of tax.
TechnicalDetails     MT     A Descriptor of technical details for a Resource.
ern:TechnicalImageDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of an Image.
ddexC:TechnicalInstantiation     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Release.
TechnicalInstantiation     MT     A Manifestation which is an instance of an object described in a DdexMessage.
TechnicalResourceDetailsReference     MT     An Identifier of a Composite specifying technical details of a Resource which is specific to a DdexMessage.
ern:TechnicalSheetMusicDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a SheetMusic.
ern:TechnicalSoftwareDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Software.
ern:TechnicalSoundRecordingDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a SoundRecording.
ern:TechnicalTextDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Text.
ern:TechnicalVideoDetails     MT     A Composite containing technical details of a Video.
Telecom          A Medium for telecommunication.
Telephone     MT     A DistributionChannel using telephony networks.
Tempo     MT     A Rate for a number of beats per minute.
TemporalExtent     MT     A synonym of the term Duration.
Term     MT     An Entity defined in a MetadataSchema.
TermSet          A Set of Terms.
Territory     MT     A large PoliticalPlace.
TerritoryCode     MT     An Identifier of a Territory.
avs:TerritoryCodeType     AVS     A Type of code. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:TerritoryCodeTypeIncludingDeprecatedCodes     AVS     A Type of TerritoryCode which also includes deprecated codes. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
TerritoryOfFixation     MT     A Territory of fixation.
TerritoryOfResidency     MT     A Territory of residency.
TerritoryOfRevenueGeneration     MT     A Territory where Revenue has been generated.
TerritoryOfRightsDelegation     MT     A Territory for which Rights are delegated.
TestMessage          A Message containing data which is expected to be used for testing purposes.
atom:Text     MT     A Composite containing details of a text. The Atom text construct is defined in section 3.1 of the format spec.
Text     MT     A written Manifestation. Examples: the Lyrics of a MusicalWork or the text of an interview.
ern:Text     MT     A Composite containing details of a Text.
TextCodec          An algorithm to compress and uncompress a textual Resource for storage and/or transmission.
ddexC:TextCodecType     MT     A Composite containing details of a TextCodecType.
avs:TextCodecType     AVS     A Type of TextCodec. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
TextCodecType          A Type of TextCodec.
TextDocument          A written Text intended to communicate or store collections of data.
ddexC:TextId     MT     A Composite containing details of Identifiers of a Text.
TextId          An Identifier of a Text.
ddexC:TextType     MT     A Composite containing details of a TextType.
TextType          A Type of Text.
avs:TextType     AVS     A Type of Text. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:TextType_ATOM     AVS     A Type of Text. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:TextWithFormat     MT     A Composite containing details of an Annotation, e.g. a Description or a Comment.
ddexC:TextWithoutTerritory     MT     A Composite containing details of an Annotation, e.g. a Description or a Comment.
Theme          A piece of music associated by design and often by the public, to a containing Resource, Collection or Release, often written specifically for that Resource, Collection or Release.
ThemeType     MT     A Type of Theme.
avs:ThemeType     AVS     A Type of Theme. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Thing          An Entity in a Context playing a role other than that of Time or Place.
ThingDescriptor          A Descriptor of a Thing.
ThingName          A Name of a Thing.
ThingSet          A Set of Things.
Time          A point or portion of linear time.
TimecodeType     MT     A Type of time code.
TimeId          An Identifier of a Time.
TimePointId          An Identifier of a point in Time.
TimeSignature     MT     A time signature of a MusicalWork.
ern:Timing     MT     A Composite containing details of a StartTime and a Duration of a Resource.
avs:TisTerritoryCode     AVS     A CISAC four-digit TIS code representing a Territory. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
Title     MT     A Name of a Creation.
ddexC:Title     MT     A Composite containing details of a Title.
ern:Title     MT     A Composite containing details of a Title.
ddexC:TitleDisplayInformation     MT     A Composite containing information on how a RecordCompany wishes Artist information to be presented to Consumers as part of the Title (and in addition to displaying the DisplayArtist information).
TitlesAfterNames     MT     A NamePart that consists of qualifications and/or titles at the end of a PartyName.
TitlesBeforeNames     MT     A NamePart that consists of qualifications and/or titles at the beginning of a PartyName.
TitleText     MT     The textual portion of a Title.
TitleType     MT     A Type of Title.
Tool          A Thing that is used in doing something to an Entity without becoming a part of it.
TooManyTempi     MT     A Flag indicating whether there are too many tempi to provide any information (=true) or not (=false).
TopLeftCorner     MT     The position of the top left corner of an object measured from the top left corner of a reference object.
