DDEX Data Dictionary , 2010-06-18
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A message term for dcho:SalesReportDeliveryMessage and dsrm:SalesReportToSocietyMessage.
A Composite containing details of the criteria by which sales reports to societies are grouped.
Component Structure
Components Name Description of Element Role Cardinality Data Type
  LanguageAndScriptCode The Language and script for the Elements of the SalesDataGrouping as defined in IETF RfC 4646. The default is the same as indicated for the containing composite. Language and Script are provided as lang[-scipt][-region][-variant]. This is represented in an XML schema as an XML Attribute. 0-1 String (xs:string)
  XmlSequence 1
    StartDate The StartDate or actual Date of the sales report. 0-1 Date (xs:date)
    EndDate The EndDate of the sales report if different from EndDate of the transaction Period which is given in the MessageHeader. 0-1 Date (xs:date)
    PostCode A PostCode or zip code of a Consumer of the Releases. 0-n String (xs:string)
    MinimumDuration The MinimumDuration of the Release contained in the SalesDataGrouping (applicable only to Release containing a single SoundRecording or MusicalWorkVideo) (using the ISO 8601:2004 PT[[hhH]mmM]ssS format, where lower case characters indicate variables, upper case characters are part of the xs:string, e.g. one hour, two minutes and three seconds would be PT1H2M3S). 0-1 Duration (xs:duration)
    MaximumDuration The MaximumDuration of the Release contained in the SalesDataGrouping (applicable only to Release containing a single SoundRecording or MusicalWorkVideo) (using the ISO 8601:2004 PT[[hhH]mmM]ssS format, where lower case characters indicate variables, upper case characters are part of the xs:string, e.g. one hour, two minutes and three seconds would be PT1H2M3S). 0-1 Duration (xs:duration)
    DistributionChannelType A Type of telecommunication technology used by a Consumer to receive the Release. 0-n DistributionChannelType
    CustomerId A DSP's Identifier for a Consumer of the Releases sold. 0-n String (xs:string)
    TransactionId The DSP's Identifier for the SalesTransaction by the Consumer in relation to the Release. 0-1 String (xs:string)
    StoreLocationDescriptor A Composite containing the Descriptor (typically an xs:ID assigned by the DSP) of the store in which the Kiosk is located. 0-1 ddexC:StoreLocationDescriptor
    PromotionalActivityDescription A Composite containing the freetext Description of a promotional activity. 0-1 ddexC:Description
    Deal A Composite containing details of the Deal under which sales were transacted. The reported figures are based on best knowledge on the side of the MessageSender with respect to the intellectual property rights controlled by the MessageRecipient (the default is that 100% ownership is assumed). 0-1 dsrm:DealForSocieties
Is Member of Composites Composite Name Description of Element Role Cardinality  
  dsrm:SalesDataToSociety A Composite containing details of the criteria by which sales reports to societies are grouped. 0-1  
Belongs to Class QuantityComposite
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