TopPosition     MT     The top position in the charts.
TotalClaimedAmount     MT     A total Amount that is claimed.
TotalClaimedUsages     MT     An Attribute of the total claimed usages.
TotalMarketShare     MT     A total MarketShare.
TotalUsages     MT     An Attribute of all usages.
TouchableCreation          A touchable Creation.
TouchableManifestation          A touchable Manifestation.
TouchableThing          A touchable Thing.
Track          A distinct component of a SoundCarrier or AudioVisualCarrier containing a Recording.
TrackId          An Identifier of a Track.
TrackListingPreviewStartDate          A Date on which a Track list is made first available for preview.
TrackListingPreviewStartDateTime     MT     A DateTime on which a Track list is made first available for preview.
TrackNumber     MT     A numeric TrackId.
ern:TrackRelease     MT     A Composite containing details of a DDEX Release.
TrackRelease          A Release containing normally one SoundRecording.
ern:TrackReleaseVisibility     MT     A Composite containing details of a Date specifying when a TrackRelease can be shown to Consumers.
TradingName     MT     A Name of a Party which is used in business activities.
TransactedRelease     MT     A Release that is used in a transaction.
TransactedResource     MT     A Resource that is used in a transaction.
Transfer          A new Creation derived from existing data in a different format. Examples include the transfer of an analog tape reel to digital wave Files.
TransferCategory     MT     A category pertaining to the details of a Transfer.
TransferDataCarrierReference     MT     A Reference to a DataCarrier which is involved in a specific Transfer.
TransferDate          A Date on which something is transferred.
TransferEquipmentReference     MT     A Reference to Equipment which is used in a specific Transfer.
TransferId     MT     An Identifier of a Transfer.
mwnl:TransferredRightShare     MT     A Composite containing details of RightShares before and after a transfer of rights.
mwnl:TransferredRightShareList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more transferred RightShares.
TransferReference     MT     A Reference to a Transfer.
TransferSessionReference     MT     A Reference to a Session which is involved in a specific Transfer.
TransferType     MT     A Type of Transfer.
Type     MT     A Class whose members are themselves Classes.
UnclaimedPercentage     MT     A Percentage that is not claimed.
UnicodeString          A Unicode-compliant String.
UniformResourceLocator     MT     A synonym of the term URL.
UniformResourceLocator     MT     A synonym of the term VenueAddress.
Unit     MT     A synonym of the term UnitOfMeasure.
avs:UnitOfConditionValue     AVS     A UnitOfMeasure for a condition value. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
UnitOfDuration     MT     A UnitOfMeasure of a Duration.
UnitOfExtent          A UnitOfMeasure of an Extent.
UnitOfMeasure     MT     A standardized Quantity used for measuring by comparison.
UnitOfRate          A UnitOfMeasure of a Rate.
UnitRate     MT     A Rate applied to each unit, e.g. a usage.
UnitTypeForRevenueAllocation     MT     A UnitOfMeasure used as a basis for calculating a Revenue Allocation.
Unknown          A Type of an Entity used when a sender of a DdexMessage wishes to indicate that the value within the allowed value set is unknown.
UPC          A Universal Product Code as defined and maintained by GS1.
atom:URI     MT     A Composite containing details of a URI.
URI     MT     A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) identifying a resource on the Internet.
URL     MT     A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) identifying a Place on the Internet.
ddexC:Usage     MT     A Composite containing Types and number of Usages of a Release.
UsageEndDate     MT     An EndDate of a usage.
UsageForPrioritisation     MT     An Attribute of Usages that are prioritised.
UsageIndependentFee          A Fee that is independent from any usage.
UsageIndependentFeeInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A UsageIndependentFee given in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
UsageIndependentFeeInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A UsageIndependentFee given in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
UsageIndependentFeeType     MT     A Type of UsageIndependentFee.
UsageInformation     MT     An Annotation providing information on the usage of something.
UsageRight          The Right to use a Work.
Usages          An Attribute of a usage.
UsagesInReportingPeriod     MT     An Attribute of Usages made in a reporting Period.
UsagesInSubPeriod     MT     An Attribute of Usages made in a sub Period.
UsageSource          A Source of a usage.
UsageSourceId     MT     An Identifier of a UsageSource.
UsageSourceName     MT     A Name of a UsageSource.
UsageStartDate     MT     A StartDate of a usage.
Use          To interact with a MusicalWork or Resource.
UsedResources     MT     A Descriptor of used Resources.
User          An Agent, that may be a human being or other legal person or corporate entity, that interacts with a Creation or provides access to a Creation to Consumers.
UserChannelName     MT     A Name of a user channel.
UserDefined          A Type of an Entity which is defined by a sender of a DdexMessage in a manner acceptable to its recipient.
UserDefinedValue     MT     A Value which is UserDefined.
UserGeneratedContent          A Resource whose content is created outside of professional routines and practices with significant creative input.
ddexC:UserInterfaceType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UserInterfaceType.
ern:UserInterfaceType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UserInterfaceType.
UserInterfaceType          A Type of user interface.
avs:UserInterfaceType     AVS     A Type of physical interface by which a Consumer uses a Service or Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:UserInterfaceType_ERN     AVS     A Type of physical interface by which a Consumer uses a Service or Release. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
UserName     MT     An Identifier of a computer user.
Users     MT     An Attribute of a User.
UseType     MT     A Type of a usage.
ddexC:UseType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UseType.
ern:UseType     MT     A Composite containing details of a UseType.
avs:UseType     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
mwnl:UseTypeForWorksNotificationLicensing     MT     A Composite containing details of a UseType.
avs:UseType_ERN     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:UseType_MWNL     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer, as used in the MWNL messages. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:UseType_RDR     AVS     A Type of a nature of a Service, or a Release, as used by a Consumer. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ddexC:ValidityPeriod     MT     A Composite containing details about a ValidityPeriod of Time. Periods are typically describedby at least a StartDate or EndDate where the StartDate and EndDate are included in the Period. Thus a one-day period can be described by using the same date in the StartDate and EndDate.
ValidityPeriod     MT     A Period for which a validity State applies.
ValidityPeriodEnd     MT     A StartDate of a ValidityPeriod.
ValidityPeriodStart     MT     A StartDate of a ValidityPeriod.
Value     MT     A value of an Element.
VAT          A value-added Tax.
ddexC:Venue     MT     A Composite containing details of a venue.
VenueAddress     MT     An Address of a venue.
VenueName     MT     A Name of a venue.
VenueRoom     MT     A Descriptor of a room at a venue.
Version          An Adaptation which is an update to a previous version of a Creation. Example: a new version of software.
VersionId     MT     An Identifier of a Version.
ddexC:VersionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a VersionType.
VersionType          A Type of Version.
avs:VersionType     AVS     A Type of Version. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:Video     MT     A Composite containing details of a Video.
mc-notif:Video     MT     A Composite containing details of a Video.
Video     MT     An audio-visual Recording.
VideoBitRate     MT     A BitRate for video data.
VideoCategory     MT     A Description of the content of a Video.
VideoChapter          A section of a Video defined by a start and end point. Typical VideoChapters are MusicalWorkVideoChapter or NonMusicalWorkVideoChapter.
VideoChapterReference     MT     A Reference to a Chapter which is contained within a specific Video.
VideoClipRelease          A Release predominantly containing excerpts from Videos.
VideoCodec          An algorithm to compress and uncompress a Video Resource for storage and/or transmission.
ddexC:VideoCodecType     MT     A Composite containing details of a VideoCodecType.
VideoCodecType          A Type of VideoCodec.
avs:VideoCodecType     AVS     A Type of VideoCodec. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
VideoCollectionReferenceList     MT     A List of CollectionReference for a Video.
VideoCueSheetReference     MT     A Reference to a CueSheet which is contained within a specific Video.
ddexC:VideoDefinitionType     MT     A Composite containing details of a VideoDefinitionType.
VideoDefinitionType          A Type of resolution (or definition) in which a Video is provided.
avs:VideoDefinitionType     AVS     A Type of resolution (or definition) in which a Video is provided. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
VideoDetailsByTerritory     MT     A Descriptor of territory-specific details for a Video.
mc-us-lod:VideoForConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of a Video.
ddexC:VideoId     MT     A Composite containing details of Identifiers of a Video.
mc-notif:VideoId     MT     A Composite containing details of Identifiers of a Video.
VideoId          An Identifier of a Video.
VideoRelease          A Release containing typically one or more Video Resources.
ern:VideoSingle_MainReleaseType     AV     A Rule that says: The MainRelease must have a ReleaseType according to clause 5.1.3.
ern:VideoSingle_MustContainFrontCoverImage     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must contain one (and only one) Image of type FrontCoverImage.
ern:VideoSingle_MustNotContainFrontCoverImage     AV     A Rule that says: A Release of this type must not contain any Image of type FrontCoverImage.
ern:VideoSingle_ReleaseProfileVersionId     AV     A Rule that says: The ReleaseProfileVersionId should be 'Video'.
VideoType     MT     A Type of Video.
ddexC:VideoType     MT     A Composite containing details of a VideoType.
ern:VideoType     MT     A Composite containing details of a VideoType.
avs:VideoType     AVS     A Type of Video. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:VideoType_DSRF     AVS     A Type of Video, as used in the DSRF Messages. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
avs:VideoType_ERN43     AVS     A Type of Video. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ViewingHours     MT     The total Duration in hours that a Resource was viewed.
VirtualAddress          An Address of a VirtualPlace.
VirtualPlace          A NonLocalizablePlace with a unique Identifier which may be occupied by Resources which are perceivable using technology.
VirtualPlaceId          An Identifier of a VirtualPlace.
VISAN     MT     A version identifier of audiovisual Works identified by an International Standard Audiovisual Number, the ISO 15706-2 StandardIdentifier for versions of audiovisual Works (http://www.isan.org).
VisibilityReference     MT     A Reference to a visibility date.
VisualPerceptionType          A Type of MusicalCreation according to how it is experienced in an audio-visual Creation.
avs:VisualPerceptionType     AVS     A Type of MusicalCreation according to how it is experienced in an audio-visual Creation. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
VocalType          A Type of a MusicalCreation according to the occurrence of vocals.
avs:VocalType     AVS     A Type of a MusicalCreation according to the occurrence of vocals. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
VolumeNumberInSet     MT     A SequenceNumber of a volume within a Set.
WAV          Waveform Audio File Format
WebPage          A File that contains a page accessible in the WWW.
Weight     MT     A Quantity that is a weighting factor.
Whole          A Resource of which another Resource is a part.
WholesalePrice          A wholesale Price.
WholesalePriceInCurrencyOfAccounting     MT     A wholesale Price in the CurrencyOfAccounting.
WholesalePriceInCurrencyOfTransaction     MT     A wholesale Price in the CurrencyOfTransaction.
WholesalePricePerUnit     MT     A wholesale Price for a single unit.
WithholdingTax          [missing definition]
Work          A distinct, abstract Creation of the mind whose existence is revealed through one or more expressions (e.g. a Performance) or Manifestations (e.g. an object)
WorkContributor          A Contributor playing a role in the making of a Work.
WorkContributorPartyId     MT     An Identifier of a WorkContributor.
WorkContributorRole          A Role played by a Contributor to a Work.
WorkId     MT     An Identifier of a Work.
mc-notif:WorkList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Works.
mc-us-lod:WorkList     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Works.
WorkList     MT     A List of Works.
mc-us-lod:WorkListForConfirmation     MT     A Composite containing details of one or more Works.
WorkReference          A Reference to a Work.
ddexC:WorkRelationshipType     MT     A Composite containing details of a avs:WorkRelationshipType.
avs:WorkRelationshipType     AVS     A Type of relationship between two Works. Allowed values can be looked up in the Data Dictionary for Allowed Value Sets.
ern:WorkRightsController     MT     A Composite containing details of a RightsController for a Work. RightsControllers are typically described by Name, Identifier and Role(s).
WorkTitle     MT     A Title of a Work.
Worldwide          A Place including all Territories on Earth.
mc-notif:Writer     MT     A Composite containing details a MusicalWorkContributor.
WriterPartyReference     MT     A Reference to a Lyricist which is related to a specific Writer.
X509Certificate     MT     An Element of type Base64Binary used in X.509.
X509CRL     MT     An Element of type Base64Binary used in X.509.
ddexC:X509Data     MT     An X509Data Composite.
X509IssuerSerial     MT     An Element of type ds:X509IssuerSerialType used in X.509.
X509SKI     MT     An Element of type Base64Binary used in X.509.
X509SubjectName     MT     An Element used in X.509.
XmlAny     MT     An XmlElement corresponding to the xs:any element in an XML document or schema.
XmlAnyAttribute     MT     An XmlElement corresponding to the xs:anyAttribute attribute in an XML document or schema.
XmlAnyLax     MT     An XmlElement corresponding to the xs:any element with processContents='lax' in an XML document or schema.
XmlAttribute          An Element corresponding to the xs:attribute element in an XML document or schema.
XmlChoice     MT     An XmlComposite corresponding to the xs:choice element in an XML document or schema.
XmlComposite          An XmlElement which is a type of Composite corresponding to an XML schema Group.
XmlElement          An Element corresponding to the xs:element element in an XML document or schema.
XmlSequence     MT     An XmlComposite corresponding to an xs:sequence element in an XML document or schema.
XPath     MT     An XPath of a data element in an XML File.
Year     MT     An Identifier of a calendar year in the format YYYY.
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